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1、 Teach Plan Unit 13 Travel plans Starting Line Grade Four教学目标:1. 在老师设计的旅游景点环境里,能够听懂,会说五个主要景点的单词和五个动词短语。 Travel plans, beach, swim, Mount Tai, see the sunrise, Shaolin Temple, learn Wushu, West Lake, take pictures, safari park, see wild animals, vacation.2. 学会和使用本节课的重点句型:Where do you want to go this

2、summer vacation? I want to go to the beach. What do you want to do there? I want to swim.3. 能运用本课的重点句型说出自己想去的地方及想干的事情。4. 能拼写本课中旅游景点5个地点单词及5个动词短语。教学重点:1.5个旅游景点的英语单词读音以及5个动词短语的拼写形式。2. 本课的功能句型:Where do you want to go this summer vacation? I want to go to the beach.with. What do you want to do there? I

3、want to .教学难点:1. 几个景点单词的读音以及动词的拼写。sunrise Temple safari wild beach2. 在情景中谈论旅行计划。教学用具:图片,单词卡片,多媒体课件教学步骤:一、 热身,创设英语学习的良好氛围。Where do you want to go?I want to go to the zoo.Where do you want to go?I want to go to the park.(设计意图:利用chant 复习句型,创设学习英语的良好氛围。时间:2分钟。)二、新内容展示,整体呈现,把单词放在句子里面教学。谈话引出:The summer vo

4、cation is coming,Today we talk about travel plans.(write down)Free talk:Where do you want to go this summer vocation?What do you want to do there?Do you know where I want to go this summer vocation? What I want to do there?I want to go to the beach this summer vocation.I want to swim there.There are

5、 many many beautiful place in our world. Lets look.用不同的呈现方式引出本课所要学的动词短语和功能句型。 Mount Tai-see the sunrise Shaolin Temple- learn Wushu(武术歌曲)West Lake-take pictures(照相机声音)safari park- see wild animals (设计意图:创设有关旅游景点场景,让学生知道所学地方用英语怎样表达,并简单说说自己想要做得事情。用5分钟时间完成新单词和新句型的呈现,同时学生在句子中学习和使用英语单词。时间:5分钟)三、单词学习和练习。活

6、动1.用升降调领读词汇,运用自然拼读法重点纠正:beach, sunrise, Temple, safari, wild.(利用生词卡片)活动2. Game:guess the pictures.(幻灯片出示图片)活动3.Game: whats missing?(利用词卡条)活动4.Game: I say, you point. Then do like me.四、 句型巩固练习活动1.Chant.I can make a chant. Listen carefully. Can you try?Where do you want to go this summer vacation?I wa

7、nt to go to the beach.What do you want to do there?I want to swim.Check (first together, ask and answer)活动2.Make Chant: Can you make a chant? Now try.先带领学生打节奏练习,再给一些资料让学生模仿自编歌谣。Mount Taisee the sunrise safari park- see wild animals West Lake-take pictures Shaolin Temple- learn Wushu活动3.Guessing game

8、.(出示图片全班活动)活动4.Make survey.Now talk about the summer travel plans in pairs.NameplaceThings to doBill Hainanswim 用本课学的重点句型Where do you want to go this summer vacation? I want to go to the beachwith. What do you want to do there? I want to .进行组内练习。活动5. Open your books and turn to page 73.1.Listen and

9、number2.Read the diagoue(设计意图:利用有韵律和节奏的歌谣练习本课的重点句子,落实写的技能训练,并且灌输单词记忆的方法和策略技巧,减轻学生的记忆负担。读句子贴图片活动训练学生的认读技能,并用形成性评价激励学生参与课堂教学活动。对话教学用电影配音的形式,强化学生的认读和记忆能力。时间:15分钟)四、 拓展训练,落实语用。书写练习,完成第42页书写练习,仿写句子。Can you write down your travel plans? Can you read it?(设计意图:把课堂上学过的句子应用在生活中,让学生明白什么样的情景使用这些句子,落实语用。说说想去的地方和

10、想干的事情为后面的学习做好铺垫。时间:10分钟。)五、总结、课后作业。将本节课所学的重点单词和重点句子进行强调。Today we learned.课后作业: 跟爸爸妈妈用英语谈论假期计划,听听爸爸妈妈的假期计划并记录下来。板书设计 Unit 13 Travel Plans Lesson 73 Where do you want to go this summer vacation? (图片) I want to go to the beach with my parents. What do you want to do there? I want to swim there. Mount Tai safari park Shaolin Temple West Lake(贴图片) see wild animals learn Wushu (贴图片)see the sunrise(贴图片) (贴图片) take pictures(设计意图:板书左边为本课重点句子,右边边写4个重点单词,贴四副4个单词图片,单词下方空白,用于后面活动中学生粘贴相应图片。时间:5分钟。)Teach PlanUnit 13 Travel plans Lesson 73 Starting Line Grade Four孙万书兰州市城关区南山路小学2014年4月20日- 1 -


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