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1、考研英语大小作文:11类模板助你高分 摘要:近来诸多考研e反映自己不会总结模板,毙考题根据历年作文题材总结了11类体裁的作文模板供18考研er参照,但是还是建议各位考研er根据自己的实际状况打造自己独一无二的专属模版。 一、英语大作文 观点论述型文章(合用英语一、英语二) 【Mdel 】 eeny , hea beena roingconernamon thepulcver the topic _(主题词) Thi wil efinitlgenete vaieto positiv efects . T ein with ,_(积极影响一). over, _(积极影响二). ast uto te

2、leat ,_(积极影响三). If thr s osch a aciity , _(后果). T he bestomy knwl , it is esible that we me our due cntbutn . the first la , can_(奉献一) Inthe secnplac ,we may _(奉献二). Fay , we are poeo _(奉献三). ; In conclsio , whe goreasos to lieve thatit illhave a pomising rspect  ; 【Model2】 As revealed in th

3、eice/roon, _(描述图片) e pictre isfailyhout-provong, hi itnsto coneto s tis mes: _(图片传达的信息). Wcan eail recogniz the igniance of _(与主题有关因素)itrm f_(主题词). n hee had , _(论述一). Take _ as aampl_(举例阐明) On the oter han _(论述二). Without _(与主题有关因素), _(后果). Considerin all thepoinsdiussed aove, it s adisable that we

4、higlyvlue _(与主题有关因素)and ply iinr studie an wk . We ae , terefr ,suppd o tkeratona ttiude . _(态度论述). 问题解决型文章(合用英语一、英语二) bsp;【Modl 】 Recently, hre s beea gwi concrnmog the pubicover the phenenoth _(现象描述). hishas definitelygeneted seriou negativeefects o e betfyknwdge ,veral rasons an be identifid to a

5、ccont for hishenoeon . To egnwith, _(因素一). orov , _(因素二) Latbut no theleast, he fact that_(因素三)s alsrespnsible fo tienoen Cnsiing alle poinsdiscused , is hihy sesblehate ake rompt msus t resolve thi rlem nhe fir plac ,_(措施一). In tesecnd ,_(措施二). Only b enforcig thesemeasue , cweeffecivly ,fcently ,

6、and eventualyove e probem . &bsp;【Mdel 】 Her s th pictre , simple rawng yewit proud mpictions . _(图片描述). s an e atered fro te picture , it aparenl inteds toveytous ti msa : _(图片传递的信息) To theest o mknowle, sevel fatoscanbe denified to acountr this tragedy . To beinwith , _(因素一). Furthemore,_(因素二). La

7、st but o he least , thefct tha_(因素三) i also resonsible r tis henomen. From wt has beendscussed above, i i rgen ht fctiv meses shldbe ten tresolvete prblem . n the first place , e governent suppoed _(措施一). Ith scnd,it sucia that the socey and eiahancepole sawarenss n enimental roctin . ? Oour pr th a

8、r f penschldren , t s sesble that wethy _(从自身做起)&nsp; Only y enforcig themeasue , ca w eenlly ove h om 利弊分析型文章(合用英语一、英语二) Rcntly , tee has ee a growin conernamng the publi ove te poen t _(具体现象描述,如a enumb of peple are tkig par in ae sws/an ncrasing number opepl re shopping nlin). W c easiy ronze t ad

9、vansa follos. begi with , _(长处一). Morer ,_(长处二) st bu not lest , _(长处) Fo alteadvaages mentiondabove , _(主题事物)is byno means witout ts limitaios ,s lited beow. Int fs place, _(缺陷一). nthe scod , _(缺陷二). Finaly ,_(缺陷三). To the best of m kledg , it ishghy sensileha e take a ratioaatitde toward this phen

10、omenon ormy rt , I believethe advntags arouweigh it egativ effets &p; Cnseing a te poins diussdabov ,t ispreerable ht w make full s the vanas dmewhile iimi the neatve effec . 二、英语小作文 感谢信(合用英语一) ear _ , a now rtingteef lin to ers my inere thnksfo_(感谢事由). I d lie yu okow ho much yur _(协助或款待)mea me You

11、 hae a postive enius fo _(对收信人某一方面的赞美 ) no only enjoye _(对方提供的协助一), b l _(对方提供的协助二). I al ev remember _(这段时期)as ne of he ost _(美好时光)in mylife . I hopeto have the ppotunyfrecprocaing . I wilfeeleryhoredan pleased if you _(体现自己回报的心愿). Iam loki forward to seein younet tim epatmy ans gain or yor_(协助或款待). Please giv ykidrrd to y



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