Module 6 Unit 2

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《Module 6 Unit 2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 6 Unit 2(37页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 6 Unit 2新课标单词injure 伤害;损害 struggle vi.n. 努力,奋斗,挣扎disability n. 残疾;无能,无力simply adv. 仅仅,只不过;简单地psychologist n. 心理学家 dedicated adj. 投入的,专注的,献身的 junior adj. 年少的;初级的 event n. 运动项目,比赛项日 energetic adj. 精力充沛的,充满活力的 apart adv.adj. 分开的,分离的 devote投入,献身 rush vt. 紧急送往;使冲 specialist n. 专科医师;专家 severe adj.

2、严重的;严厉的,严格的 injury n. 伤害;损害 cheer (使)高兴 n. 愉快,高兴 hopeless adj. 没有希望的,绝望的overcome vt. 克服,战胜 disappointment n. 失望 accomplish vt. 完成,实现 adapt vi.vt. (使)适应,改编 journalism n. 新闻业 disabled adj. 伤残的,残疾的 positive adj. 积极的,向上的,正面的,肯定的 optimistic adj. 乐观的 inspire vt. 鼓舞,激励 courage n. 勇气 admirable adj. 令

3、人钦佩的,令人羡慕的,值得赞美的 rebuild vt. 重建,改建 unbearable adj. 无法忍受的 unfortunate adj. 不幸的 sympathy n. 同情 admiration n. 钦佩,羡慕,赞美 obey vt. 服从,听从,顺从 arrange vi.vt. 安排 allocate vt. 分配 adequate adj. 足够需要的,够用的 confused adj. 困惑的,烦恼的,迷惑的 whichever pron. 无论哪一个,任何一个quit 停止,放弃unhappy adj. 不高兴的,不悦的,不快的encouragement

4、n. 鼓励guidance n. 指导,引导golden adj. 金色的,黄金般的,极好的rush n. 匆忙independent adj. 独立的worry n. 烦恼,忧虑innocent adj. 天真无邪的income n. 收入 accomplishment n. 成就,成功的事情vivid adj. 生动的,栩栩如生的,活生生的hunger n. 饥饿communicate vi.vt. 交流,沟通,传达guarantee vt. 保证;担保workday n. 工作日assist vt. 帮助,协助automatic adj. 自动的,自动化的instant adj. 即时的

5、,方便的maximum adj. 最多的,最大极限的 n. 最大值,龄大极限company n. 陪伴minimum adj. 最小的,最低极限的 n. 最小值,最小极限mature adj. 成熟的secure adj. 安全的,可靠的motivation n. 动机,动力课文出现短语1. play sport2. in difficult times3. achieve success4. meet a goal5. be happy with 6. in case7. describe sb as8. apart from9. devote oneself to10. be rushed

6、 to a place11. cheer sb up12. in good spirits 13. focus on14. feel hopeless15. overcome ones disappointment 16. be proud of 17. take pride in18. adapt to 19. host a program20. stay optimistic/ positive 21. land on her feet/head22. win the sympathy of 23. across the world24. have a good attitude towa

7、rds 25. in public26. for many years to come 27. find a solution28. improve ones grades 29. on the basketball court30. feel guilty 31. feel caught between32. look back on 33. ahead of34. fix problems 35. simplify ones life36. enjoy sbs company 37. make a decision38. have a secure job 39. give sb the

8、motivation40. cook instant meals一单词应用根据单词的首字母或汉语意思填写正确单词,注意形式变化1. Doctors and medical supplies were r _ to the scene of the accident.2. She speaks English so well that her friends are filled with a_.3. What I have achieved in the past few months i_ me with confidence.4. We should never play tricks o

9、n the people who are d_.5. To my d_, my father didnt buy me any present on my birthday for he had completely forgotten it. 6. Her local doctor couldnt tell what was wrong, so he sent her to see a s_.7. The driver of the car received serious I_ to the legs and arms in the accident.8. After ten years

10、of hard work, he has a_ a great deal in his work.9. We should learn to stay o_ no matter what difficulty we may have in our lives.10. The earthquake happened last night destroyed everything in the village and left all the villagers h_.11.And how has Mike _(适应) to his new life in China.12._(无论什么) way

11、 I look at it, I will never be really good at anything unless I quit doing everything else.13.To some, happiness is being_ (围绕)by family and friends.14.while she was in hospital, the world was amazed by the way she remained _(乐观的)。15.Her teammates described her as _(精力充沛的), happy, and hard-working二词

12、形转换1、injure (v)-_(n); 2、energy (n).-_ (adj)3、guidance (n.)-_(v.) 4、disabled (adj.)-_(n.)5、hunger (n.)-_(adj.) 6、devote (v.)-_(n.)7、specialist (n.)-_(adj) 8、motivate (v.).-_(n.)9、confused (adj.)-_(n.) 10. innocent (adj.)-_(n.)三选词填空apart from cheerup in good spirits focus on devoteto be proud ofstrugg

13、le against/with across the world adapt to in case1. Im afraid he cant _ the idea of having a woman as his boss.2. He is so kind a person that he _ his life _ helping blind people.3. Their letters of support made me _ all day long.4. The traditional culture & beautiful views of China have attracted people _.5. She was able to overcome her disappointment and _ the things she had accomplished when the doctor told her she would never be a gymnast.6. You should make a note of what the teacher said in class carefully _ that you may forget them after class.7. Its very important to have



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