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1、7人英语话剧剧本-NetFrien,互联网交友 umar: Is it corret oake frnds on te ntene? ilt b aneous? il, Hillry uge bther,s arud d moie oy. Everyonei hi schooldont lik him. oeer,hrallywants o aaglfrd, s he asks istro elp him. Ten Hly pretenedtoe Bil nne ad eta nie grl, McaThreths ler,Hillary akedMonia tg o with Bill (

2、brte), n arrgdvetigf em. Whn hy mt eac oter tMcDo, Mona foud tt il wasnt the oe who se tlkd oonet.The. Finaly, Moncaundestands hat its ey dangrtoae wh rages d truss eeythin ofhi hr t-fri t r. And e all soud b very caeful when e ont. Sce (n hlcatei, stets arehang uch)Bl: He, Jessie.(He ushed hr ouder

3、 verrdely) CanI oin you? (ssie int sy a d,n Bllus satdw) il: Wo! Wo! Ww!Yu are aing ance dess td!Jessi:Tks! Bill:Oh! ht bautifhacip. Wherdid youbuy t? (Jei didn say anythg.) Bil: Hey, yohavea niceatch (e hel her hand srngl and Js ot angr.) ssie: Dt tch e! I nt wn otalko. eae me lne!(Bil so up and wl

4、kdtowrd Crl. Billa dowbside Carowitout asig e) Bil: y,betful!How coul yu ea olittle! Isot gooor ouheal!Tke tis! (Bll want rol at hiood) arl: N. Bl:Tak it!(e was vry rude and th plae fe down) aro:Hey!What dong! Thiim e rt! B:Im sorry! l: G aa! Yoe ch rud guy!(Carol e away.) Bi: Did I d somehinwrog? (

5、He taediself) Sce II (Inilasrom. Hlaywas suring th net) Bll: Si.Bll: ilry!lar: Oh! ! Bill! Hw log hve you be itin there? reyou trying toscre?(ildidt say ord.) Hilary: Bill? hatsong withou? Whathpee? ill: I ied todraw sme grs attention but they st gnoed m!Hillary: Hmm.Mae the ay yu us w wrng. Bil: Ye

6、h,ae. But I donknw to ttracthm. Hlary,Ijst wantthve gid?Hllary:Grlfn?il: YhHila: Le me see whatIc d l: , cn youelpm?ilay: Ok!Sice ourealywnt to a gifried,Il tryo he. ill: ea!han yu! Y aead!(t hismmt,Hillrysnet-frd s caling her)Hila: Oh. nefin! il: k! Waitn frou god ne! (l ef ilysoomandilary ws think

7、ig ow sheelpedil.) lary: ea! Tts i! cnretedto beBl an fi girlfriend on t Inerne! (She opend e PC andsaw gisnm nica.)Hllary:(Lughing.) Mnica!(lttle it surrsed) Hila:(Takderef) I thsame name he iro Clintonsseualcnl. Hm et mesed amesge o her. Hillay: Hi!m Bil!Gla tmet you! Mica: Helo, il! ,Gad to eet y

8、, o. a colege udet, ndyou?Hilla: hre o: (Laughig.) oueamrous pers! Hiary: an! I gus yure feale, arntyou? Monica: s, .Hillay: (Talke herse) Get! Sh gil Mnica: An yo?Hillr:O. m aboy Monic: Whch schl b a u i? Hillr: mputer Infmation lub. Mna: Oh! Ral?Soyo must be a mpur eert! Hilary: Yca ay tga.Monca:o

9、u kno Imirestedn copu,too. , ayo achme rtell soethin aout te? Hilary:Sre! Itsmyasure! ( .Tw hur latr.) Hiay:O! s ntrsi a wih you. oni:Yeah! I veryhapy, o. iIIai: Willou b eretorow? thesamtme?onca:Ithiko, hpe we cnet agin illay: Ok, Ill beee oorrow, Bye!By!Mon: e! Syn: rom the on, Mnica and Hlary ont

10、nue hattg witach otheatershool(A oicasroom. s ona Mnia came ack hom fmschl,she sated surfig e . Th,he mocaeint he roo She kockd oor, utn oe answeed tedoor) Mom: m comng! om:Oh! Moic, mlng! est bke ome cooie. Want ome?onica: No,ank! Iha sothingmpoat to dMom:Wh ry by dong?Monica: Imsurfing he tkin to my nefend. Mm: Net-friend!!Thy a strangers You eve ot noo tey ar I rad fromh newspers.Ls of things happened e. Yu shoulde mrerefulan ou aveto wchut foyoetfiens, Yureso you onica:Ok. ok. .I knw, Mm. D woy ab e (Momwalke out her ro.n Moiaw Hil)Mnica: Hllo! Bil! Hlly:i! Monca!H oo toa?



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