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1、1. a great variety of models 款式多样2. vivid and great in style 款式活泼端庄3. up-to-date styling 款式新颖4. elegant appearance 美观大方5. attractive and durable 美观耐用6. bright in color 色彩鲜艳7. to be highly praised and appreciated by the consuming public 深受消费者的欢迎和好评8. professional design 设计合理9. bright and translucent

2、in appearance 外观色泽透明10. agreeable taste 味美可口11. 畅销全球 selling well all over the world12. 典雅大方 elegant and graceful13. 方便顾客 making things convenient for customers14?方便生活bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life15?各式俱全wide selection; large assortment16. 顾客第一 customers first17. 顾客是我们的上

3、帝we take customers as our Gods18. 规格齐全a complete range of specifications; complete in specifications19. 花样繁多a wide selection of colors and designs20. 货色齐全 goods of every description are available广告 21 、 Light as breeze, soft as cloud (服装广告)译文:轻飘飘如微风,软绵绵似彩云。2 、 Cool as a mountain stream .Cool as fres

4、h Consulate (Consulate 香烟)译文:凉如高山溪流爽似 Consulate香烟。3 、 Sophisticated, sweet-to-drink Pink Lady ( 酒)译为:高级、可口的粉红佳人。4 、 Life is a journey. Travel it well.人生如旅程,应尽情游历.5 、 We are proud of the birthplaces of our children, the grapes of Almaden. ( 葡萄酒广告)我们为孩子们的出生地而自豪 Almaden 的葡萄酒。6 The unique spirit of Cana

5、da. spirit译法:别具风味的加拿大酒,独特的加拿大民族精神。7 、 Take Toshiba, take the world. (Toshiba 广告 )东芝在手,世界在握。8 When you re sipping Lipton, you re sipping something special.当你在品抿立顿果茶时,你是在品抿非凡的茶。9 Better connections create better understanding. And that makes a better world.沟通更顺畅,了解更深入,世界更美好。10 Where there is a mountai

6、n, there is a road; where there is a road, there is Toyota.有山必有路,有路必有丰田车。11 、 Go with the flow. Soft, swaying shapes, so right for summer.紧随潮流,柔软摇曳的形态,夏天穿着是如此舒适。12 、 Come for price. Stay for service 。购时价格公道,售后服务周到。13 . 方寸之间,深情无限。 (集邮杂志的广告语)On these tiny postage stamps Philatelists friendship “ frank

7、s ”14 为您提供美,为您提供乐,为您提供爱,为您提供趣。 (故事会杂志)It gives you beauty. It gives you joy. It gives you love. It gives you flin.15 皮张之厚无以复加,利润之薄无以复减。 (某皮鞋的广告语)The leather we use is quite thick; the profit we make is fairly thin.16 成功之路,从头开始。 (飘柔洗发水) Start Ahead.17 海尔,中国造。Haier, the Chinese-made.18 运动休闲,我行我速。(CBA运

8、动休闲系列) Go my own way.19 “ Imagination at Work ”In 2003, GE faced a new challenge: how to promote its brand globally with a unified message. GE launched a major new campaign, “ Imagination at Work ” , which earned it the 2003 B2B Best Award for a top integrated campaign. The purpose of the campaign w

9、as not simply to create warm feelings ” for the company , but to achieve real business results. The campaign promoted GE s B2B units such as GE Aircraft Engines, GE Medical Systems, and GE Plastics. The goal was to unify these divisions under the GE brand while giving them a voice. The new campaign

10、highlights the breadth of GE sproduct offerings. GE spends some $150 million on corporate advertising a large sum, but a sum that gains efficiencies by focusing on the core GE brand. The challenge with creating a unified message was that each GE business had to fit with that brand image. GE chose “

11、Imagination at Work ” because it portrayed the innovation inherent in all its wide-ranging products. While the campaign unites all the GE business units , GE s success rests on its ability to understand the business market and the business buying process. GE puts itself in the shoes of its business

12、customers. Consider, for example, its approach to pricing its aircraft engines. One would expect GE to charge a particular price for a particular engine type.But GE is aware that for the customer, purchasing an aircraft engine is a multimillion-dollar expenditure ($21 million for each large engine).

13、 And the expenditure doesn etnd with the purchase of the engine customers (airlines) face substantial maintenance costs to meet FAA guidelines and ensure the reliability of engines. So in 1999, GE pioneered a new pricing option.The concept, called “ Power by the Hour ” , gives its customers an oppor

14、tunity to pay a fixed fee each time they run the engine. In return, GE performs all of the maintenance and guarantees the reliability of the engine. GE gives its customers a lower cost of ownership of the GE aircraft engine. 工作中的想象力2003 年, 通用电气面临新的挑战如何提升其全球一致的品牌形象。通用电气发起了一场重要的新运动 “工作中的想象力” , 这项活动获得了

15、 2003 年度 B2B 最佳综合活动奖。 这 项活动不仅为公司创造了 “温暖的感觉” , 更为公司赢得了实实在在的商业效果。 活动促进 了 一些 B2B 业务单元,如通用电气飞机引擎、通用电气医药系统和通用电气塑料分公司的工 作。活动的目标是在给予这些分公司发言权的同时,在通用电气的品牌下将它们统一起来。这 项新活动同时拓展了通用电气产品的宽度。 通用电气在公司广告宣传上花费了 1.5 亿美元, 那是一笔巨大的费用, 但这笔支出使得通用电气的核心品牌更受关注, 从而获取了 效益。 创建统一品牌的挑战使得通用电气所有的 业务契合其品牌形象。 通用电气选择了 “ 工作中的想象力” , 是因为它描

16、绘了根植于通用电气大范围产品中创新精神。 这项活动整合了通用电气的业务单元,公司的成功还依赖于其对市场以及商业采购流程的理解能力。通用电气设身处地地替客户着想。比如通用电气对其飞机引擎的定价方式。人们可能料想通用电气对特定类型的引擎给出特定的定价。然而,通用电气很清楚,对客户来说, 购买一架引擎是一项数百万美元的支出 (一台大型引擎价值2,100 万美元) ,而且这项支出在购买引擎后并没有结束, 客户 (航空公司) 还要面对维护保养支出以符合联邦航空局的准则和 确保引擎安全可靠。因此,在1999 年,通用电气首创了一项新的定价选择权。这就是“按时论价”的构想。这使得顾客有机会按其每次使用引擎的时间支付固定费用作为回报, 通用电气承担所有引



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