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1、Famous Chinese TeaXihu Longjing Tea 中国名茶之西湖龙井Time:2013-04-09 15:57:35 西湖龙井,居中国名茶之冠,产于浙江省杭州西湖周围的群山之中。多少年来, 杭州不仅以美丽的西湖闻名于世界,也以西湖龙井茶誉满全球。西湖群山产茶已 有千百年的历史,在唐代时就享有盛名,但形成扁形的龙井茶,大约还是近百年 的事。The Xihu (West Lake) Longjing tea ranks the highest among Chinese teas. It is produced among the hills surrounding the

2、West Lake in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Over the years, the city of Hangzhou is not only famous in the world for the beautiful West Lake but also for the Xihu Longjing tea. The hills near the West Lake have been producing tea for hundreds of years and have renowned as early as the Tang Dynasty. Bu

3、t the formation of flat shaped Longjing tea only occurred in the last hundred years. 西湖龙井茶外形挺直削尖、扁平俊秀、光滑匀齐、色泽绿中显黄。冲泡后,香气 清高持久,香馥若兰;汤色杏绿,清澈明亮,叶底嫩绿,匀齐成朵,芽芽直立, 栩栩如生。品饮茶汤,沁人心脾,齿间流芳,回味无穷。The Xihu Longjing tea is straight and pointy, flat and slick, with hints of yellow showing through its green color. Af

4、ter brewing, the clear aroma of the tea smells of orchids and lasts for a long time. The color of the brew presents a bright and clear green. The tea leaves are light green, with uniform and straight buds. When consumed, the tea leaves a refreshing fragrance that reaches all the way through ones tee

5、th. 龙井茶区分布在西湖湖畔的秀山峻岭之上。这里傍湖依山,气候温和,常年云雾 缭绕,雨量充沛,加上土壤结构疏松、土质肥沃,茶树根深叶茂,常年莹绿。从 垂柳吐芽,至层林尽染,茶芽不断萌发,清明前所采茶芽,称为明前茶。炒一斤 明前茶需七八万芽头,属龙井茶之极品。龙井茶的外形和内质是和其加工手法密 切相联的。The Longjing tea plantations are spread among the majestic hills around the West Lake. The mild climate sees mists all year round. With plentiful r

6、ain, loose soil structure, and fertile land, the tea trees are able to become deep rooted and remain green all year long. From budding in spring to the coloring of the forests in late autumn, the tea buds are constantly sprouting. Tea picked before the Qingming Festival is called the Pre-Qingming te

7、a. Five hundred grams of Pre-Qingming tea uses 70 to 80 thousand tea shoots, and it is the highest grade of Longjing tea. The shape and quality of the Longjing tea have much to do with its processing techniques. 龙井茶炒制手法复杂,依据不同鲜叶原料不同炒制阶段分别采取“抖、搭、捺、 拓、甩、扣、挺、抓、压、磨”等十大手法。凡观看过炒制龙井茶全过程的,都 会认为龙井茶确实是精工细作的手工

8、艺品。The roasting techniques for Longjing tea are very complicated. There are 10 basic techniques that are based on different fresh tea leaves and different stages of roasting, including: sparkling, straightening, flattening, rubbing, flinging, squeezing, pushing, lifting, pressing, grinding. Anyone w

9、ho has seen the entire process for roasting Longjing tea will think that it is indeed a meticulously crafted production. 西湖龙井茶不仅汇茶之色、香、味、形“四绝”于一身,而且集名山、名寺、名湖、 名泉和名茶于一体,构成了罕见的独特而骄人的龙井茶文化。The Xihu Longjing tea enjoys excellence in the color, fragrance, flavor, and shape of tea. In addition, it also co

10、mbines famous mountains, famous temples, famous lake, famous springs, and famous tea, forming a unique and impressive Longjing tea culture.Longjing Tea Plantations 龙井茶园Time:2013-04-09 15:57:28 西湖龙井茶园是西湖景观茶文化传承的原生地,分布在西湖西部群山中,范围包 括以狮子峰为中心、海拔 400 米以下、周围 3千米左右的山脉,分别位于龙井、 满觉陇、九溪、翁家山、杨梅岭、双峰、灵隐、茅家埠等八个村中,茶

11、园面积共 约 240 公顷。茶树分布在西湖群山的丘陵山坡上,依山势呈曲线阶梯状种植,或 分布在水涧两旁的开阔平地之上,排列错落有致。茶园傍湖依山,周围林木茂密、 溪涧常流、环境幽静,风景怡人。因微气候环境适宜,茶树终年处在云雾缭绕、 浓荫笼罩之中,常年碧绿。尤其春茶季节,蒙蒙细雨,淡淡薄雾,不仅对滋润幼 嫩茶芽十分有利,还形成优美独特的茶园风光。Tea culture at the West Lake originated from the Xihu Longjing Tea Plantations situated among the hills west of the West Lake.

12、 Centered around the Lion Peak (Shi Zi Peak), the plantations spread among an area of 3 kilometers wide at less than 400 meters sea level. Totaling an area of 240 hectares, the plantations are located in 8 villages, namely: Longjing Village, Manjuelong Village, Jiuxi Village, Wengjiashan Village, Ya

13、ngmeiling Village, Shuangfeng Village, Lingyin Village and Maojiabu Village. The tea trees are either planted on terraced fields according to the shape of the hills, or distributed among the open land on both sides of creeks in orderly arrangements. The environment of the tea plantations remains sec

14、luded and peaceful with dense forests and streaming creeks. Because of the agreeable microclimate, dense mist shrouds the tea trees all year long, allowing them to remain green year-round. In spring, drizzling rain and light mists not only nourish the young tea buds, but also form unique and elegant

15、 natural scenery. 龙井茶园还拥有独特的生态条件。它东濒西湖,南临钱塘江,受“一湖一江”水气 调节和东南季风的影响,气候温暖、湿润、多雾。在三面环抱的群山中,北有天 竺山和北高峰耸峙,南面为九溪,溪谷深广,直通钱塘江,既能挡住西北寒流的 侵袭,又能吸纳南来的湿润空气。该区土壤结构疏松,通气透水良好、土质肥沃, 有机质含量高,磷、钙、镁等矿物丰富。这些优越的自然环境、独特的气候条件 以及恰当的土质情况十分适宜茶树种植,与传统种植加工工艺一起造就了西湖龙 井茶特异的品质。Longjing Tea Plantations also possess unique ecological

16、conditions. With the West Lake in the east and the Qiantang River nearby in the south, the plantations are influenced by the water and winds of the “One Lake and One River”. The climate is warm, humid, and foggy. Mountains on three sides surround the tea plantations. The Tianzhu Peak and the Beigao Peak tower in the north. The wide Jiuxi Creek flows in the south into the Qiantang River. This not only blocks invasion of the cold air from the northwest, but also attracts mois



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