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1、Book 8 Unit4 Pygmalion 学案五Part One Passage 1 Fateful MeetingsI 根据课文,完成表格。Use some adjectives to describe each character with the help of evidence in the play.CharacterQualityEvidence from the playEliza1._2._1.Whats that you say?.Now thats sommat I want, that is!2.Then why did you take down my words

2、for? How do I know whetheryou took me down right?ProfessorHiggins3._4._5._3.Now once taught by meshes become an upper class lady4.Look at the girl with her terrible english: the english that will condemn her to the gutter to the end of her days.5.I can place any spoken conversation within miles, and

3、 even 2 streets in London sometimes. But, once educatedthe girl could pass off herself asColonialPickering 6._7._6.How did you do that, may I ask?7.Of course! I study many India dialects myself andII 语篇领悟:根据课文Fateful Meetings,完成下列短文 Eliza Doolittle was_1_ unrefined, dirty flower girl with poor phone

4、tics _2_. Professor Higgins was an expert in phonetics. One day they happened to meet each other while _3_ (hide) from the rain. When Eliza was talking with a gentleman, Higgins always watched her and took notes, _4_ made her get worried, for she thought he was a policeman _5_ disguise. In fact, he

5、just showed interest in her poor phonetics and made a bet with Colonel Pickering _6_ he was going to meet. Higgins said once _7_ (educate) to speak properly, Eliza could pass _8_ off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party. After that Higgins threw a _9_ (hand) of money into her

6、basket and left with Pickering, leaving Eliza _10_ (excite) and in amazement. Eliza decided to find him the next day.III 阅读文章(Fateful Meetings),完成摘要 This act mainly introduce a _1_ of Eliza who _2_ to changed herself, with Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering. Professor Higgins thought it possibl

7、e to _3_ an upper class lady through _4_. (45 words)Part Two Passage 2 Making the BetI 阅读文章(Making the Bet),根据课文判断对错。1. Eliza dressed well to Professor Higgins home in order to show her interest in accent. ( )2. Professor Higgins made a bet with Colonel Pickering on Eliza and Professor Higgins offer

8、ed to pay for the lessons. ( )3. Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering planned to pass Eliza as an upper class lady. ( )4. Colonel Pickering thought that they not only needed to improve Elizas accent but also Elizas life style.5. Colonel Pickering didnt think its effective to begin Elizas lesson w

9、ith the alphabet. ( )II 完成表格Fill in the chart with information from Passage one and two.CharacterEvidence in the playPosition in societyEliza1._flowers and 2._bad English; 3, _ horrible clothes and hoped to 4._ herself.5. _ classHenry Higgins6._ Eliza a handkerchief kindly; his 7._ and hobby was to

10、study phonetics; cared about Elizas English rather than her clothes.8._ classColonel Pickeringhas been watching Eliza and 9._ a friend of Higgins.10. _ the bet on how to teach Eliza.Upper classPart Three Translation用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文。 几天前我参加了我朋友的生日聚会,晚上发生了一件奇怪的事。一位年轻人冒充我朋友爸爸的朋友以结识我朋友。他说他答应她爸爸的邀请来参加她的

11、晚会。一般来说,没人想到会有人冒充客人参加晚会的。于是,我朋友让他进来。然后我们又一起开心地唱歌跳舞。晚会结束后,他问我朋友他是否可以拿走一件礼物以作纪念。我朋友非常惊愕。但出于礼貌,她同意了。年轻人大声唱着“因为我爱你”这首歌走出房子。他的声音逐渐消失了。当她爸爸回来时我们向他描述了这位年轻人。奇怪的是,他说他不认识这样的年轻人。我朋友爸爸本来打算参加她的晚会,但赶不上第一班火车。他告诉我们,面对陌生人时,要多一个心眼。_Book 8 Unit4 Pygmalion 学案五Part Four Grammar 过去分词作状语Tips: 过去分词作状语可表示时间、结果、原因、条件、让步、伴随等,

12、表被动意义,相当于一个状语从句。e.g. Offered help, one often said “thank you.”=When one was offered help, one often said “thank you.”I句型转换1, He will not go to the party unless he is invited.He will not go to the party _ _2, If the city is seen from the hill, it looks beautiful._ from the hill, the city looks beauti

13、ful.3, Dressed in white, she looks much more beautiful._ _ _ _ in white, she looks much more beautiful.4, Whenever asked about it, he could hardly hold back his emotions._ _ _ _ about it, he could hardly hold back his emotions.5, I went on talking, though I was continually interrupted by George.I went on talking, _ _ continual


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