The Bible's Influence on EnglishAmerican Literature《圣经》在英美文学作品中的影响

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1、THE BIBLES INFLUENCE ON ENGLISH-AMERICAN LITERATURE AbstractAs the sutra of the Christianity, the Bible has a great influence on both English and American literature and offers an eternal theme of their literary creation .English and American writers use stories of the Bible by three main methods. F

2、irst, they quote persons names or stories of the Bible as the characters names or plots of the creations from the Bible directly. Sometimes they make some changes on the original stories. Sometimes they quote stories directly from the Bible as the writing materials. Second, they make use of symbolic

3、 meaning of the Bible by some technical such as simile, metaphor and symbolism, so that the stories could exert a great influence on contrasting with the new products. Third, they merge the plots of the Bible to give connotative efforts to the readers. Exploring the methods helps us know the western

4、 culture and consciousness, have a good appreciation and study for the English-American literature.key words: English-American literature ; the Bible; methods 圣经在英美文学作品中的影响摘要作为基督教的经典,圣经对英美文化影响深远,为英美文化创作提供了永恒的母题。英美作家化用圣经故事的主要方法有:直接引用圣经中的人名作为作品的人物名称,或直接引用圣经故事或对原型故事进行变形或处理,作为创作素材;通过比喻,隐喻或象征等手法,把圣经故事的寓意

5、融汇到作品情节中或人物性格里,使这些故事发挥有力的陪衬作用;使作品中的人物,故事和情节与圣经故事大体对应,让圣经能穿越时空的限制,从而发挥隐含的参照作用。探讨英美作家化用圣经的方法,有助于我们了解英美文化的思想意识,更好的学习,欣赏乃至研究英美文学作品。关键词:英美文学;圣经;方式Contents1. Introduction.12. The Bibles Influence on English-American literature2.1 Quoting the Bible directly.22.2 Using the symbolic meaning of the Bible.3 2.

6、3 Merging the plots of the Bible.53. The reasons of the Bibles influence on English-American literature.74. Conclusion .8 Notes.8Bibliography.9The Bibles Influence on English-American Literature1. IntroductionThe Bible is an epic that records the history of the ancient Hebrews, or the Jews, and also

7、 a philosophical work with deep meaning. In composition, it consists of two parts, the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament talks about the religious history of the Jews while the New Testament covers Jesus life and the history of the production and development of Christianity. The

8、 title Testament meanscontract. According to the Bible, God elected the Jews as his believers or electors in the beginning and appointed with the Jews patriarch Abraham that he could give Canaanland (Palestine in nowadays) to them and make them live in peace and work contentedly. But later the Jews

9、were depraved gradually and began to adore idols. God got very angry and made them encountered a series of disasters, while he appointed that he would send a Savior to save them. The Savior is Jesus and Jesus story is recorded in the New Testament .God said Jesus was his son. Whoever believed in him

10、 were his electors. Jesus believers became the Christians and Christianity came into birth. Consequently, Judaism and Christianity believe in the same God.The Bible has a great influence on all westerners because it has the most popularity, the deepest influence, the biggest circulation and the most

11、 readers. Some people even read nothing but the Bible all their lives, or get their knowledge mainly from the Bible. In Britain and America, the Bible is also used as a textbook and component of students education. The concept and philosophy of the Bible has been deeply pervaded into the consciousne

12、ss of the westerners. Besides, although the Bible is not literary work, it has a high literary value. The styles of the Bible are in great numbers. They contain fable, legend, myth, poem, essay, short novels and so on. Its language is simple but effective. Its rhetoric is colorful, such as metaphor,

13、 symbolism and simile and so on. Because of all its qualities and importance, the Bible has become the eternal theme of literary works. It affected English and American literature so much that many English and American writers use the language, styles or stories of the Bible in their works conscious

14、ly or unconsciously. This thesis will analyze the three main methods that the English and American writers made use of the Bible. From the methods and the analysis, we can see the Bibles great influence on English and American literature.2. The Bibles Influence on English-American literature2.1 Quot

15、ing the Bible directlyIt is not difficult to find that some authors directly quote phrases from the Bible as the titles of their creations or take peoples names in the Bible as the names of their characters. In this way, they make their own works correspondent with or related to the Bible. The first epic in English literature, Beowulf, can serve as an example. Beowulf talks about God and says that the monster half-human Grendal is one of


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