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1、初中英语语法练习题一、词类练习题、可数名词与不可数名词基本题组训练(五题)1、Theold man fesfur _.iggs B piges C.pig . g 、Plae rmeme to give the hose ome te_laf B. eae lea D.eae、Wud you likesomethng todrink, _or coffee?A.te B. fruit . bad D. at4、Mr. Whit asa bauifuladenwih any_ n it.A. flor .grass . villges D.wate、Therar een _ in a wee.A

2、.dayes B. dys C day D. dy拔高题组训练(十题)1、Mom, coul yo pass m ome_? ts delicouO, but nl a ltte. A.buter B. ales .tooes . sandiche2、Wats in te cupboad? fe _,bu lttle_.A.aples;of cffe;aplesC.aple; oees D. cees;apples、Hegve s _ on ho tprotecteysA.som advcs B. smeadvcC. an adve Da aice4、Thre are _omy dsk. th

3、reepper B. ree ieces of pprs.three piece ofpaprD. te papers5、Aoup o _ will vist t u tmorrow.A. Englihm . merinC Astalan D. Cins6、Th farmer aisedtn_.A. ee B. dee C. hors . cows、Whno give inda sm _? he hfailed i Chineseseverl mes.A. noti B. suggestion. advice . waing8、When saw iuiang fa, we ke _ ad.A.

4、omenes B. a news C. henews D.new9、 wdehy _ re inerested in action lms. pepl .peples C the pople D. the peple、Thr is good _fo yuIe fundthewatch. ews . ieas C. messages Dthught疑难题组训练(五题)、I thin teeers shoud try impve tirliving _.A activtes B. skills C memry D.ues2、Mum,soethngs rngwith my teeh.I antt a

5、nytinWhat abo seing a _ at once?A. designr B. denist direo D. etecive、ke and ifried are oing o the _ ee ee actionmoie tnght.bookshop B restauant . concet .cinem4、Tey gt u_from tose nebook. ieas B. photos .iformao D. tis5、e ften use the mobilephone to send tt_ ourriends.A menu . esas C.advice D. warn

6、ng附加答案:15 CBAAB; AABCD; DCAA15 BBCB、代词基本题组训练(五题)1、Ialkin o you, e. lease lsn to _ carefull. e B.mi C.yo . ors2、om and I areo ins._ften help eachoher.A.e B U . Our . Our、r.angs ery frienly, nd _k hia t.A. or B. s .our D. we4、Im ging to the cima. Wouldu i to go wt_?A. m B. I C y D. mn5、Dn ust stand th

7、ee. o _!A. yhig B. smhiCeerythin D. ohig拔高题组训练(十题)、ere aeqite a few old booo sh, but _ fthemi uefu tohim.A. both B all . nthr D.non2、I cat find _ scarf.Teres onehere. It migt be _A. my, mie . mie,myC.I, me . me,I3、Wose shrt is this? s i ms?No, i int. _ i red.A.ne . ers C. s DYous4、ho taught _ Frnh?N

8、obody. She learned all by _.A. esf,her B. she,hersefC.her,erself . her, she5、Is a brd_ nam Happ.Its B. It C ts D. is6、Wthout he sun,_ coul gwin twold.A. ntn . somethig C. nthing D.vrthing 7、Pleas iethe kyto _Ahis . eC.him D. ine8、There isn _atr inhe up. me B. e C. any D.no9、Ourcilden caloo after _ n

9、ow.A. tr B. themselve C. themself Dthe10、heveou d,_ difcult ifyou p yor hear to it.A. thng B yi C.omehing . eveyting疑难题组训练(五题)1、I hear omeo_ te door.Please o and see wh_ isA. nock, e . knockin, heCnck, it nokig, it2、P itdown, Tom You mtn re_letr. A ese ayone B nynes eseC.anynlss D. anyne el3、s name

10、s Jm but he cals _ Jes.As . hielf C. m D/、Is _er?o,Bo ndJim ae askd for eave.A anybd B. eerybod C sombody Dnbody、Trs _ torea somehig intresting B.inerestg somehing. sethig intrsed D. inested something附加答案:15 AADAB; 110 DCCC; DCCBA5 DBA、冠词基本题组训练(五题)、ok! heri _ cain th e.A. . a C.th D./、iy ,pleae op _do. a B.n C/ D. the 3、yisteran lay _ pano ery e. B. n .th D. /4、_ ol ma bind Mr s _universityteahr.A. A, a B. ,he . The, a . Th, a5、_Brown were haig inne wh thetlphone ang.A A BTh C.An D. 拔高题组训练(十题)1、Whtdo yusualy avefor_ nner,Pter?A. a . an . D. the2、Pepl



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