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1、热点11 任务型阅读【命题趋势】为了弥补阅读理解客观题(判断是非题与单项选择题)一统天下、考生容易猜测的局面,近年来各地中考英语阅读理解部分都引入了属于主观题性质的任务型阅读,要求考生或填写表格(一般限定词数),或回答问题。这类试题的难度最大,考生如果不能真正读懂并理解文章,就无法下笔。 值得一提的是,近年来任务型阅读的主观题在各地中考英语试题中所占的比例越来越大,有的地方试题甚至采用两篇,既要求考生根据文章填写表格,又要求考生在阅读文章后回答问题,但是,综观任何一组中考英语阅读理解试题,试题的难易度分布非常有序。【满分技巧】此类任务型阅读是各种题型的综合,可以给出不同的任务让学生逐一完成。一


3、题题干所包括的信部分,这样就可以快速准确地抓住有效信思,确保答题的佳确性。如果是根据英文释义写单词的题,则一定要确保所填的单词来源于原文,切不可脱离原文,随意发挥。【热点话题】(建议用时:30分钟) 阅读、健康、垃圾分类及说明建议类等。【限时检测】A(2019 天津市)话题:交朋友难度:建议用时:7分Friends are an important part of our lives We spend time with them, have fun togetherand share our opinions,feelings and even secretsLife would be bo

4、ring without friendsFriends influence who we arehelp us learn,support(支持)us in good and bad timesand care for us even when we are not happyOftenwe have many happy moments with our friendsWe need someone to share things with to make them more enjoyableBeing lonely for long periods of time is not a gr

5、eat feelingThat is why it is important to spend time making friends and nurturing (维持),a close group of friendsIt is important to have a friend to talk to,whether(不论) it is about a sad or happy subjectIn good times, it is wonderful to be able to celebrate with someone It is also important to have so

6、meone support you if you have just had an unpleasant experience Friends arc important pillars(中心人物)of supportFriends teach us important lessons No two persons are the same As time goes by, we learn to respect one anothers differences This acceptance of others differences is important as we meet more

7、 and more people in our lives, such as new family members, neighbours and new friends1.Life without friends2. Being lonely for long periods of time 3. It is important to have a friend to talk to, whether 4. You need someone to support you if 5. No two persons are the same, so we should 【答案与解析】【文章大意】

8、本文介绍的是朋友的重要性,以及如何与朋友相处1. would be boring细节理解题根据第一段最后的句子Life would be boring without friends,没有朋友,生活将是很无聊的,可确定此处要填写would be boring故答案为would be boring2. is not a great feeling细节理解题第三段最后的句子Being lonely for long periods of time is not a great feeling,意思是长时间的寂寞不是一种好的感觉根据这个句子判定此处应该填写is not a great feeling

9、答案为is not a great feeling3. it is about a sad or happy subject细节理解题根据文中的句子 It is important to have a friend to talk to,whether it is about a sad or happy subject,有一个朋友去聊天儿是很重要的,不管你谈的是难过的还是快乐的话题因此应该填写it is about a sad or happy subject故答案为it is about a sad or happy subject4. you have just had an unple

10、asant experience细节理解题根据文中的句子 It is also important to have someone support you if you have just had an unpleasant experience可以确定此题答案是you have just had an unpleasant experience这话的意思是如果你刚刚有一个不愉快的经历,你需要有人来支持你故答案为you have just had an unpleasant experience5. learn to respect one anothers differences细节理解题文

11、章说No two persons are the same As time goes by, we learn to respect one anothers differences,没有两个人是相同的随着时间的流逝,我们学会尊重别人的差别,因此看出此处要填写learn to respect one anothers differences故答案为learn to respect one anothers differencesB(2019 江苏省无锡市)话题:茶文化难度:建议用时:7分阅读填空 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。所填单词必须写在答题

12、卡对应题号的横线上。每个空格只能填一个单词。Britons are well known for drinking tea. The average (典型的) person in the UK drinks around 1.9 kg of tea every year. Thats around 876 cups of tea. Tea is drunk by all levels of society. But tea does not grow in Britain. Most tea grows in India and China. So, how did it become an

13、 important part of British culture?Tea arrived in London in the 1600s. At this time, British ships were exploring the world and came across the drink in China. It was not long before green tea could be bought from the market. However, it was only for the rich people.At the beginning of the 1700s, th

14、e amount(数量)of tea arriving in Britain increased rapidly . Black tea arrived at this time. At first this tea served exactly as it was in China. They soon discovered that it mixed really well with a little milk and sugar, giving the drink a special British colour.In the 1800s, tea was still a product

15、 enjoyed only by people with money. At this time they began to have “afternoon tea”. They drank tea with a snack around 4 pm to avoid feeling hungry between lunch and dinner. It is a still going today but has become less popular in recent times.Title: _1_ and Britain-a short historyImportant factsDrinking tea is an important part of British culture.The average British drinks about 1.9 kg of tea every year.Tea is not _2_ in the UK, but mostly in India and China.Big eventsBritish ships discovered tea in China while exploring the world and it arrived in London in the 1600s.



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