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1、2014-2015学年度第一学期织金六中学科渗透法制教育教案 教学设计教材版本仁爱版九年级英语上册课题Unit2 Topic1 Section B姓名李玉玲性别女职称中学二级教师学历大学本科单位贵州省毕节市织金县第六中学电话通讯地址贵州省毕节市织金县第六中学邮编:552100I. Teaching aims and demands1.The knowledge goals:掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,正确运用现在完成时进行问答。breathe/breath, soil ,get a pain in, whats worse, too much noise, too many problems,

2、breathing problem, be harmful to, make a mess of, throwaroundA: How long have you been like this? A: Have you seen a doctor?B: Ive been like this since last week. B: Not yet.2.Skill aims: 能通过观察课文插图来预测课文内容。能听懂用现在完成时表达的对话。能朗读和表演有关环保的对话。Its difficult for me to breathe. Ive got a pain in my throat.Its r

3、eally awful.3.Emotional aims:引导学生关注环境问题,树立绿色环保意识,增强忧患意识和社会责任感。4.Law aim: 渗透中华人民共和国环境保护法. The key points1. 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,正确运用现在完成时进行问答。2. 渗透中华人民共和国环境保护法。. Difficult points能通过观察课文插图来预测课文内容。能听懂用现在完成时表达的对话。Procedures:Stage1 GreetingStage2 Duty reportS1:There is a river near my house.Two years ago,it was

4、beautiful.There were all kinds of fishes in it,and the water is clean.But now everything has changed. The fishes have gone and the water is so dirty.S2:.(该值日报告是老师故意安排学生下去调查一下,他们周围的受到污染的事物,然后来谈论一下,这些事物前后有什么变化。同时可以让学生提前准备关于环境污染对人体健康可能造成的伤害的内容进行展示,为本堂课的学习做好准备。)Stage3 Pre-listeninga) New wordsThe teache

5、r shows the new words to the students and ask them to master them.(教师通过多种方式呈现听力文本中可能会出现的生词。如:深呼吸然后引出“breathe”.指着胸腔引出“chest”.b) Finish3Let the Ss look at the pictures in 3a on page 30 and guess the meaning and pronunciation of “soil”. Ask them to pay attention to the types of pollution.T: Look at the

6、se pictures, what kinds of pollution are these?S1: Air pollution S2: Water pollutionS3: Litter S4: Light pollution S5: Noise pollutionThe teacher reads the phases and ask the Ss to repeat.c) Guess the general idea of 1aAsk the Ss to look at the picture in 1a then guess the general idea of 1a.Stage4

7、While-listeninga) let the Ss listen to 1a once and tick the questions they hear in part A of 1b. Then check the answers together.T:As we know, Whatever the pollution is, it is harmful to peoples health. Mrs. Zhou gets a pain in her chest because of the bad air. Now listen to the dialog between Kangk

8、ang and Mrs. Zhou and tick the questions you hear to finish part A in 1b.b) Get the Ss to listen again and match the questions with the right answers in part B of 1b. Then check the answers together.T: Great. Listen again, match the questions with the right answers in .Stage5 Post-listening(此环节渗透中华人

9、民共和国环境保护法)a)Get the Ss to read 1a and answer the questions in 1c.T: Now read 1a by yourselves and answer the questions in 1c.b)Check the answers.(1c部分的1,2小题课文中都可以找到固定的答案,第3小题教师应鼓励学生积极思考,开拓思维,说出他们想到的答案。同时我们可以在此处巧妙地渗透中华人民共和国环境保护法)T:我们知道康康想要写信给报社来解决周太太的问题,那我们同学们还有没有什么更好的办法呢?S1:有,我们可以去找工厂的负责人,和他谈谈污染的问题。

10、T:很好,可是如果他还是不整改怎么办?S2:我们可以找公安局制止他们。T:对了,说的很好,如果他们在我们多次劝说下还是不整改的话,我们还可以求助法律。中华人民共和国环境保护法第四十二条明确规定排放污染物的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者,应当采取措施,防治在生产建设或者其他活动中产生的废气、废水、废渣、医疗废物、粉尘、恶臭气体、放射性物质以及噪声、振动、光辐射、电磁辐射等对环境的污染和危害。 排放污染物的企业事业单位,应当建立环境保护责任制度,明确单位负责人和相关人员的责任。 重点排污单位应当按照国家有关规定和监测规范安装使用监测设备,保证监测设备正常运行,保存原始监测记录。严禁通过暗管、渗井、渗

11、坑、灌注或者篡改、伪造监测数据,或者不正常运行防治污染设施等逃避监管的方式违法排放污染物。他们的这一行为是违法的,我们可以通过法律来保护我们的环境。Stage6 PracticeFinish2.Stage7 Summary.New words and phrases:breathe/breath, soil ,get a pain in, whats worse, too much noise, too many problems, breathing problem, be harmful to, make a mess of, throwaroundPresent Perfect:A: H

12、ow long have you been like this? A: Have you seen a doctor?B: Ive been like this since last week. B: Not yet.Stage8 Homeworka) Practice 1a with your partner.b) Find the pollution around you,and dissguss it with your classmates.Blackboard DesignTopic 1 Pollution has caused too many problems. SectionB

13、breathe/breath, throwaroundsoil , be harmful to, make a mess of, get a pain in, A: How long have you been like this?whats worse, B: Ive been like this since last week.too much noise, A: Have you seen a doctor?too many problems, B: Not yet.breathing problem, I ts difficult for me to breathe. Its really awful. Ive got a pain in my throat.


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