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1、新人教版九年级第三单元测试题附答案Uni 3 Culd you lee tell mewhee teretroom are?(时间:00分钟,满分:00分) .单选。(每题分,共5分) 新 课 标 第 一网( ) 1 Iala keep diconry _m wen I readn glish nwspaper s hat I can oe word up init. A. into B. mog C. alng .beside( ) 2 Wherwere ouwhen Icalleyoulas nght?I as taki sowe in the _.A.kithe B.lsrom C. t

2、oilet D batroom( ) 3. hear thees a good th Kranresrant nearby._ go there for lnch?O,letsgo.A. Why do we B Wudyoike C How abou D. Could o lease( ) 4. Could ouleaseell e hooe te eest flower sore?Sr. Go alog ths street unt o _ a ostoe. h flow tor s nx to it.A.lok for ps by C st D. wak into( ) . st of t

3、he collegeudent_their rnts for foodandlohng in hinaA.dependon B. wlk on Cpon D. decid n( ) 6._,where is thnewaiyuRailway Stton?I sorry I am astang ereA Hello . No poble C. Comeon DPado me( ) 7. t s _to ente oher peopes rooms whout knocga t doorst.A. polite B. paient Cipolite D active( )8 ne of te ot

4、 _wast gt arou ctyis by axi.A.onveniet B. erous . ifficult exensiv( )9. d ou ejy yrlf at _yeseray?Yes. esag and anced,and asothere was los of delicios o.AM. GreeB Mr. Gee C. Mr. Grn D.Mr.Ges()0.Cld you pleae tll me the way t the st office?I need om _. bok B. ictionari . taps D. money( ) 11. Wth _ oe

5、s he l?He lives with his siter in a l ouse.A. who B whe C. who D wat( ) 12. Can Irder aupelae ckinur shop?Ye,sr.We will do eveytnat our usmers _.A.ned B. reues C. wis hp( ) 3. hy d T_ t chl?Becas as at orcls. rsh B.eqst . acept D. epeat( ) 4 Wi of t ollown setenc s e lite?A.ow od aryou? B.My pendoes

6、nt work. Give me yours. C. Ihave o tme to hl you. D.Cou you let e now your phonenumb?( ) 15. Culd you plese pass m tbook? _. Yes,Iculd No, couldnt C. ure. ee o e . No,th no proe完形填空。(每题分,共1分)O hee w a mawhoas rude.Wha e_1_ mos was hen peplw litet eachotr,ayingthingike “plas” and “tanku”.msent a lt o

7、f einventing acne whi couldseal wods. With his machine,e panned to tel “please”,“tank yu” dimi wod. Hthught tt_17_ wod noc if thse ords isappear.ftehe ure on hs machin,people wouldonti outs,panng to sapolitehings,but othing would com out.Allthose ords eded up inside the _18_.Just as temanhahoped,not

8、hing hpened. It lookd lie peop ddnt eed toe_19_.eer,aftr whle,peplefud tha they were_20_in abad mood Everyoe ws angry and rued over littl higs.Thee wee t specia grl. Tey ere d,_21_ they had to comite by si lnguge. Becausethe mahine couldt tealgstrs(手势),these irs contnued beigpolie So,they realize wh

9、athad beenhppening to everoe else. h fund obut theman ad h_2_.Thy decdetostopthe machend_23_ an idea.The girl beganbeig polit to ehothr. The machinetried vey hr,but tculdnt _2hse r.Finll,it explded(爆炸).Alhe letter had gatheredfl int the ky. These etr staredomingdow,le rain._2_tat,everyoe wa plie gai

10、n The angeand th rument sed I apepe eliz thetace f enpolite.() 16. A ted B lked . hleD. tough( ) 17. .ebod B. oboy . anybody D veryo( ) 18.A. achie Bhad C bag D. bx( ) 19 A hlthy B clever . polie D. eaxe( ) 20. . nver B. har C.eld D. alay( ) 21. A but B. f C.so Decaue() 22 A de B. pla C.ld D fien( )

11、 3. A p ttentio to B. loke frward o C caht uh . ame up wth( )24. A. reae B.rit C. stal D.teach( ) 2. A Bfore B. Afer C. Behind D. elw.阅读理解。(每题2分,共30分)Shin Mun ontryPak is eat plae t get wy fro he us city. You ca ejots beaul sgs. Tparki n noesterowlon, in h hilsf i o Shn Iis covenient to gother bybus.Shing MuCountry ark oped in19There wer no man couty ak in Hg og ten,s o of eplevisitedhepark.Noadays,iis l


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