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1、2011年对口高职第三次模拟考试英语试题一单项选择(每题1分, 共20分)1. How long have you _ this digital camera.?A. borrowed B. bought C. got D. kept2. In the past ten years, there _ great changes in our family life.A.has been B . are C. have been D. were 3. It was _ nice weather yesterday _ we all like it.A. so; thatB. such; that

2、C. such a; thatD. so a; that4. It is impossible for me_ the job in three days.A finishing B.finished C.to finish D.finish5 Although it rained_,We still waited for our teacher outside .A.strong B.heavily C.hardly D.heavy6. Tony_ the army for three years.A.joined B.has taken part in C.has attended D.h

3、as been inA.has7. Time isnt enough for me . Can you give me _?A .two another minutes B. more two minutesC. another minutes two D. another two minute8.-Help yourself _some more chicken. -No,thanks .Im full.A.for B.to C.as D.with9.You may surf the Internet if your work _ .A .has done B. have done C. w

4、ill be done D. is done10.The palace was first built _ more than 800 years ago .A .sometime B. sometimes C. some time D. some times11._ surprised me most was _Mary spoke Chinese just like a native speaker .A. That ,what B. Which , that C. What , that D. That , that12.The school _ I once worked has ch

5、anged a lot .A. which B. where C. / D. that13.-WecanuseQQtotalkwitheachotherontheInternet. -Really?Willyoupleaseshowme_ it? A.whattouse B.howtouseC.howcanIuseD.whatcanIuse14. I borrowed a book _ by a famous scientist from the library last week.A. writing B. written C. wrote D. that wrote15. The grou

6、p _ of ten members are in charge of the pollution problems.A. consists B. consist C. consisting D. consisted 16.The doctor has done all he could_ the boys life.A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved17.To my great _, he didnt feel_ at his mark.A. surprise, surprised B. surprised, surpriseC. surprised,

7、 surprising D. surprise, surprising18. China it the third country_ a person into space.A. send B. to send C. sent D. senting19. He has _little money that he cant afford to buy this gift. A. such B. such aC. so D. only a20. Those _ to the party come from America.A. invite B. invention C. invited D. w

8、asinvited二完形填空(共15分)Advise some students to choose vocational schoolsAre you going to high school to go on with your study ? What will you do if you cant ? Vocational schools are_21_ to you because our country is in need of people _22_ special skills._23_with common high schools, vocational schools

9、have more advantages. Firstly, _24_ promote the_25_ of vocational education, our country spends a lot of money on it . So you need to pay only a smaller half of the school fee._26_,in here you have already started learningpractical(useful) skills that you can use all your life .But some other studen

10、ts may still worry about_27_ the long three years at high schools.Why? Because they didnt choose the school _28_suits them.And finally, when they are still wondering where to go, you are already able to live on your own hands _29_.And perhaps it wont be long before you are on the road to_30_ . Peopl

11、e take different roads because they have different potentials.So different students should choose different schools. _31_ to high schools if you think that you can go farther on that road. Choose a key high school if you are 32 to have chance.Enter a vocational school if you are intereted in the les

12、sons there and you are 33 at making things 34your hands.35 a word, think carefully and see what kind of person you are .Remember, always choose things that suit you.21 A. opened B. opening C. open D. to open 22.A.to B for C. in D. with23.A.Compared B. Comparing C . To compare. D. Compare24.A.so as t

13、o B. in order to C. in order that D. so that25.A.develop B. developing C. developed D. development26.A.Second B. Secondly C. Two D. The second27.A. how to spend B. how to cost C. where to spend D. when to spend28.A.who B. where C. thatD.in which29.A.proud B.proudly C. pride D. to pride30.Asucceed B.

14、 success C. successful D.to succeed31.A.Going B.Go C.To go D.Went32.A.luck enough B lucky enough C. enough lucky D. enough luck 33.A.best B .better C. good D. more better34.A. to B. for C. with D. by35.A. For B. To C. In D. At三阅读理解(三篇,共30分) AThese days, more and more young people wish to be more beautiful, so they turn to plastic surgery (整形手术) for help. They spend thousands of yuan on these painful(痛苦的) surgeries to fix their nose, to change their eyelids (眼皮) or to take off weight from their stomachs.In fact, most people are not pleased with the way they look. Even the most beautiful actre


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