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1、2015年6月六级真题(第1套)听力原文00:02.51College En glish Test Band 600:05.83Part U Listening prehension00:09.45Sectio n A00:11.14Directions: In this section,00:13.80you will hear two long con versati ons.00:17.75At the end of each conv ersati on,00:19.88you will hear some questi ons.00:22.25Both the conv ersati

2、o n and the questi ons00:24.80will be spoken only on ce.00:28.10After you hear a questio n,00:29.75you must choose the best an swer00:31.71from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).00:37.31The n mark the corresp onding letter00:39.43on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line00:42.39through the cen tr

3、e.00:43.97Co nversation One00:47.51W: Jack, sit dow n and liste n.00:49.86 This is importa nt.00:51.50 We ll have to tackle the problems00:52.94 of export ing step by step.00:55.27 And the first move is00:56.35to get an upto-date picture00:57.91of where we sta nd now.00:59.84M: Why don t we just co

4、nee ntrate01:01.43o n expa nding here at home?01:04.03W: Of course,01:04.76we should hold on to our positi on here.01:07.18 But you must admit the market here is limited.01:10.10M: Yes, but it s safe.01:12.57 The gover nment keeps out foreig ners01:14.50with import con trols.01:16.23 So I must admit

5、 I feel sure01:18.22 we could hold our own aga inst foreig n bikes.01:21.61W: I agree.01:22.79 That s why I am suggesting exporting.01:25.02 Because I feel we can pete with the best of them.01:28.47M: What you are really saying is01:30.25that we d make more profit by selling bikes abroad,01:34.08whe

6、re we have a cost adva ntage01:35.55 and can charge higher prices.01:37.90W: Exactly.01:39.27M: But, wait a mi nute.01:40.71 Packaging, shipping, financing, etc.01:44.17 will push up our costs01:45.75a nd we could end up no better off,01:48.68maybe worse off.01:50.31W: OK. Now there are extra costs

7、in volved.01:53.34 But if we do it right,01:54.88they can be built into the price of01:56.51 the bike and we can still be petitive.01:59.39M: How sure are you about our cha nces02:01.59of success in the foreig n market?02:03.98W: Well, that s the sticky one.02:05.62 It s going to need a lot of resea

8、rch.02:08.36 I m hoping to get your help.02:10.23 Well, e on, Jack.02:11.97 Is it worth it, or n ot?02:13.43M: There will be a lot of problems.02:15.85W: Nothing we can t handle.02:17.64M: Um. . I m not that hopeful.02:20.47 But, yes, I think we should02:22.51 go ahead with a feasibility study.02:24

9、.37W: Marvelous, Jack.02:26.34 I was hop ing you be on my side.02:28.99Questio ns 1 to 4 are based02:31.08 on the conv ersatio n you have just heard.02:33.59 1. What does the woman intend to do?02:50.00 2. Why does the man thi nk02:52.83 it s safe to focus on the home market?03:08.04 3. What is the

10、man s concern03:11.01 about selli ng bikes abroad?03:25.85 4. What do the speakers agree to do?03:42.42Co nversation Two03:44.62W: What does the term“ alternative03:46.12 energy source” mean?03:48.20M: When we thi nk of en ergy03:49.59or fuel for our homes and cars,03:52.32we thi nk of petroleum,03:

11、53.88a fossil fuel processed from oil03:56.16removed from the ground,03:57.93of which there is a limited supply.04:00.61 But alternative fuels can be ma ny thin gs.04:04.15 Wind, sun and water can04:06.17 all be used to create fuel.04:08.63W: Is the threat of ru nning out of petroleum real?04:11.90M

12、: It has taken thousa nds of years04:13.85to create the n atural stores of petroleum we have now.04:17.48 We are using what is available04:19.40 at a much faster rate than04:21.37it is being produced over time.04:24.18 The real con troversy surro unding04:25.92 the amounts of petroleum we have04:28.

13、13 is how much we n eed to keep in reserve for future use.04:32.20 Most experts agree that by around 2025,04:36.15the amount of petroleum we use will reach a peak.04:40.20 The n production and availability04:42.24will begin to seriously decline.04:45.05 This is not to say there04:46.30will be no pet

14、roleum at this poi nt.04:49.21 But it ll bee very difficult04:51.23a nd therefore expe nsive to extract.04:54.35W: Is that the most importa nt reason04:56.13 to develop alter native fuel and en ergy sources?04:59.54M: There are two very clear reas ons to do so.05:02.05 One is that whether we have 60

15、05:04.77or 600 years of fossil fuels left,05:08.24we have to find other fuel sources eventually.05:12.05 So the soo ner we start,05:13.70the better off we will be.05:15.85 The other big argume nt is that05:17.56whe n you burn fossil fuels,05:19.36you release substa nces trapped05:21.15 in the ground for a long time,


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