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1、2018秋外研版九年级英语上册 Module 5 Un it 1教案Module 5 MuseumsUnit 1 Dont cross that rope!【教学目标】词汇upstairs, exhibition,rule,against the rule in trouble,tail,rope, kid, entry,no wonder,missing,downstairs,punish句型1.Dont touch.2. No shouting.3. What a wonderful museum!4. Lets go to the Animal Room upstairs.5. What

2、s the matte?重点难点1.本单元词汇和重点句型。2. if从句(1)以及表示禁止的祈使句。【教学思路】1 让学生以小组为单位讨论在各种公共场所所见到的警示牌或标识牌。然后小组长把结果展示或表达出来,引导学生关注社会常识,养成礼貌的好习惯。2结合录音、幻灯片和多媒体等辅助的教学手段,采用不同的形式,引导 学生运用有关祈使句的句型进行交际。3 培养学生在公共场合遵守规则的习惯。【教学准备】录音机,卡片,多媒体等。【教学过程】Step 1 Warming up1 师生问候。2用多媒体展示几个警示牌。如:禁止吸烟”、禁止拍照”、禁止触摸”等。T: Have you ever see n th

3、e sig ns?S: Yes, I have.T: Where can you see the sig ns?S: I can see it in the hospital .T:活动小结:利用图片导入新课。Step 2 Presentation1 学习新单词。(1) 教师出示第一张图片,关于楼上、楼下的图片,教学生学习单词“ upstairs 和“ down stairs并让学生跟读单词,对这个单词进行操练。(2) 教师向学生讲授关于 作业”的两个名词:homework = project。(3 )教师出示第二张关于展览会的图片,“ exhibiti on,让学生进行跟读,注意发音。(4)

4、 教师解释“rule的含义是 规则”为可数名词。并且引出短语:against the rules违反规定”继续引出新短语:遇上麻烦” in trouble尾巴”教授tail。rope粗绳”。kid = child,kid 的复数为(5) 教师展示第三张图片,是一只猴子,指出它的(6) 教师在课堂上拿出一根绳子,利用实物教学,教师展示第四张图片,一个几岁的小孩,解释kids,child的复数为children,然后领读(8)教师展示第五张图片, 难怪,不足为奇。禁止入内” no entry引出no wonder短语的意思:(9)教师教授新单词 missing失踪的”和punish惩罚2 操练单词

5、。(1) 给学生几分钟记忆单词,然后教师把带有单词的卡片拿出来让学生依次 拼读。(2) 教师可以把学生分成几组进行单词拼读比赛。(3) 教师再让学生用所学单词进行造句。活动小结:教师以图片的形式导入新单词,以图记忆,通过图片的形式让学生拼读单词,加深记忆。找几名学生比赛记单词,巩固记忆。利用多种形式调动 他们的学习积极性。Step 3 Practice & Listening1. Let students look at the pictures on page 34.Ask them to match the sig ns with the rules and tell their part

6、 ners the rules.At last, let stude nts say where they can find these sig ns.2. 让学生听Part 2中的录音,并回答Part 2中的两个问题。(1) Where did Lingling find the guide?(2) How many people are going to the museum on Saturday?3. 让学生听Part 3的录音,并跟读对话。4. 教师要求学生读对话的同时,让学生找出文中的重点短语和句型。Lan guage points(1) in trouble遇到麻烦When yo

7、u are遇到麻烦),they will help you.(2) aga inst the rules违反规定Its违反规定)to smoke in this area.(3) no wonder难怪难怪)you feel so tired after playi ng football.(4) go dow nstairs 去楼下They去楼下)just now.(5) whats the matter怎 么了 怎么了 )with your bike?(6) No shouting,please!请勿喧哗!Dont cross that rope不要越过那条绳子!No photos.请勿拍

8、照。这些句子表达的都是禁止做某事”的意思。要表达这一意思可以采用以下几 种结构: No+ doi ng sth这是一种比较常用的表达方式。例如: No smok ing.禁止吸【应用】!不要开玩笑!答案:No joking No+名词.【应用】请勿入内。答案:No entry 祈使句,表示 禁止做某事”用dont。例如:Dont make any no ise 不要吵闹。也有用动词原形的,例如:Keep off the grass请勿踩踏草坪。【应用】.请勿触摸。答案:Dont touch5. Act out the dialogue.教师选几组学生表演对话,锻炼学生的口语表达能力。6. As

9、k students to make a summary about the rules mentioned in the dialogue and check them.活动小结:找几组学生分角色表演这个对话,使学生进入到情境中,能更好地理解对话,同时也锻炼了学生的口语表达能力。Step 4 Discussion & Consolidation1. Ask students to read the dialogue again and then ask them to say something about what rules there are in the museums.(1) No

10、 shout ing.(2) D ont cross that rope!(3) No entry.(4) No photos.Let stude nts think about what other rules there are in the museums.2. Ask stude nts to write dow n what they cannot do in the museumsa nd the n talk about them in pairs.S1: What cannot you do in the museums?S2: No shouting.3. Ask stude

11、nts to read the dialogue agair,and complete the passage with the correct form of words in the box.(Activity 5)Check the an swers together.At last ask stude nts to make sen ten ces with the words in the box.Choose some stude nts to prese nt their senten ces to the class.活动小结:让学生去找文中的重点知识,发挥学生自主学习的能力,

12、并通过 练习,达到巩固加深的目的。Step 5 Pronunciation & Speaking1. Listen and underline the words the speaker stresses.(1) Play the tape and let students listen to the sentences.(2) Pay atte nti on to the words the speaker stresses.(3) Ask stude nts to point out the words the speaker stresses.(4) The teacher makes

13、a speech about the stressed words in one sentence and gives some extra examples to stude nts.(5) Let students listen to the dialogue in Activity 2,and ask students to pay atte nti on to the words the speaker stresses.2. Work in pairs.Discuss the rules in your classroom.(1) Talk about the rules in th

14、e classroom together.(2) Make a list of the rules in the classroom on the black board. No eati ng and drinking. No shouti ng. No running.(3) Ask students to work in pairs and let students discuss the rules in the classroom.A: Must we keep quiet in the classroom?B: Yes.No shouting in the classroom.(4

15、) Make stude nts con ti nue the topicdiscuss whether the rules are reas on able and why.(5) Ask stude nts to give a speech about his or her favorite class.活动小结:通过讨论,让学生动脑动口,锻炼他们的英语思维能力,提升他 们的语言运用能力。Step 6 Homework1. Memorize the words,main phrases and sentences in this unit.2. Read the dialogue to your parents.【板书设计】Unit 1 Dont cross that rope!Everyday English:1. Me too.2. No shouting, please !3. Its against the rules.4. Thats no good!5. No wonder 6. Whats the matte


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