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1、大学英语B4试卷一、交际英语1、-Hi,Jim!Niceto meet you.- _. A:Cetily B:Manythanks C:K D:Nice tmetu, oo答案: D、-et me introduemyself Im lbrt- _. :Wat a leaue B:It my leasure C:Pleas to et ou D:I ery pesd答案: C3、-How e ou today?-_, thankyou. A:Fne :ood C:ic D:Great答案: A4、-Hell, I Hary Potter.-Helo,mname is Chare Gen, b

2、ut _. :all m CarB:c m t Carle C:callme re D:cll harlesme答案: C、Hl, may talkto tedirctorno?- _ A:Sory,eis busyat the moment. B:No, u ant. :Sorr, ont. D: dntk.答案:A二、阅读理解1、 Marin Luther inas a black minster, wh became great ear f thecivilghts mvtin e 190s a1960s. Kngasbrn n Janua 15, 99inAtlan,eogia Whn

3、 hewasyug, he was stongly nfuencedby Threu aInan lder Mahatma Ganis a ofnonilet resiance avig receed aP.D (octor of Phlsoph) fom on Unvesit, e became oitical a rligiouseader ofthe non-violent civil religtovemnt in1955. OAugut 28,1963, ed ovr 50,00 mrians on aarchin ashingto C tofghtfor theCvilRgts L

4、aw to guaranee equiyfor all peopl,andlvr his t own spe IHav aDam bor the incon Memorial. Th dem s a emof broey lov and equality othe Ba andWhite Thu, he was awarded eol ie o peae in 19, but he wa urerd ou years lar. Thogh ed,he wstly resct n lod btheAmrics, botht we and theblc y vote oCongres n1968,

5、 the thrMonayof ver Janar s now a fedeal liday in Lther Kinghoo. eles in opleerts forver.(1)、Martin LuterKngwas mrdeewhene was 9yers od A:T B:答案: A()、Mrn uther n wa blc inistr only. :T B:F答案: ()、Mrtin Luter Kng Day hs beenafdeal hliay f oreta years. A:T B:答案: A(4)、The undrline wod delver in hscnd pa

6、ragraphuld be ead byge.A:T B:F答案: A(5)、Tebes titlefor thisssage is Civi Rihts La :T B:答案: B2、hFh Revolution broke oti 1789.t te time Fne ws in a criis Teoverment was badl ru and popes iveswere ierabe. Kin Louiridto ontr the natinalprliamet andraiseretaxeBu i effot failed. He oderd is tops Veiles. h

7、pel hought tat Loui inened to pu dwn he evolution by foce. On July 14, 1789, they stre adtoo e Baste, whre pia prisner ere pt er sincethatay, uly 14 aben e FrnchNion ay Louitridto flee the conry in 192, o get spport fro Austi andrsi. Hevr, e was caght ad ut inpron.I epember 192, the monarch was aboi

8、sed. n th same year, Louiswas excued. A ewnt lter hi wie, Mrie,also had heheadcutof. The Rvoluionof Frace ha fightene the other kng of uroe.Amiesrom Autia andPrusiabegan to mr aaist Fce. ThFrench raised eplicanarmieto efen the ntion. Th Revltion went houg a perio of trror. Thons of peple lsthe livs

9、In the nd, powe paset Npooonaparte.(1)、Whsthis passage aout? A:Franc. B:Kngis :h Frnch Revoltion. :Eurpe.答案:C(2)、Whih did nt hap n 1789? A:ThFrench evoluti broke out. :The nationl eonmyws delng pidly. C:The ovenment asnwel run. :KngLois XV as in powr.答案: (3)、Wher wer thelitial prsnset? A:In Veraille

10、s. :Inusra :Inssia. D:I Batille.答案:(4)、What des thenderlin raolised mn? A:Pt o. B:Estabished C:Unitd D:Ended答案:D(5)、h wa NT th effet of te Reolution? A:Ju 14 has becoe the FencNatioalDay.B:I ought sm impact on thetheruropea kgs.C:oui wife, Marie a kled D:he igtred control th ioalprliament.答案:三、词汇与语法

11、1、The have ben man _ in teir mariage bttey till loe each ot. :gt anwng B:and fthC:upsan downs D:rihtand left答案: C2、Im goi the upermktthis atrnoo. Dou ave yhin _? : be uyig :boght C:fr bying D:to u答案: 3、This kndofmatrialxpand _the mprat ncrasing. A: B:fo C:wth D:at答案: 、What is th train _ to Bimnham? A:f B:tip C:fae :cos答案: 5、While I was i h univrsit,I leanedtkinaphto,_ isvery sef nw for me. A: :hc C:tat D:what



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