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1、2012-2013 9A期中复习资料(Unit13)Unit 1词组、句型及语法一、词组或短语序号ChineseEnglish1有许多吃的和喝的(东西)have lots to eat and drink有许多值得庆祝的(事情)have a lot to celebrate2为担心worry about = be worried about某事使某人担心sth. worry sb.3(某人)对(事物)很熟悉(sb.)be familiar with (sth.) (记住with后跟物)对(某人而言)很熟悉.be familiar to (sb.) (记住to后面跟人)*4西方的文化Wester

2、n culture(只要了解)*5对有信心be confident of . = have confidence in.6学生会the Students Union 7被划分为12个星座be divided into 12 star signs8有时at times = sometimes = from time to time9一个勤奋的人a hard-working person10共同享有相似的特征share similar characteristics11担心太多worry too much12注意pay (not)attention to13(关于某事)与某人争吵argue wit

3、h sb. (about/over sth.)14有许多精力have lots of energy15保守秘密keep secrets$16因为某事而宽恕某人forgive sb. for sth.17(富)有幽默感have a (good) sense of humour18到不同的地方去旅行travel to different places19关心care about $20轻易放弃give up easily放弃某事(代词放中间)give sth. up放弃做某事give up doing sth.21与某人交朋友/与某人做朋友make friends with sb./ be fri

4、ends with sb.*22讲笑话tell jokes23各种各样的all kinds of24向某人解释某事explain sth. to sb.25炫耀;卖弄show off26梦到;梦见dream about .梦到;梦见;梦想;渴望dream of27舞蹈课dancing lessons28seem用法seem + adj. (系表结构)seem to do sth.It seems that + 宾语从句29尽可能多的信息as much information as possible30做某事遇到了难题/麻烦have problems/trouble/difficulty wit

5、h sthhave problems/trouble/difficulty (in) doing sth.31在学习或工作中取得成功have success at school or work32最后finally = at last = in the end33适合于.be suitable for .$34让某事被别人做(请别人做某事)have sth. done35开心地做某事have (lots of) fun (in) doing sth=have a good time (in) doing sth. = enjoy oneself (in) doing sth.36提出;想到;拿

6、出(新的主意)come up with (new ideas)37A和B相似A be similar to B38推荐某人担.职务recommend sb. as +职务推荐某人获.奖recommend sb. for+奖项39暑假作业summer homework40得到满分get full marks41给某人作演讲make/give a speech to sb.42变得更加有条理/效率get more organized43个人的才能(品质)personal qualities44同意某人的意见agree with sb./what sb. said45反对/介意(某人)做某事mind

7、 (ones) doing sth. = mind ( sb.) doing sth.46接受这份工作take this job47记得做某事(还没做)remember to do sth.=dont forget to do sth.记得做过某事(已做过)remember doing sth.*48暑假的剩余部分the rest of the summer holiday*49对某物感到好奇be curious about sth.50.得病get sick51大约在这个月中旬around the middle of the month二、重点句子及句型:1.Its nice of you

8、to bring me the newspaper, Hobo.2.It says Ill have lots to eat and drink today.3.You shouldnt worry about not having breakfast then.4.A year is divided into 12 different star signs.5.Some people believe that people (born under the same star signs) share similar characteristics.6.You are patient and

9、do not give up easily.7.You worry too much at times.8.You are practical and always pay attention to details.9.You love peace and do not like to argue with others.10.It is silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes.11.Millie finds maths very difficult.12.You are patient enough to wait for

10、a long time without getting angry.13.You like to dream about everything.14.Mr Wu spends a lot of time explaining things to us.15.This month, you will have a lot to celebrate.16. More details are available on request, please call Master Zhang on 55560678 if you want to know more.17.I may have problem

11、s with my health.$18.Peter has had his bicycle repaired.19.Millie will have fun in cooking.20.He is imaginative enough to come up with new ideas.21.Id like to recommend David as the new chairperson of the Students Union.22.We think that David has all the qualities (to be a good chairperson).三、语法:(详见

12、课本上笔记) 1. It is + adj. + of sb. +(not )to do sth. eg. It is kind/friendly/silly of you to do so.(此种句型中的形容词是指of 后的人所具备的性格特征或品行,如:friendly, kind, silly clever, careful , careless, selfish, generous , foolish等。) 2. be + adj. + enough to + to do sth. eg. Tom is patient enough to wait for 3 years. Jim is

13、 strong enough to carry the box. 3. 句子的成分:主语、谓语、宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语)、宾补、定语、状语等。Unit 2词组、句型及语法一、词组或短语序号ChineseEnglish$1宁愿(不)做某事would rather (not) do sth.宁愿做事情1而不愿做事情2would rather do sth.1 than do sth.2$2宁愿prefer = like better宁愿(不)做某事prefer (not) to do sth.宁愿某人(不)做某事prefer sb. (not) to do sth.宁愿做事情1而不愿做事情2pr

14、efer to do sth. 1 rather than do sth.2喜欢A,而不喜欢B(注意A和B的要求)prefer A to B = like A better than B其中A、B必须为名词、代词或动名词(短语)$3使某人想起某事remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人做某事remind sb. to do sth.4一个充满色彩的世界a world (full of colours)5被漆成蓝色be painted blue 6产生和谐感create the feeling/sense of harmony 7纯洁/智慧的颜色the colour of purity/wisdom 8感到焦虑不安/疲劳/放松feel stressed/tired/relaxed 9让某人高兴起来cheer sb. up (代词放中间)10对.感到满意be satisfied/pleased/contented with.11对精神和身体(身心)有好处be good for the mind and body12给你带来成功bring you success



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