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1、.教材: 美英报刊文章选读(上下册)(第四版) 主编:周学艺,袁宪军 出版社:北京大学出版社 上课时数:34节,17周,每周2学时,2学分。根据高等学校外语专业教学指导委员会2000年制定的英语教学大纲规定:基础阶段:四级:“能读懂英语国家出版的中等难度的各种材料和文章以及难度相当于The Moon Is Down的文学原著和Readers Digest等报刊、杂志以及少年百科全书中各种文章,阅读速度为每分钟个词,了解中心大意,抓住主要论点或情节。能根据所读材料进行推理和分析,领会作者的真实意图。”六级:“能读懂难度相当于英国the Times(Britain)或the New York Ti

2、mes(USA)的社论和政论文章” 八级:“能读懂一般英文报刊杂志上的社论和书评”。以下为本校为本课程制定的教学大纲的相关内容:“本课程在专业教学中的地位和作用: 英美报刊涉及的面极广,西方政治、经济、军事、外交、文化、教育等内容无所不包,因此,扩大英语专业高年级学生的新闻语言知识,让他们掌握一定数量的新闻词语,拓宽普通英语的语义(其时事英语的语义)对于培养和提高他们的阅读能力来说是很重要的,也是非常实用的。本课程的基本任务和要求:本课程是为英语专业高年级学生而设置的。目的在于培养学生阅读国外报刊的兴趣,了解国外报刊的新闻语言的特点,表达方式,用词倾向,常用套语,常见修辞手法等。在学习过程中通

3、过教师的讲授以及组织学生小组讨论,课堂表述(口头)和交流学习体会或心得使学生掌握一定数量的新闻词汇、语法、新闻传播学基础知识和国际新闻大事件的背景材料。帮助学生拓宽自己知识层面,处理好语言知识的深度和广度,在学完本课程后能进一步夯实自身的基本功,提高他们的英语基本技能。” 本学期精读篇目与自学篇目如下:Unit One: China(I)1. Lesson One: Chinas Growth Poses Opportunity and Risk (The New York Times) For self-study: A Race We Can All WinUnit Two:China (

4、II)2. Lesson Four: Home at Last (Newsweek) For Self-study: Exploding Tourism Eroding Chinas Riches(Los Angeles Times)Unit Three: United States(I)3. Lesson Eight: Best Graduate Schools (US News & World Report) For Self-study:Elite US schools turn the fight for supremacy into online game4. Lesson Nine

5、: Is Harvard Worth It? (Fortune) For Self-study: The New Dream Isnt American(Newsweek)Unit Five:United States (III)5. Lesson Sixteen: Obama Makes History (The Washington Post) For Self-study: Path of the Storm (Newsweek)Unit Six: United States and Britain6. Lesson Nineteen: Why the Monarchy Must Sta

6、y(Newsweek) For Self-study: Iraq: Who won the war? (The Independent) Unit Seven: Prominent figures of the U.S, and Britain7. Lesson Twenty: Hes just like you and me, except for the 31bn fortune (The Sunday Times) For Self-study: Bill Gates is retiring, sort of(International Herald Tribune)Unit Nine:

7、 Society 8. Lesson Twenty-eight: Ahead-of-the Curve Careers(US News & World Report) For Self-study: Battle for Brains (Financial Times)Unit Ten: Business9. Lesson Thirty-one Meeting the Asian Challenge (Business Week)For Self-study: A Bountiful Undersea Find, Sure to Invite Debate(The New York Times

8、)10. Lesson Thirty-two: Free-talking and Fast Results (Financial Times) For Self-study: Starve Your Way to Health(Newsweek)Unit Twelve: Sports and language11.Lesson Thirty-nine: English Out to Conquer the World (US News & World Report) For Self-study: Kaka: Brazils Mr. PerfectFIFA,com) 考试方法:书面,闭卷必须掌

9、握的内容:1 弄懂相关课文中每句话的意思,抓住每篇文章的中心思想。2 牢记相关的背景知识(包括课堂上提供的背景知识以及每篇文章所附的中文介绍,考试用英文)。3 记住课文中的重要单词与词组。课前准备:将课文通读两遍,熟悉生词表中的词汇,在不理解的句子旁边做上记号。A newspaper is a publication containing news, information, and advertising. General-interest newspapers often feature articles on political events, crime, business, art/

10、entertainment, society and sports. Most traditional papers also feature an editorial page containing columns that express the personal opinions of writers. Supplementary sections may contain advertising, comics, and coupons.A wide variety of material has been published in newspapers, including edito

11、rial opinions, criticism, persuasion and op-eds(时事评论版),obituaries, entertainment features such as crosswords, sudoku(数独) and horoscopes(占星术);weather news and forecasts,advice, gossip, food and other columns,critical reviews of movies, plays and restaurants; classified ads; display ads, editorial car

12、toons (also known as political cartoon) and comic strips.“Newspaper English” “Learning a language is not merely an academic exercise. Students of English want to be able to use the language they have acquired in the same way as English people use it. They not only want to understand spoken English a

13、nd to make themselves understood ;they also want to be able to appreciate English television and radio programs , to laugh at English jokes, to sing English songs and to read English newspapers. This last wish often gives rise to some disappointment, when for example, the student who has passed his

14、exams with top marks and has earned the commendation of his teacher finds that he is quite unable to understand the newspapers which he knows English people read every day. He realizes that he lacks something. “The deficiency is not entirely his fault. The deficiency lies in the fact that British ne

15、wspapers have a style all of their own; or rather each paper has its own individual style forming part of a general journalistic pattern which we may loosely classify as “Newspaper English”. The more popular dailies use a chatty, slangy, up-to-the-moment way of writing, which, as often as not, leave


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