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1、2022年考博英语-河北工业大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 翻译题是起点也是终点,是终点也是起点;是欢聚也是离散,是出发也是归宿。从来没有一个地方,能汇集如许人的流动量,从来没有一个地方,能拥有如许悲欢离合。从清晨到白昼,从黄昏到晚上,从黑夜到黎明,数不清的脚印,带着来自各地的泥土。重重叠叠,密密麻麻踩上去;有红色的土来自山间,有褐色的土来自田野,有黑色的土来自城市,有白色的土来自海滨。聚拢又散失,堆积又泻落,没有一粒种子能在土里长根,如同没有一双脚步会在这里驻留;缘因这只是流动的浮土,这仅是过往的月台。【答案】It is the beginning yet the end, t

2、he end yet the beginning. It is the reunion yet the discrete, the starting point yet the destination. There has never been a place that can collect the flow of such people and that can have such joys and sorrows. From morning to day, from dusk to night, from night to dawn, countless footprints, with

3、 soil from all over the world, step on it: red earth from the mountains, brown earth from the fields, black earth from the cities, and white earth from the coast. Those soil gathers and disperses, accumulates and falls. No seed can grow roots in the soil, just like no pair of feet will stay here. Be

4、cause its just floating clay, and its just the platform of the past.2. 单选题Information is the primary commodity in more and more industries today.By 2005, 83% of American management personnel will be knowledge workers, Europe and Japan are not far behind.By 2005, half of all knowledge worker (22% of

5、the labour force) will choose “flextime, flexplace” arrangements, which allow them to work at home, communication with the office via computer networks.In the United States, the so-called “digital divide” seems to be disappearing. In early 2000, a poll found, that, where half of white households own

6、ed computers, so did fully 43% of African-American households, and their numbers were growing rapidly. Hispanic households continued to lag behind, but their rate of computer ownership was expanding as well.Company-owned and industry-wide television networks are bringing programming to thousands of

7、locations. Business TV is becoming big business.Computer competence will approach 100% in US urban areas by the year 2005, with Europe and Japan not far behind.80% of US homes will have computers in 2005, compared with about 50% now.In the United States, 5 of the 10 fastest-growing careers between n

8、ow and 2005 will be computer related. Demand for programmers and systems analysts will grow by 70%. The same trend is accelerating in Europe, Japan, and India.By 2005, nearly all college texts and many high school and junior high books will be tried to Internet sites that provide source material, st

9、udy exercises, and relevant news articles to aid in learning. Others will come with CD-ROMs that offer similar resources.Internet links will provide access to the card catalogues of all the major libraries in the world by 2005. It will be possible to call up on a PC screen millions of volumes from d

10、istant libraries. Web sites enhance books by providing pictures, sound, film clips, and flexible indexing and search utilities.Implications: Anyone with access to the Internet will be able to achieve the education needed to build a productive life in an increasingly high-tech world. Computer learnin

11、g may even reduce the growing American prison population.Knowledge workers are generally better paid than less-skilled workers. Their wealth is raising overall prosperity.Even entry-level workers and those in formerly unskilled position require a growing level of education. For a good career in almo

12、st any field, computer competence is a must. This is one major trend raising the level of education required for a productive role in todays work force. For many workers the opportunity for training is becoming one of the most desirable benefits any job can offer.1. Information technology is expecte

13、d to have impact on all the following EXCEPT _.2. “digital divide” in the 4th paragraph refers to _.3. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT according to the passage?4. Which of the following areas is NOT discussed in the passage?5. At the end of the passage, the author seems to emphasize _

14、 in an increasingly high-tech world.问题1选项A.American management personnelB.European management personnelC.American peoples choice of careerD.traditional practice at work问题2选项A.the gap in terms of computer ownershipB.the tendency of computer ownershipC.the dividing line based on digitsD.the ethnic dis

15、tinction among American households问题3选项A.By 2005 all college and school study materials will turn electronic.B.By 2005 printed college and school study materials will be supplemented with electronic material.C.By 2005 some college and school study materials will be accompanied by CD-ROMs.D.By 2005 Internet links make worldwide library search a possibility.问题4选项A.Future careers.B.Nature of future work.C.Ethnic differences.D.Schools and libraries.问题5选项A.the variety of educationB.the content of educationC.the need for educationD.the function of education【答案】第1题:D第2题:A第3题:A第4题:B第5题:C



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