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1、Module 5 综合测试I. 单项选择。( )1. She is a manager ?A. doesn t sheB. hasn t she C. isn shteD. didn tshe( )2. Amy got a new job, ?A. doesn t she B. didn t she C. isnt sheD. hasn t she( )3. -Tony doesn t work hda,r does he? -Yes, he .A. does B. is C. wasD. doesn t( )4. -Those kids are as naughty as monkey,sa

2、ren t they? -.A.Yes, they are. B. No, they aren C.Yte.s, they aren D. Nt.o, they are ( )5. -You will go fishing this Saturday, won t you?-_. I have to work this Saturday.A. Yes, I will B. Yes, I won Ct. No, I won Dt. No, I will( )6. -Miss Lewis didn t come wtoork yesterday, did she?. She was ill but

3、 she wanted to finish the project on time.A. No, she didn Bt . Yes, she did C. Yes, she didn D.tNo,she did ( )7. -Jack hasn comt e back, has he? -. Theres a traffic jam.A. Yes, he has B. No, he hasn C. tYes, he does D. No, he doesnt( )8. -Would you mind my here? - Youd better not.A. smoke B. smoking

4、C. to smoke D. smokes( )9. His brother had a fever, he?A. wasn tB. doesn t C. hadn tD. didn t( )10. There is difference blues and jazz.A. betweenB. amongC. fromD. about( )11. Let gso to the concert, ? -T- hat s wonderful.A. will youB. do youC. won t youD. shall we( )12. There is nothing left, _?A. i

5、s it B. isnt it C. is there D. isnt there( )13. Louis Armstrong played - lively, fast, modern music.A. classical music B. blues C. waltzes D. jazz( )14. Gospel is type of music from America.A. another B. other C. the other D. else( )15. to get there on time.A. Make sure B. Get readyC. Hurry upD. Go

6、on( )16. the weather will get better.A. MaybeB. May beC. MayD. Might( )17. are you doing over there?A. What on the earth B. What on earth C. What earth D. What on Earth ( )18. She not only our teacher but also our friend.A. hasB. isC. amD. are( )19. You right this time.A. maybeB. may beC. probablyD.

7、 perhaps( )20. Everybody is here Sally. She has gone to Beijing.A. besidesB. includingC. in addition toD. exceptII. 根据首字母和句意完成单词。1. Mozart was born in A in 1756.2. Sam plays the g very well and he is in a rock band.3. My e brother is two years older than I.4. Mozart w his first opera at the age of 1

8、2.5. Beijing Opera is very t in China. Few young people like it.6. -Is your father badly ill? -No, nothing s, only a little cold.7. Our math teacher can make his class lWe all like liste ning to him.8. The super girl Zhou Bichang has a lot of f.9. The college stude nts can do pjob to pay for their s

9、chool thin gs.10. We can use violin to play all tof music.III. 根据括号中所给的中文提示填词,完成句子。1. 音乐家)train for a long time before they can play Mozartmusic.12. People think he is one of the most important 人物)the 20cen tury popular culture.3. His圆舞曲)made him famous all over Europe.4. There are(十亿)of people in t

10、he world.5. The(西方的)culture is differe nt from ours.6. The trumpet is a very importa nt乐器)in jazz.7. Who was the biggest rock sin ger in the 20世纪)?8. She has sold over one milli on唱片)around the world.9. A n(管弦乐队)is a large group of musicia ns who play classical music.10. EIvis Presley去世)at his Memph

11、is home, in 1977.IV. 句型转换。1. She has already washed the dishes 改为否定句)Shewashed the dishes.2. They saw a film last night, ?(补全反意疑问句)3. Mr Liu has bee n our math teacher for one year.对划线部分提问) has Mr Liu has been our math teacher?4. We like rap music best.(对戈U线部分提问)music do you like best?5. I n fact, I

12、m a sin ger.(改为同义句) Im a sin ger.V. 根据汉语意思完成句子。1.她究竟要去哪里度假? Where is she going for her holiday?2.她不仅是我们老师也是我们的朋友。She is our teacher our friend.3. 伦敦是英国的首都城市和文化中心London is _ England and _ culture4. 在她 16 岁的时候 ,她离开了家 She left home _ _ _ _ _.5. 莫扎特是世界上伟大的作曲家之一Mozart was one of in the world.6. 你离开办公室之前一

13、定要关灯 。 to turn off the lights before you left the office.7. 他也许会成功。 he will make it .8. 别再烦我们了,我们都累啦! _. Were all tired.9. 除了歌剧,莫扎特还创作了什么?What did Mozart write operas ?10. 陈美已经为古典音乐带来了很多新的爱好者。Vanessa-Mae has many new fans classical music.VI. 写出下列句子的反意疑问句。1. That music is blues, ?2. Hes never heard o

14、f that strange story, ?3. There is a lot to eat, ?4. Let sgo out for a ride, ?5. Dont talk so loudly here, ?6. Your father plays jazz music, ?7. The dish tastes delicious, ?8. They built a library two years ago, ?9. Nothi ng is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it,?10. Betty can da n

15、ee to jazz,?VII. 用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。make, soon, piece, composer, study, hear, write, he, when. GermanBeethove n was born in in 1770. He was one of the greatest(2)in the world. Eve n as a child Beethove n did have a happy life. Hisfather was a sin ger. But he was very lazy and always drank a lot ( 酗酒).(3) Beethoven was only four, his father decided (4)h


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