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1、Unit 1 My classroom第1课时坡头一小 徐小萌 一、 教学目标1、学生能够理解对话大意,用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。2、能够在情景中恰当运用句型Where is? Its in / on /under /near询问并回答物品的位置3、能够在情景中恰当运用句型:Whats in the classroom? Lets go and see.4、能够在语境中理解新词classroom, really, picture, near, window的意思,并能正确发音。二、 重点难点1、 Whats in the classroom? 和 Lets go and see. 的正确使用

2、。2、 Where is ? Its near .的正确使用三、教学过程(一) warming-up1、创设教师欢迎同学们返校的情景。T:After this summer vacation, we all have something different. Can you say something different or something new for you?Ss: (教师引导学生用We have a new的句式表达。)2、每当学生说出一样新物品的时候,教师马上说:“Really?”“Where is it?”并引导学生用从前学过的介词near, under, in等进行回答,期

3、间教师还可以让学生根据实际情况围绕这一物品进行简单的交流。如:What colour is it? Do you like it?等等。(二)Presentation & Practice1、导入Lets talkT: In this new term, there is also something new for Zhang Peng and Sarah. Lets listen to the tape to know what they are talking about. And then answer the following questions according to the

4、dialogue.(教师利用课件出示下列问题,带领学生读问题)A、What do they have? B、Whats in their classroom? C、Where is it?播放录音两遍,要求学生以小组形式讨论,并选择学生用书中原句回答问题。随后,教师指导学生以小组形式逐句回答问题,并将答案用课件显示。2、学习Lets talk(1)教师将classroom,picture和window的图片逐一显示在幻灯片中,要求学生读出单词,知道学生按发音说出相应的字母拼读单词,并将拼出的单词写在黑板上,带领学生反复拼读单词。(2)在确定学生能准确认读单词后,引导学生用着三个新单词造句。教师

5、在学生造句后将下面六个句子写在黑板上,让学生逐句翻译,朗读。We have a new classroom. Whats in the classroom? Lets go and see. My picture is so big. Its near the window. Where is it?(3)再次播放录音,让学生跟着录音逐句读对话,最后让学生分角色表演对话。3、我们来配音利用课件出示Main Scene中的教学图片,让学生仔细观察。组织学生以小组的形式为图片的人物配上合适的英语句子。(二) Lets play1、教师利用课件出示chant A for apple B for bo

6、y C for cat and D for dog E for egg and F for fish G for girl and H for hand I for ice-cream J for jet K foe kite and L for lamp M for man and N for nose O for orange and P for pen Q for queen and R for rain S for sugar and T for train U for umbrella and V for van W for water X for X-mas Y for yello

7、w Z for zoo(2)在学生读过chant之后,说明游戏规则:在看到课件中出现的字母后,迅速说出由该字母打头的单词。(3)i将学生分为四个或六个一组,以小组为单位用英语总结教师中出现的物品,由一名学生将提到的物品写在纸上,并用英语注明其所在的位置,如desk, on the floor。(4)小组提问,以小组为单位向其他小组发出提问的挑战。如:S1:I see a “P”.S2: Where is it?S1: Its near the window. What is it?S2: Its a picture.(5)答对的小组将得到一个老师提供的相应的单词卡片。最后获得单词卡片最多的小组

8、为获胜。三、Homework(1)让学生回家观察自己家中的物品及它们的位置,试着回答问题:Whats near the window? Where is your picture?(2)让学生尝试用自己的语言为父母介绍一下自己的新教室。板书设计Unit 1 My classroomWe have a new classroom.Whats in the classroom?Where is it? Its near the window. / Its a picture.指导建议: 本节课是第一单元第一课时,学生积极性很高,课堂气氛也很热烈,在单词教学时,徐老师采用了多种方式进行操练,学生兴趣高涨,在对话上教师让学生带着问题听录音,抓住学生的注意力,又让学生进行小组合作,分角色表演对话,学生发言也很积极;在chant部分,学生很有兴趣,也很积极,但是这部分稍微有点难度,学生力不能及,教师在这部分处理的不是很好;另外,后进生在课堂上注意力不是很集中,纪律也有待整顿,教师在课堂上也要加强对后进生的关注和指导。


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