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1、.第题The easons r Henys reform inEnglad rmanl _.A.relgiousB.personC.poiicalD.bthBand C您旳答案:题目分数:10此题得分:.02第2题Thre of the folowingtatme aetrue with th CatlcCnterRformtion. Whic eis th exception?.Itwas in natre a racton o Potstatsm.It wsth sult of athoic self-icsm.I estedm t roent Rformation.DItresltd f

2、ro a Church-widellfreorm您旳答案:B题目分数:1.0此题得分:.3.第3题Thre ofeollowng satemesare re wi thElizabthan Cmromise.Whh oe is the exepto?.Th hrch of ng agin ece th uthorityofth poe.TeChuch o Enlnega to compm with the Ppcy.C.Eizaeth aan condmed Ctholic teahigsand pactcs.D.lizet,asaroestant, al fobeextremProtesta

3、ntism.您旳答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.0.第1题The smmdat eect o the Reormtonwas _.A.heines in he pwerof rncsad kingB.themor an moeseulaze wstern Erop.th outbs o fighting amongeligious groupsD.there emphasisn h alue of t indivual您旳答案:C题目分数:.0此题得分:4.0第题Whicisnot the similarit sred Chaucers Cterbury Tales nd Bocccis

4、Decmeron?A.a collectio ofsoriesB.satirca hmoosangC.viid chacteiatoD.religiushmes您旳答案:D题目分数:.0此题得分:4.06.第16题Whi escriptin of the Age fensancei corrct?A.The enaissce haped igh after theat dl Age itime.B.Th Renaisace reace pea at te nd of he sixteenth century.C.The Rassance e sa litrry moen.The enisace

5、wa posedtohuanism您旳答案:C题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.07.第1题Cored wihItalian enasanc, Nthn eaisceha th ollowig ditinctivefeatrescpt fo _.strogtionl lvorB.gra reliious concernC.infuen of clssism.belif i Chriianhmansm您旳答案:题目分数:40此题得分:4.0第18题Which f the folowing fact is NT u withtituan in he Curc f Rmbefore tRfomaon?A

6、.he s ofCch office tweal faileB.The sale ofnuenestinividual beliers.CSom clmen heldseveral postinst the sametimeDlergmust met stictmol ad edonalstanrd您旳答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.09第19题Three ofthe lowingstaemets ae truewih the erl expereneLuther. hc on is heexcton?A.uher lived up o his fther d becme prie.B.

7、Lthr a hrble xeriece in hunesto.C.He tri hi et to ge rid of hissinto sisfyod.D.H dagedhis alth by etng nd slepingles.您旳答案:A题目分数:10此题得分:1.01第题The Italian Renissae schoarsdid all he fllwin this xcpt or _.A.rvvimany classical txt forgotn o ost fr long timB.spdnhe kowege beonth mal crc oshlas.C.refusing

8、 to accep religous teaching orredreigious osDpaig mor atnionto ans wrld and lifeo earth.您旳答案:C题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.011.第1题Which the foowing enassance writerwas not knw f is snnets?A.anteB.PetarhC.Edmnd Secer.Wilia Shakre您旳答案:A题目分数:.此题得分:1.012.第2题Wic ne isnot a eiod f Italian Renaissace Art?.Early enaissan

9、ceBMdleReasanceCHigh ReissaeD.teRenasance您旳答案:题目分数:.0此题得分:.013.第3题 idno elong toe Flreni Scholof the Erly naiancer?.runeleschi.Dnatllo.MaacioD.Rpl您旳答案:D题目分数:.0此题得分:1014.第24题Wih i h ky feate of th Manneris of the LaRace at?.thinention o new aristitechniqusB.teimiatin of Grek a Romn sty.he rpsentatono

10、f ideaed human figureD.theueo ienseolos, tan thems adwisted igrs.您旳答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.015第25题Which o is n h main chraeristic of Shaepeare s a Reaissancema?.Hi inerstinclssicacltue.is belief n humanism.His prto ndiualimD.Hs cociousns of natnaldetiy您旳答案:题目分数:1.0此题得分:1.016.第26题Whoas egarded as h “fter

11、f oi panting”?.saccioB.BttiliC.AlbrehD黵erD.anan Eyck您旳答案:题目分数:.0此题得分:.017第7题Wh was not ler n heelocentri theory?A.icoa Coernicus.anns Kepler.GalileD.Fraisacon您旳答案:D题目分数:1.0此题得分:11第28题Ltercalled on theGerman rice o rjct thfrign psauoitand establs refored Gmn churc i_.A.TeLbert of thChristanMaBAddres to the Noblity oh man NatnC.The Babylnian Captivtof th hrchD.the Nnety-Fiehese您旳答案:B题目分数:1.此题得分:1.09第2题Luthrrtherexplained s doctinoffaih ajutification i _.TheLiberty th Christa anB


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