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1、仁爱版七年级上册英语Unit 单元测试题及答案第一部分 听力(20分).听单词,选择你所听到的单词。每个单词读两遍。(5分)( ). A. morning.ateroC.fro( )2.A. she. meC. e( )3.A. CinB. CnaaC.aa( )4. A. sixB. eveCten( ) . whaB. hwwee听句子,选择对的图片。每个句子读两遍。(5分)A. B. C. D. . . _ 7 _ . _ 9. _ 10. _ .听句子,选择对的答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )1. A s, I am.B.yae is Tm.C. No, Im not.( )12.

2、 No,e isnt.B es, s i MngCHis i ing.( )3. A. bye. God eenin!C.Good mrnin!( )4. A. es, I a.B. N,ImSally. m fine.( )15. Im Xia HuB. Imfrom hina. Fie, thanks. .听对话,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。每组对话读两遍。(分)( )16. ind is fotheU.( )7. Jane i a techr.( )8 Dai s rm hina.( )19. s (她的) elepho umris 816-5347.( ). He is Mike第

3、二部分基本知识运用(55分)单选。(10分)( ). Wher _ te om?There fro Chna.A. s.amC. ar( )2._ our name?My nae is Kate. asB. WhaC ere( )3. Is seMaria?No,se _. isB.n. aent( ). _, rou Mr. Wag?Ye, I am.A. ine. leaeC. Ecsee( )5. Arty f Cnada?N,they _. eB. aretCisnt( )6 Whats_ tephoe numbr?Its 826-412A you. yourC.my( )7. _ a

4、re tey?T are iai and Jane.A. hoB. hatC Were( ) May _fromCua.AB.am. ar( )9.“One onzero” 表达 _。 火警B.匪警C.急救中心()10Ihe Li Ping?Ys,_AImB.hesC. hei.情景交际。(1分)A. 从栏中找出栏各句的应答语。(5分)( )11Whr ae ou f?A. N eyrefrom Fuzhou.( )2. Wha his me?B.Its (00)8267-6919.( )13. Is hJane?C. Im ro Cuba.( )14Are teyfro Beijng?D.e

5、s, she .( )5. has your telehoe umber?E. Hi name isiu a. 将下列句子按对的顺序排列。(分)A. Who s sh?. Seis from Canada.C Whereis she from?D o, se int.E Se s Juy第一句已给出:I s aa?16._ 7 _ 18. _ 9. _ 20 _C. 从方框中选出合适的句子补全对话,有两项多余。(5分)A: Exuse ,ryouam?B: Ys, am. 1 A: Myameisob.B: 22 : ice to met yu, o. 23 B: N,Imno. 24 Whe

6、re ar you fm?A: Im frmShanhai. 2 B: hank youA.Hwdo ou do?B Wlcome to BC. Wecoe t haai.D. Are yu om ngad?E. Whatsyour na?F. Ifm th.S.A.G. Nie tmetyu.看图填空。(10分)根据图片内容补全对话。26. _ is he?H _Xio ing.7I e_Japa?No,se _2. _ ar tey fro?They ar from _.29. Was_Qnumer?_ QQ nber is .30. _ she Jan?_, shes.阅读理解。(0分)

7、(A)Hi! My name isu Meim yornglsh(英语) teac Im rm Bejing. Thisis Mik. es from th S.A.Hes ur teacr,to Ts i i Le. s ro Guanghou.s new(新来的)根据短文内容,判断正()误(F)。( )31. huMei is atacher( )32 ie is a teacer, oo.( )33.Zhou Mei ad Mike ar fr hina( )34 LiL is a tudet(学生).( )5. iis r Beiji.(B)his is Fagfang. Se isf

8、rom China. Her(她的)tepho nuber is (010)257-6644 h is in Beijig o.1igh Schol(北京一中). Sheis ood student. MissGo is hEngshtecher根据短文内容,完毕芳芳的名片。0 仿照芳芳的名片, 设计你自己的名片。Nme: From: e: Scol: 第三部分 写作(25分)词汇。(0分)A. 根据句意及首字母提示填词。(5分)1. W_ ar ou fom?I from Shanhai.2 Whats y_ name?My mes Dvid.3. re u f_ Fuzhou?No, we

9、 arent.4. Wats youreepn n_?ts (00)857915.E_me, re ou Frank?Yes, am.B. 将国旗与其所属国家连线。(分) 6. the U.S.A.anada8.China. Jaan10ngln连词成句。(5分)将下列词语构成完整的句子, 注意字母大小写。1.na, y, Ma i,i_2.from, ae, where, thy_1. number, my, teleone,is, (00)8629-7688_4. am, ,Mark,o_1. Guilin, is,from, he_.书面体现。(10分)如果你是ael, 下面是你的名片。

10、根据名片内容, 用不少于三句话简介你自己。并制作一种新对话, 对话的开头已给出。ame: MicaelFrom: the US.ATel: (010)86998_A: xcuse me, re you David?B: No, Im nt. Im _A:_B:_A: _B: _听力 材 料Unt pic 听单词,选择你所听到的单词。每个单词读两遍。 from . sh 3. anad 4 seven 5. where.听句子,选择对的图片。每个句子读两遍。6.ke irom Englan.7. Chunzi and Tia Qi are from apan. Nnis frCna.9 A:Whe ae ou frm?B: Im fomCnada.10.Mic



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