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1、中考英语作文句型造句练习Lesson 11. 多用谚语!但是不要死搬硬套!谚语在哪来?靠平时的有心留意和积累咯。Well begin is half done.Practice makes perfect.All work and no play makes jack a dull boy.The older, the wiser.Rome is not build in a day.It is no use crying over the spilt milk.Every road leads to Rome.Each coin has two sides.Life is not all r

2、oses.2. 如何让引用的谚语生花呢?英语中习惯在所引用的谚语前面加上一句, “(Just) As the saying goes, .”,你能联想到我们中文中加在所引用谚语前面的类似的一句话吗? _ E.g. However, just as the saying goes, “Each coin has two sides.” Owning a cell phone also has its disadvantages for students. For example, some students can not control themselves, therefore, cell

3、phones can be great distraction in class. Lesson 21. 句型回顾:还记得上周我们所学习的引出一句谚语所用的那句话吗?请写在下面:2. 今日句型:当你想表示某事物具有某种优点时不妨采用如下句型:An advantage of XXX is that .请造句:(1) 树木可以给我们提供新鲜空气。 An advantage of trees is that they can provide us with fresh air.(2) 网购非常方便。 An advantage of online shopping is that it can pro

4、vide us with convenience. (3) 书本可以给我们带来知识。 An advantage of books is that they can bring us knowledge.(4) 网络可以给我们提供大量的信息。 An advantage of internet is that can provide us with an amount of information.Lesson 31. 句型回顾:1) 骑自行车可以使我们强壮。 An advantage of cycling is that it can make us strong. 2) 早起可以使我们保持健康

5、。 An advantage of getting up early is that it can keep us fit. 3) 种更多的树可以使我们的地球更美丽。 An advantage of planting more trees is that it can make our earth a beautiful place. 2. 今日句型:当你想表示“毫无疑问.”时不妨采用如下句型:Theres no doubt that .(that后面加上你想说的内容即可)例句:Theres no doubt that water is very precious.请造句:(1) 毫无疑问,人

6、人都想成功。Theres no doubt that everyone want to achieve success.(2) 毫无疑问,日本人最近正面临着极大的困难。Theres no doubt that Japanese are facing great difficulties recently.(3) 毫无疑问,每个人一生之中都会遇到挫折。Theres no doubt that everyone will face failure one day in his life.(4) 毫无疑问,每个学生都得努力学习来实现自己的梦想。Theres no doubt that every s

7、tudent has to work hard to realize his own dream.Lesson 41. 在作文的结尾可多用号召型的句式,如:Everyone should try his best to. (人人都应当尽力.) / Everyone should . (人人都应该.)1) 人人都该节约用水。Theres no doubt that everyone should try his best to save water.2) 人人都应该把我们的地球变成更美丽的地方。Everyone should try his best to make our earth a be

8、tter place.3) 人人都应当帮助日本人。(日本地震类型文章)Everyone should try his best to give a hand to Japanese.4) 人人都该勇敢的面对挫折,永不言弃/永不丧失希望。Everyone should face failure bravely and never lose hope/ give up. 5) 人人都该养成节约时间的好习惯。Everyone should get into the habit of saving time. 2. 此外作文的结尾也可尝试多使用感叹句结尾,以加强语气,做一个有力的收尾!如:1) 养成节

9、约时间的好习惯是多么重要啊! How important it is to get into the habit of saving time. 2) 我真是倒霉啊!(用于记事类作文,可结尾用类似感叹句做结局概括全文!) How unlucky I am!3) 这新闻多令人震惊! What shocking news!4) 多么恐怖的车祸!我想人人都应该意识到安全的重要性。 What a terrible accident! I think everyone should realize the importance of safety. 5) 当我知道我即将离校时我是多么难过啊! How s

10、ad I am when I know that I will leave school in such a short time. Lesson 51. 句型回顾网购对我们的日常生活产生了巨大的影响。网购非常方便。无论何时你想买东西,你只要点击鼠标(click the mouse)。但俗话说的好,凡事皆有利弊。网购也有其敝处。比如说,有些人就利用(take the advantage of)网购来欺骗消费者。 Online shopping has a great influence on our daily lives. An advantage of online shopping is

11、 that it can provide us with convenience. Whenever you want to buy something, all you have to do is to click the mouse. However, just as the saying goes, “Each coin has two sides.” Online shopping has its disadvantages as well. For example, some people are taking the advantage of online shopping to

12、cheat consumer.2. 新句型:“据报道.”Its reported that. (据报道.)1) 据报道,今天晚上将会有一场台风(tornado)。 It is reported that there will be a tornado tonight.2) 据报道,网购正在被越来越多的年轻人所欢迎。 It is reported that online shopping is welcomed by more and more young people.3) 据报道,近来许多青少年养成了吸烟的坏习惯。 It is reported that many teenagers are

13、 getting into the bad habit of smoking. 4) 据报道,723动车事故中死亡人数仍在上升。It is reported that the number of the people who died in the bullet train crash on July, 7th is still increasing. 5) 据报道,日本三月份发生了一场地震,地震死了许多人。 It is reported that a terrible earthquake hit Japan in March and a large number of people los

14、t their lives in the earthquake. Lesson 6 1. 句型回顾 1) 据报道,许多家长倾向于把孩子送到国外去读书。 It is reported that many people are willing to send their children to study abroad. 3) 去国外读书可以拓宽我们的眼界。(widen ones horizon) An advantage of studying abroad is that it can widen our horizon. 4) 随着社会的发展,人们承受着越来越多的压力。 With the d

15、evelopment of society, people are suffering from more and more pressure. 2. 新句型:“请牢记在心.”Always bear in mind that.1) 请记住没有什么比生命更重要了! Always bear in mind that nothing is more important than life. 2) “活到老,学到老!”请永远铭记这句话。It is never too old to learn. Always bear in mind that it is never too old to learn. 3) 请记



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