最新人教版八年级上册英语各单元期末复习题(DOC 25页)

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1、 第一单元复习题1. This story books are very _. A. wonderful B. bored C. excited D. wonder2. Im new here, so I have _ friends here.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few3. Every students should keep_ (diary) every day.4. There are many _ (activity) in our school.5. 他们决定去打篮球. They _ _ _ basketball.6. When I t

2、ried paragliding, I _ (feel like) I am a bird.7. In the city, there are lots of tall _ (building). 8. Her parents are _(商人).9. Can you tell me the _(different) between us?10. He is _ _ (等待) a bus.11. 我忘记带伞,所以被淋湿了. I _ _ bring _ _, so I was _.12. I didnt buy the sweater, _ (because of) its very expen

3、sive.13. He doesnt like playing the drums. (同义句) He _ _ the drums.14. I went to Australia on vacation. (对划线部分提问)_ _ you _ on vacation?15. She visited her math teacher last week. (改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答)_she _ her math teacher last week? _, _ _.16. My father bought something special last night. (否定句)My fathe

4、r _ _ _ _ last night.17. 昨天我遇见了一些有趣的人. I _ _ _ yesterday.18. Excuse me, is there _ in todays newspaper?A. Something new B. new something C. anything new D. new anything19. I stayed at home _ (read) last Friday.20. I had nothing to do but _(watch) TV.21. She has many homework _. A. do B. does C. to d

5、o D. to does22. Linda seems _ _ _ (高兴).23. This TV show is too _( bore), so she felt _ ( bore).24. My mother always makes _(可口的) food for me.25. He is rich enough _ (buy) this big house.26. 昨天下午我尝试着做汤. I _ _ _ yesterday afternoon.27. We should try our best _ (help) the homeless boy.28. Why not _ (pl

6、ay) volleyball with us?29. China is a great country _ long history. A. in B. on C. with D. at30. Everyone should keep _ (learn).31. 他还很小以至于不能去上学。 He is _ young _ he cant go to school.32. Does he have fun? (同义句) Does he _ _?33. I didnt buy anything. (同义句) I _ _.34. I read books every evening. (用last

7、month改写句子) I _ books _ _.35. 每个人都想挣跟多的钱. _ _ _ make _ _. 第二单元复习题1. 我经常帮助妈妈做家务. I _ _ my mother _ _.2. He _ _ (几乎不) watches TV on weekdays.3. I play computer games _ _ _(一周一次).4. She reads story books _ _ _ (一个月两次).5. Her brother buys clothes _ _ _ _ (一年四次).6. This little boy always _ _ _(上网).7. 她正在学

8、摇摆舞. _.8. _ _(垃圾食品) is bad for our _(健康).9. I like _ _ (喝咖啡).10. Her daughter learns _(play) the piano _ _(至少) two hours every day.11. _ _ (百分之五十) of students play computer games every day.12. I have many _(爱好), such as _ (run), _(draw) and so on.13. He wants_(study) math with his friends _(一起).14.

9、去年他的宠物狗死了. His _ dog _ last year.15. 我妹妹想成为一名作家. _.16. I dont want to _(去看牙医).17. Duzhe is a kind of good _(杂志).18. She usually goes shopping. (对划线部分提问)_ _ does she _ shopping?19. Whats your favorite color? (同义句) What _ do you _ _?20. Maybe she is a nurse. (同义句) She _ _ a nurse.21. 他熬了整个晚上看足球赛. He _

10、 _ all night _ _ football game.22. We should eat _ _(健康的食物). She is good at _ (write) stories. 23. Our teachers often ask us _(not swim) in the river, because it is very _(danger).24. We are surprised _( see ) the elephants.25. 他一点儿也不喜欢踢足球. He _ like playing soccer _ _.26. The answer _ the question

11、is very difficult. A. in B. on C. to D. with27. It is easy for _ (he) _ ( study) science.28. We can _ (learn) English by _(read) newspapers.29. I think the best way _(relax) is through exercise.30. Dont _ too much time watching TV, its bad for your eyes.A. spend B. take C. pay D. cost31. I start _( do) my homework after school every day.32. The man is seventy years old, _(然而),he is in good health.33. The


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