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1、7B Unit 8 Pets 第五课时 Integrated skills (新授课)主备人: 审核人: 审批人: 班级:_姓名:_【学习目标】1.掌握和运用本课时的四会单词。2.根据听力材料了解更多有关金鱼的有用信息。3.能用英语谈论自己喜欢的宠物【教学重难点】听懂录音材料的内容并能够完成相关练习; 了解并掌握更多有关金鱼的有用信息。【学习过程】一、预习导学 翻译下列短语,并在书本中画出这些短语。1.用手把它捡起来_ 2.听一个关于的报告_ 3.把金鱼放在阳光下_ 4.重约40克_5.很容易照料_6.把他们放在干净的水中_ 7.放在太阳下_8.吃特殊的鱼食_ 9.每天喂食一次_ 10.长到2

2、0厘米长_ 11.制造噪音_12.很喜欢锻炼_ 13.遛猫/狗_14.刷它的毛_二、课堂学习研讨1. a talk on goldfish 一个关于金鱼的讲座 我们昨天听了个关于动物的报告。We listen to_ _ _ animals yesterday.2. weigh vt./vi. 重,称重1)weigh表“重”时,sth/sb weigh(s)kilos/grams/tons. 某物/人重千克/克/吨。 weigh up tokilos/grams/tons重达千克/克/吨e.g The little dog only _ two kilograms. 这只小狗重只有两公斤。 T

3、he machine _ one tons. 这台机器重两吨。2)weigh的名词形式 weight, 表示“重量”e.g The largest dinosaur weighed over 100,000 kilograms. 最大的恐龙优十万多公斤重。=_ _ _ the largest dinosaur _ over 100,000 kilograms.3)对重量部分提问时,用how much, Whats the weight of, How heavy这头大象多重?How much _ the elephant _?=Whats_ _ _ the elephant?= How_is

4、the elephant?4. noise n.声音、响声;噪音 e.g I heard _ _ in the next door.noisy adj.吵闹的,嘈杂的 反义词_The classroom is too_. (吵闹)You are quite _. You should keep_. 你们太吵了,应该保持安静。5. walk vt.带散步,带遛弯 walk the dog/bird/cat 遛狗/鸟/猫 She seldom_her pet pig. 她很少遛她的宠物猪。三、课堂检测(一) 根据句意和提示拼写单词。1. We should not buy clothes made

5、 of animals_(毛皮).2. The_(演讲) is very important. You should listen to it carefully.3. He wants to be a doctor when he _(长大).4. We should keep rabbits in the _ (笼子).5. The old man _ (刷) his dogs fur every day. 6. A baby panda _ (重) 100 grams at birth. 7. We go to the cinema _(two) a week.8. The boy ov

6、er there weighs about fifty _(千克).(二) 用所给动词的恰当形式填空。1. The parrot _ (repeat) my words a moment ago.2. I asked the exchange students to my fourteenth birthday party, but they_ (not agree).3. He _(brush) the dogs fur a moment ago. You dont need to do it now.4. Helen is going to be a polite person when

7、she_(grow) up.5. How much_ that pet mouse_(weigh) when it was born?(三) 改写句子。1. People used wood to make houses long long ago.(同义句)People _houses_ _wood long long ago.2. He has to clean the cage once a week. (对划线部分提问) _?3. How interesting the bird is!(同义句) _ _ _ _ it is!4. The fish weighs about 5 kil

8、os.(对划线部分提问) _ _ _ the fish_?四、 反思与心得_五、作业布置(一)单项选择( )1.Its hard to keep the house with two dogs. A. cleaning B. to clean C .cleaned D. clean( )2. I want to learn about_ take care of my pet. A. how do I B. how can I C. how will I D. how to( )3. _ does your cat weigh? About 5 kilograms. A. What B. Ho

9、w much C. How many D. How( )4. Youd better_ rabbits carrots. A. feed B. to feed C. feeding D. dont feed( )5. I like to keep fish. There _ lots of goldfish in my tank. A. has B. is C. have D. are(二) 用所给单词的恰当形式填空。1. If you do it _ (care), youll make a lot of mistakes.2. How many _ (goldfish) can you s

10、ee in the fish tank?3. Look! Some _ (mouse) are eating rice over there. 4.The dogs _ (fight) with each other last night.5. I want to teach my parrot _(speak).6. Cats are friendly and you neednt _(walk) them. 7. Would you like me _( play) games with your pet mouse?8. Tell them _(not make) big noise.

11、9. How _(noise) they are talking!10. It is very important _(not give) your dog a bath in winter. (三)完成句子1. -你为什么养猫呀?-因为它很好照看。-Why do you keep a cat? -Because it is _ _ _ _.3. 宝宝在睡觉,不要发出任何声响。 The baby is sleeping, dont _ _ _.4. 在阳光下看书对眼睛不好。 Its bad _ your eyes to read _ _ _?5. 这种狗可以长到约50厘米高,重达30公斤。This kind of dog can be 50_ _and _ _ _ 30 kilograms.7. 当有人敲门时Eddie会叫起来。When someone the door, Eddie will .8.一只兔子重多少斤? (1)



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