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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上G类雅思小作文之书信写作由于G类考生相对于A类考生人数较少,考生对于书信写作的重视不够,在G类分数要求越来越高的的今天,考生尤其要注意书信语气的把握。下文中,前程百利雅思专家专家将从四个方面对于如何选择合适的语气和措辞进行说明。一、审题把握把握好G类书信语气的第一步,就是要弄清写信的要求和背景。雅思书信写作题目就是由背景信息和写作任务两个部分构成的,我们可以将其分成私人信件和事务性信件两种类型。写给亲朋好友的信可以归为前者,如友情信,请看下面这个例子:09.01.15You are going to have a business trip and arrange y

2、our friend to look after your children. Write a letter to the friend. You should:1. Tell him/her which kind of food your children like and dislike2. Tell him/her which kinds of activities your children can attend3. Tell him/her the time you will pick up your children.根据背景分析,这封书信是写给朋友请求帮助在自己出差期间照管孩子的

3、,显而易见,这是一封私人信件,由于对方是挚友,写信的语气可以比较轻松和随意,在说明详细内容时,措辞不必讲究但要礼貌。再来看一个例子:09.02.07Your friends have been out on holiday and ask you to stay at their house. However, there is a problem with a piece of equipment in the kitchen. Write a letter to them. In your letter, you should:1. Describe your feeling at the

4、ir home2. Describe what the problem is3. Describe what action you have done to solve the problem这是一封抱怨信,写信人在朋友度假期间帮朋友看管房屋,在信中向朋友说明厨房用具的问题,这并非商务场合和正式交涉,切不可义正词严。09.09.05You are living in an English-speaking country and the restaurant near you is making a lot of noise everyday. Write a letter to the re

5、staurant owner. In your letter, you should.1. say how you are disturbed by noise2. give some suggestions to fix the problem3. tell the owner further action will be taken if this problem remains unsolved.这封信同属抱怨信,我们来比较一下它与上一封信的区别,这封信是写给餐馆经理的,说明对于餐馆噪声的不满,收信人与写信人并不熟悉甚至从未谋面,过于熟络的语气和措辞,或者在朋友之间使用的抱怨性较强的词汇

6、都应尽量避免。前程百利将常见的书信分为以下几类:询问信、建议信和求职信一般较为正式;友情信属于非正式信件;投诉信、道歉信、邀请信、感谢信的语气要根据具体情况而定。考生需要注意题目所描述的背景和对收信人的设定,分清写信对象,准确而恰当地把握题目要求,走好G类书信第一步。二、信头称呼所谓称呼是指写信人对收信人的称呼用语,一般用“dear”开头,在称呼后可以用逗号(英式)或是冒号“美式”。1. 如果是写给亲戚或是关系密切的朋友,我们习惯于在“Dear”后加上对其的称呼或是名字(given name)。如:Dear mother或者是Dear Emma;2. 如果是写给一家公司或者不知道具体职衔的人,

7、可以用Dear Sir or Madam或To Whom It May Concern;3. 如果知道具体职衔但不知其姓氏,可以以其职位称呼,如Dear Chief Accountant;4. 如果写信人知道收信人的姓名和性别,但关系不够密切,只属于一般往来,Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms/Miss Wang会显得友好却不随便;5. 另外,也可以用学位及职称加上姓氏或者全名,如Dear Dr. Will Smith, Dear Prof. (Professor) Jane Austin。三、语气斟酌正文作为整个信件内容最重要的部分,所选用的词汇和句式无不体现着写信人的态度和语气,应该根据不同

8、的信件内容进行挑选和斟酌。1)投诉信投诉信的收信对象可以是比较熟悉的人,如抱怨邻居宠物过于吵闹,也可以是针对公司甚至不熟悉的机构或者某个事件而写的,如对社区体育设施的拆除表达不满。You heard that a sports center would be closed. Write a letter to the manager. In this letter, you should:1. Tell how you heard about the news.2. Say what your opinion is about it.3. Explain how it impacts your

9、 life.由于对象是某运动中心经理,措辞方面就应该较为礼貌,以下的词句是可以选取作为陈述问题的句型:I am writing to you to complain about.I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with.There are some problems with that I wish to bring to attention.值得注意的是,也完全没有必要像公文那么正式,只要言语恰当就可以。在叙述问题时可以多以客观性描述为主,辅以主观的感受,显得更有说服力,如:I found I feel quite disappointe

10、d that在结尾部分说明期望时,也可以搭配同样的语气:I hope that the authorities concerned will consider my suggestions and improve the situation as best as they can.I sincerely hope that it will review its management system, with the view to providing, better service to the public.We trust that you will now consider this m

11、atter seriously and make an effort to prevent the recurrence of this kind.如果是针对邻居再三出现的已经提醒过很多次的问题,我们可以措辞更为非正式一些,如I can hardly bear /tolerate /put up with it any more. 但也不意味着可以出现“guy”等过于口语风格化的语句。2)工作申请信G类考生许多都是有工作经验的人,或者曾经有过写工作申请的经历,由于收信人多是公司或者经理级的人,言辞之间应该以正式语气为主:I wish to apply for the position ofwh

12、ich you advertised inI am very interested in exploring the possibility of obtaining a position as with your company.结尾部分在阐述希望约见进行面试时,也选取一些较为缓和语气的动词如“hope”来表达:I am available for an interview every afternoon. Please contact me atI hope that after reviewing my enclosed resume you will kindly give me an

13、 interview so that I can elaborate on my studies and working experience.I hope you would consider my application favorably and grant me an interview.3)道歉信这类信件的语气要视收信人是谁而定,但中国有句老话说得好“礼多人不怪”,至始至终保持一个歉意的态度是这类信件要注意的细节:Your neighbors have recently written to you to complain about the noises from your fla

14、t/ house.Write a letter to your neighbor. In your letter1. explain the reasons for the noise2. apologize3. describe what action you will take对方是熟识的邻居,即便如此,来自于写信人公寓的噪声对其干扰仍然是不可原谅的,对于对方的抱怨信,尽管我们可以选取熟络的语言来致歉,但语气和态度仍然需要诚恳,如I am really sorry for the noises from my flat/house.I hope you can accept my apol

15、ogies.I am trying to I promise这样的语句会让收信人觉得写信人是极有诚意解决这件事情的,起到了积极致歉的效果。其他可供参考的语句有:I am awfully/terribly sorry for what I have done.I feel very guilty for what I have done to you.I am afraid what I have done has caused many inconveniences to you.Please accept my most cordial and humblest apologies foronce more.I will try my utmost not to make such a stupid mistake again.I am so sorry to have put you to so much trouble.4)建议信前程百利雅思专家分析认为,首先考生们要分清楚建议信和抱



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