高中英语 Unit 1 Period 2 Language Points课时作业 新人教版必修4

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1、高中英语 Unit 1 Period 2 Language Points课时作业 新人教版必修4.语境填词1Even a small success gives you a sense of a_.2There was no c_ between the two events.3He is a s_ in womens diseases.4She and her o_ were given the Noble Peace Prize in xx.5Some children could be noisy and badly b_.6In hot,sunny climates,wideedged

2、 hats provide _ (荫凉) from the sun.7However,the evening makes it all _ (值得的)8One student performed the experiment,while his partner _ (观察)9But in practice,few drivers _ (遵守) the rules.10But I think watching TV is not just for _(娱乐).选词填空1She wanted him to _ normal _.2Ive never been able to _ her _.3He

3、 was _ death because he broke the law.4She _ all her life _ helping the poor.5She waved from the window as the train _.6Childhood memories _ on him on seeing the picture.词义辨析1用battle,campaign,war的适当形式填空(1)We _ against whaling for the last 15 years.(2)The AntiJapanese _ broke out in 1937.(3)Many peop

4、le died in the _ of Waterloo.(4)This victory was the turning point of the _.2用observe,notice,watch的适当形式填空(1)He _ to follow her closely.(2)Did you _ South Africa World Cup?(3)Did you _ anything strange?(4)_ you _ any changes lately?.单项填空1Reaching this agreement so quickly was a great _ for the meetin

5、g. Abenefit BperformanceCachievement Dprogress2There is a _ between pollution and greenhouse effect.Aproblem BreasonCresult Dconnection3If you _ like that,youll get yourself punished.Abehave BsupportCinspire Dconnect4In Washington,missing a bus means _ for another hour.Ato be waiting BwaitingCto wai

6、t Dwait5Only when I watch Avatar a second time _ to appreciate its splendid scenery.Athat I began BI beganChad I began Ddid I begin6The music was _ by the memory of his childhood.Aencouraged BexcitedCinspired Dvalued7Before my father moved off,he told me again and again that I should _ the rules and

7、 regulations of the school.Amake BwatchCremain Dobserve8What happened over there?They argued _ the waiter _ the price of the meal.Ato;for Bagainst;overCfor;at Dwith;about9Television provides universal _.Aperform BentertainCperformance Dentertainment10It is worth considering what makes “convenience”

8、foods so popular,and _ better ones of your own.Aintroduces Bto introduceCintroducing Dintroduced.完形填空One spring afternoon five years ago,Jimmy Liao was crying in the hall of Taipeis Sherwood Hotel.Life seemed _1_.The people who laughed as they walked past were taking their _2_ for granted,just as he

9、 _3_ himself.Now,however,he felt _4_ and he couldnt even show his disappointment in his _5_.Seeking more personally satisfying _6_,he had just left a successful job as a mercial artist when it seemed that fate played a cruel _7_ on him.It was at this time that he developed cancer and was _8_ to work

10、.But that moment in the hotel was a turning point for Jimmy.He began to _9_ the fact that there is no such a thing as fate,only _10_.Since then,he has published several imaginative,illustrated(带插图的)books.According to Jimmy,you are _11_ you choose to be.You can give up or you can work to be a happier

11、 person.Jimmy realized that,while the world _12_ seems unfair,your choice can change your life.This idea can be _13_ in Jimmys books,where his characters show the powerlessness they feel _14_ making their choices.The message that goes with Jimmys drawings,however,is _15_.Though the world may make us

12、 feel small,we must be _16_.Everything will be all right for usas it is for the “small people” in Jimmys booksif we make choices that are _17_ for us.In spite of his new _18_ and wealth,Jimmy prefers working _19_ at home with his wife and daughter.He spends his mornings drawing.To Jimmy,living a lif

13、e as he chooses means much more than money and fame could _20_.1A.unhappyBunusualCunfairDuneasy2A.healthBwealthChappinessDillnesses3A.ought toBhad toCneeded toDused to4A.ashamedBhappyChelplessDendless5A.cryingBpaintingCimaginationDconsideration6A.homeBconditionCsituationDwork7A.gameBtrickCroleDpart8A.unableBimpossibleCunfitDdifficult9A.understandBfaceCrefuseDrecognize10A.failuresBeffortsCchoicesDinterests11A.thatBwhatCwhichDwhoever12A.alwaysBseldomCsometimesDusually13A.foundBdrawnCwrittenDaccepted14A.afterBaboutCwithDbefore15A.powerfulBh


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