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1、仁爱版精品英语资料(精校版)期末总复习教案教 学 内 容一、重点单词短语及其用法 Unit 5 1.You look excitedangrydisappointedupsetfrightened. 你看起来兴奋/生气/失望/烦躁/惊恐。2.感官系动词:look 看起来 smell闻起来 taste尝起来 sound 听起来 feel 摸/感觉起来3.系表结构:系动词+形容词 go mad get wet get angry turn green fall asleepfeel a little more(confident comfortable) be lost=get lost4.go

2、to the movies=go to the cinema=watchsee a film 看电影5.one of + 可数的复数形式 Its one of my favorite movies.6.preparefor 为做准备 6.say thanks to sb. 向某人致谢7.be popular with 受欢迎 8.be kind cruel to sb. 对某人友好|残忍9.a ticket to 的入场券 10.set the table 摆放餐具11.seem +adj.n.to do sth. Its seems that12.We are moved by the mo

3、ving story. 前者修饰人,后者修饰物13.be proud of be pleased with be worried about be excited about at sth. be sorry for be interested in sth. be grateful to sb. be strict with sb. be strict aboutin sth. be angry withat sb. be angry atabout sth. be nervous about be tired of sth.=be bored with sth. be surprised

4、at sth. be surprised to do sth. be afraid of (doing) sth 14.can(not)=be(not) able to will be able to(其将来时)15.have a temperature fever发烧 16.ring sb. up=call sb. 给某人打电话17.care for=take care of=look after 照顾 18.on the way to 在去的路上18.feel lonely live alone 前者形容词修饰系动词,后者副词修饰动词19.because of +n.代词|名词短语 bec

5、ause+句子20.on+具体描述的时间段 21.fall into 掉入 fall down 倒塌22.in the end=at last=finally 最后 e into being 形成、成立于(一般为过去式came)24.be full of=be filled with 充满了,被填满了 25. make peace with 与某人和解1.do well badly in 在做得好|不好 2.have a talk with sb. 与某人交谈3.at ones age 在某个年纪 4.make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友4.tell jokes 讲笑话 5

6、.fail the exam= not pass the exam考试不及格5.some suggestions=some pieces of advice 一些建议 (前者可数,后者不可数)6.happen to sb.sth. (事情)发生在身上 happen to do sth. 碰巧7.take part in activities 8.with the help of sb. 9.clap ones hands鼓掌10.make faces 做鬼脸 11.all the time 一直 12.take a wlk=go for a walk 散步1.calm down 2.at th

7、e end of the months在月末 3.smile at life笑对人生4. learn by oneself=teach oneself 自学 learn sth. from sb.向某人学习5. get along(well)with sb. 与某人相处(融洽) 6.put on a play 上演剧目7in a badgood mood in goodbad health in goodbadhighlow spirits8.make+宾语+doadj.n. make her laughexcitedmonitor let sb. do sth.9.get together

8、with sb. 与某人团聚 10. get bake to sth. 回到某事上11.bring bake a sense of happiness找回快乐的感觉Unit 6 topic 11.go on a three-day visit a one-meter-tall boy 2. find out 查明3. make a decision=decide to do sth. 做决定 4. hard soft sleeper 硬|软卧5.at the price of 60 yuan 6.in badgood condition 条件糟糕|好7.arrive at+小地方 in+大地方

9、 = reach to = get to 8. total cost总花费9. book a room=make a room reservation 预定一个房间 10. tell|ask sb. (not) to do sth.11.a room without a bathroom or air conditioning 12.a standard room for one person13.work out the cost of the trip计算 work out the problem 解决 14. come up with an idea提出15.each2(riverstr

10、eet) every3 either(两者之一) both=2 all3(肯定 ) none3(否定) 16.be drawn 被抽到17.land safely 18.have a good rest好好休息 19.in the open air在户外20. an exciting experience have no experience (前者经历、可数,后者经验、不可数)21. places of interest 名胜古迹 22.local people strangerTopic 21.be busy (in) doing sth.忙于做某事 2. on vacation 在度假

11、3.help sb. (to) do sth.4.make a plan plan to do sth. 计划做某事 5. come along with sb.跟随某人6.at the foot top of 在的脚下|顶上 7.spread over an area of 40 km2 8. at the beginning of 在的开始 9. by the way顺便问一下 10.take out 拿出来 11.on both sides of on eacheither side of 12.tell good from bad 辨别好坏13.in on to 的区别 14.pull

12、-push拉-推 15.step on 16.in all directions 四面八方17.look for space to park bikes 18. walk through the passage 19.take photos拍照片20. push ones way out挤开、推进(道路) 21.out of sight看不见 22.get onoff上|下车23.cant help doing sth. 忍不住做某事 24.shout at sb. to do sth . 25.have fun doing sth.高兴地做某事 26. realize ones dream=

13、come true 27.everywhere= here and there 28. especially 29. make sure确保Topic 31.a traffic accident 交通事故 2.Many passengers were hurt. be badly hurt= hurtbadly3.be crazy about sth. 热衷于 be crazy about sb. 迷恋、爱上. 4.cause air pollution造成空气污染5.get used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事 used to do sth. 过去常常做某事6.in publi

14、c 在公共场合 7.die(动) dead(形) death(名)8.slow down 减速 9.the opposite direction相反的方向 10.avoid doing sth. 避免做某事11.run into 撞到 12.rush to冲向 13.careful-careless 细心-粗心 carefully-carelessly14.get a fine 罚款 15.in danger处于危险中 16. instead of doing sth 而不是17.warn sb. (not) to do sth. 警告、提醒某人(不)做某事 warn aboutof against st



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