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1、英语常用时态现在时志过去时志-RW=5r v-sV-c去丈)将来时will +v原amis + giing to .arwould + -原r was(be) J+ going toL we re i断障,伽amis(现在分词)ore(bewas+现在分伺)WC1E3-hd驼门谣中-M (过去分伺)had + v-ed (过去分词现在时态:一般现在时现在进行时一般将来时现在完成时过去时态:一般过去时过去进行时过去将来时过去完成时时态数轴图TimeTimeTimeTimebeforeagonowfuture帆如中 agp raw fuimrbefellI 旦 基点时间;现在Wow)现曲杏Tula

2、re过去时态一般现在时:一般现在时概念:经常、反复发生的动作或行为及现在的某种状况。时间状语:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never, hardly never, every week(day, year, month),once a week, on Sundays, at the weekends etc.有以下几种常见的用法:表示现在经常性或习惯性的动作;,Kate goes to the library four times a week.John takes a walk after dinner with friends e

3、very day.表示计划和安排好的的将来动作,此时多用于 come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return等表示转移的动词。When does your train leave?Tomorrow is weekend, lets go shopping.表示不受时限的客观事实或真理1. The earth travels around the sun, and the moon travels around the earth.在由 when, after, if, as soon as, unless, as long as until 引导的在时

4、间和条件状语 从句中代表一般将来时.1. Ill go with you if you are free tomorrow.2. As long as I enter the key university, Ill try to go to study abroad.连系动词look, feel, smell, taste及表示心理活动的动词want, like, prefer, have等应用一般现在时表将来All the foreign students want to visit the Great Wall.牛刀小试:1. We often(play) in the playgroun

5、d.2. He(get) up at six oclock.3. you(brush) your teeth every morning?4. What (do)he usually (do)after school?5. Danny (study) English, Chinese, Math, Science and Art an school.6. Mike sometimes(go) to the park with his sister.7. At eight at night, she(watch) TV with his parents.8. Mike(read) English

6、 every day?9. How many lessons your classmate(have) on Monday?10. What time his mother(do) the housework?现在进行时:现在进行时的用法1. 表示此刻正在进行或发生的动作。这一用法可与now, at the moment连用,也可以 不用时间状语。 What are you doing?Im writing a letter.He is answering a telephone at the moment.2. 表示现阶段正在进行而此刻不一定在进行的动作。这一用法可与now, these d

7、ays等 时间状语连用。(有时,虽然要做的事尚未结束,但是在说话时却并没在做这件事,这样的情况也可以用现 在进行时表示。)I must get back to the office.Were working on a new project.He is taking English this semester.本学期他在学英语。Modern science and technoledge are undergoing a great revolution. 现代 科学技术正在经历一场伟大的革命。3. 表示将来的动作。表示按计划、安排将要发生的动作:用现在进行时表示将来时间时,只用于动作动词,不

8、用 于状态动词。在动作动词中,尤为常见的时表示位置移动的动词,如 arrive, come, go, leave, start 等。She is leaving Shanghai in a few days. 几 天 后 她 就 离 开。 Hurry up! The train is starting. 快!火车就要开了。4. 表示人的认识,感情或事物从一种状态逐渐变化到另一种状态。这一用法的动词有: become, begin,get, grow 等。Im beginning to see the importance of learning a foreign language.He ha

9、s worked for three hours and is getting tired. 他已经工作了三个小 时,所以开始感到累了。5.用来强调某个反复重复的动作,把表示说话人对主语行为在感 情上的反应,如亲切、惊奇、赞美、不满等。这一用 法往往 与 always, continually, forever, all the time 等连 用。Why are you always standing there?(不满) Im seeing you all the time these days,(惊奇) Are you feeling better? (亲切)6.现在进行时具有描绘作用,

10、使句子生动有力。Every day people are being killed on the roads.The Yangtze River is flowing endlessly towards the east, 长江滚滚向东 流。A “现在”还是“有时”?现在进行时现在进行时现在进行时用来表示现在正在发生的情况。Its raining at the moment. Im watc hing this programme. Look, that man is taking a photo of you.一般现在时用来表示重复性动作。It always rains in Chengdu

11、 i n the evening. I watch telev ision most weekend.Hes a photographer. He take s lots of photos.B.观点、情感和状态通常用一般现在时来表示观点和情感。I think its a good programme. Kitty likes her job, 还可以用于 表示状态和不变的事实。Writing means a lot to Moyan. Paper burns easily.在 I promise, I agree, I refuse 等句子 中, 用一般现在 时。 I promise Ill

12、 write to you. Its all right. I forgive you.C. “暂时”还是“长久”?现在进行时现在进行时现在进行时用来表示暂时的(即短 期的)日常行为或情况。一般现在时用来表示长久的日常行为或 情况。Im staying in Chengdu this week.I work at a sports shop.Its a permanent job.TheyAt the moment were liv ing in a tiny flat.live in a very nice flat.现在进行时 一般现在时现在进行时用来表示暂时的(即短期的)日常行为或情况。

13、Im staying in Chengdu this week.At the moment were living in a tiny flat. 一般现在时用来表示长久 的日常行为或情况。I work at a sports shop. Its a permanent job. They live in a very nice flat.即学即练填入所给动词的现在进行时或一般现在时形式,完成下面的句子。1. Normally(I / start) work at eight oclock, but(I / start) at seven this week.2. I havent got a

14、 car at the moment, so(I / go) t o work on the bus this week. Usually(I / drive)to work.3. Im afraid I have no time to help just now.(I / write) a report. But(I / promise) Ill give you some help later.4. (I / want) a new car.(I / save) up to buy one.一般过去时:(一) 结构:主语+动词过去式+其他(二) 句式1、肯定句:主语+动词过去式+其他。Fo

15、r example:I was in Beijing yesterday .I went to the beach yesterday .2、否定句:主语+wasnt 或werent+其他。主语+didnt + V原+其他。I wasnt in Beijing yesterday .I didnt go to the beach yesterday .3一 般 疑 问 句: was/ were+ 主 语 +V 原 + 其他?Did +主语+V原+其他?Were you in Beijing yesterday ?Did you go to the beach yesterday ?4、特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+ was/ were+主语+其他?特殊疑问词+did+主语+V原+其他?Where were you yesterday ?Where did you go yesterd



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