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1、初中目前完毕时练习一、单选1u e _ tlyung mn.A o B rown itogrownusDrown up 2H has _ thwac f aear.A bu B bogh C ave had 3 a yo brothr _ the do? A t in Be C fedon epto 4 _hs bookfor to w, heo e it now.orroeB have brrowed ketD hve kept Have ou ever _othe GrWll? Is very bautifl. A oneB beenCwn o er brther _the Partysi

2、nc 178A oind Bhas jied Chaseenin D was i 7 hGrens _mnylaofineestnce tey cam tohia. A wil ii B visited hveisitd D i 8 Im sorry,I_ yor nam. A had orgoten forgo Chv forgotte D forgoten Thebookshop _ f eght yeas A has been opn Bas ben oend Chs opened D ha peWe have_al the paper soe neo uy soe. sed p B m

3、de of C filed wh huntd for1 h fle I_grown up.A planted h pltedv C hs plntD he lanted答案: 2 B D B 6 C 8C A 10 A1 A 二、填空 ve you ve _(take) aain? 2It_(b) morehan tree yers snceJim _(leave) here 3Haeyou _(mae)frind th yur nw classmatesyet? 4 I _(have) my lnhand mnot hungryn 5 i h neve se apada, _he? We _

4、(b)godfrieds incewe me at cl. We ca fnhimanwereehaps he_() om. 8 He _(rad) he oo bfore. Mr Gre_(teach)u a loabtsocil tdience Septeme.10 I _nevr_ (eet) hr sister before.答案:1tke 2 hasbee,left3de 4havehad has6 have b has one ha rea 9as tgh 1 avemetI. Fill in heblwitht ro form. _aleady_(se) tfil. I _ (s

5、e)ilast week2 _e_ (fis) hs worktoy? ot et. My faer _ jus_ (coe) ac fromwor. H tred nw.4. Wher Li Mng ? He _ (o) to thetecher ofice. _ (wo)h inceI_ (move) hrei 1999.6 S far I _(make) qui fw friedsre.owlong _ theWns _(sa) he ? Fr twoeeks.8I_ us _(fins) y homewok9 _ (go) tochool on oot ver ay. 1_you _

6、(find) yourscienc o yt? 1. If it _ (be) ineoorw, ll with u12. Th stuents _ (rad) Eglish when th techrcame in13 ok!Themonkey _ (clib)te tree. 14. Mymtr _ (ome) tosee me nt Sunday 15 Ive ost y pen. _ ou _ (e) ianywhere? have, se,w 2 Hs,finished 3. hs, come 4. hasone ave word,oed 6. ave made 7ave, stad

7、 8.ave, inished oes 0 have, fond 1 s 2 were reng 1. is clibing 14. scoig 1 ae, sen。I. Cose thebe anser.1. Hwlon a you _ here?A.ome B. go C rie D. be2 My granda die _.A. at he age ofmy 2 B. for years . when as 2. D ge was 6.3 Jae ha _to BeiJn.She wll cme bck trro. been . goe C wen D. ever been4. Iis

8、ten years _I lst swhr. ate B. since C. for D. that5.-Whowill o to the st to eet Lorry? - ll.I _hervera ims.A. m B. hae me . hd mt D. ill met6. -Wha a nice dess! long _ you_ ? -Jus 2eeks.A will, buy B. did, y Ce,having D. ave, ha.-DoyukowLydia verywel? -Yes, She and I _ fiedsince we ereer oung. A. av

9、e made B. ae become C. ha bee D. haerned8. h Smiths _ n Chin fr 8 yars.haslived B. liv C. ave been D iv-Hello,t isMr. Green peakin. Can I spek to r. Bck? - orry He_ the Bainiao Park.A.as ben to hasgoeto . went t D ill t0 -_ you eve _ t the US? - es,tce.A. Hav, gone B. Have, been ,Do, Der, goingUe“ever,vr, alrady,jus,yet, or, sin” tfl i hebanks1 Ihav _ seenhm bfre, I havenoda aout hi2. Jakhas _ fiishehishmewok3. r. anga taughtnhs schoo _tenyars.4. “Hve yu _ sen the fi?” “N, I hv _ se t.”5.“Ha the bus left _?”“es, has_ eft.”ey:1neve 2 just , leady .for 4. ver,neve.yet , us / aledy



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