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1、奥运英语体育词汇 马术运动 障碍赛花式骑术等Equestrian人员 障碍赛 花式骑术 赛马 马球运动 赌马 步法 马匹 场地 旗手装备 饲养与调教1.马术运动:equestrian sport2 马术比赛: equestrian competition event3 障碍赛: hurdle race; (steeple) chase4 超越障碍赛: show jumping5 盛装舞步;花式骑术: dressage6 三日赛;综合全能马术比赛: three-day event; complete competitive examination of horsemanship7 花式骑术测验:

2、 dressage test8 越野耐力测验: endurance test9 超越障碍测验: jumping testI 0 跳跃障碍测验: PuissanceII 马场超越障碍赛: Stadium jumping competition12 放牧人竞技会: Rodeo13马上技巧: Mounted gymnastics14马术学校: Riding school academy人员15.马术运动员;骑手:equestrian; equestrienn女X; horseman; horsewoman 女); rider; jockey16 障碍赛骑手: Show jumper17 盛装舞步骑手

3、: Dressage rider18驯马师: horse-breaker -master; -trainer; bronco-buster19障碍赛裁判员: Obstacle judge20检查员: Patrol judge21 跑道检查员: Clerk of the course22赛马工作人员: Steward23饲养员: groom ; Stableman24马掌工: Blacksmith; Farrier障碍赛25 越过障碍: Jump26 起跳: Take off27 飞跃: Fly28 飞越: Leap29 .轻触障碍:Tick30 漏跳: Omit an obstacle31 拒

4、跳: Ba(u)lk32踌躇(跳障碍前收住脚步): Dwell33碰撞障碍: Knock down an obstacle34 绊跌: Stumble35 时间限制: Time limit36障碍赛平分决胜: jump-off37障碍: Obstacle; fence38障碍宽度: Spread39固定障碍: Solid obstacle40简单障碍: Simple obstacle41双重障碍: Double obstacles; in-and-out42直立障碍: Vertical straight obstacle43高宽混合障碍 high and broad obstacle44平行杆

5、障碍: Parallel poles45双重平行杆障碍: Double parallel poles46三重障碍: Triple bars47平行三重障碍: Triple parallel bars48木栅障碍: Railing; paling; Oxer; bars; post and rail obstacles49单栏障碍: Simple oxer50蛇形木栅障碍: Snake fence51宽围栏障碍: Spread fence52屋顶形障碍: Chicken coop53低墙障碍;土堤: Bank; knoll54石墙障碍: Stone wall55树篱障碍: Hedge; bull

6、finch56 窄篱墙障碍: Narrow stile57篱沟障碍: Ditch and hedge58树篱与木栅障碍: Brush and rails59沟: Ditch; pit60水沟障碍: Water-jump61水沟带树篱障碍: Water jump with hedge花式骑术62 初级花式骑术: Elementary training; Campagne63 高级花式骑术: grand dressage; high school; haut ecole64 .立定:Attention65 前肢起扬: Levade; pesade66 后肢直立: Rear 67昂首跳步: Jigg

7、ing 68原地快步: Trot in place69斜横步: Two-track; half-pass; appuyer70 巴沙基;高级快报: Passage 71西班牙舞步;高级慢步: Spanish walk 72琵阿斐;原地高级步: Piaffe73 跳跃: Gambado75 原地腾跃: Capriole76 直立腾跃: Curvet; courbette 77旋转: Pivot78 后肢旋转: Pivot on the quarters; pirouette79 前肢旋转: Pivot on the forehand80 半旋转: Caracole81 后肢半旋转: Half-p

8、irouette82 环骑: Volt(e) 83转圈(直径超过6米): Circle 848 字形: Eight; school figures 赛马85 赛马: Horse race racing86 大赛马: Derby87 平地赛马(无障碍物): Flat race88 有奖赛马: Stakes race89 让步赛马: Handicap; allowance race90 负重减量: Alloance91 附加重量: Impost92 根据马匹年龄和赛程而附加的重量: Weight-for-age93 轻驾车赛: Hharness racing94 同时到达终点: dead heat

9、95 领先一头的距离: head96 落选的马: also-ran97 马球运动: polo98 马球运动员: polo player; poloist99 马球队: quartet100 局: chukker101 .前锋:forward102 前卫: halfback103 .后卫: back104 .球门裁判: goal umpire105 .判胜一球: penalty goal106 .原地罚球: free hit107 .得球: right of way108 .球行线: line of ball109 .挤出球行线: ride off the ball110.向前击球: fores

10、troke111 .向后击球: backstroke112 .右侧向前击球: offside forehand113 .右侧向后击球: offside backhand114 .左侧向前击球: nearside forehand115 .左侧向后击球: nearside backhand116 .马球杆: mallet; polo-stick117 .赌马: gamble bet on horses118 .赌博者: gambler; bettor; horse player119 .登记赌注者: bookmaker; bookie120 .赌注: bet; stake121 .赔率: odd

11、s122 .同注分彩赌博: parimutuel123 .赛马内情简报: dope-tip-sheet骑术124 .骑术: art of riding; horsemanship; equestrianism; equestrian skill; equitation; jockeyship125 .无鞍骑乘: ride bareback126 .上马: get up; mount127 .帮助上马: leg up128 .下马: dismount129 .骑坐姿势: riding posture; seat130 .身体重心居中的骑坐姿势: park seat131 .前倾骑坐: forwa

12、rd balanced; hunting; modern; military seat132 .极度前倾骑坐: jockey seat133 .古典骑坐姿势: academic classical seat134 .顺随马的动作: go with the horse135 .扶助指挥: aid136 .自然扶助:natural aid; authorized assistance 137人工扶助: artificial aid; unauthorized assistance138. 控缰: draw the rein139. 开控缰: leading opening rein140. 颈上控

13、缰: bearing neck rein141 .反向直控缰: direct rein of opposition142.强力控缰: heavy-handed; mutton-fisted143 .轻控缰绳: light-handed144. 控马: collect a horse145. 控马后退: rein back146 .停住: halt147. 控缰主导腿: active leg148. 控缰支撑腿: passive leg149 .落马: fall from the horse; come a cropper150 .步法 态: gait151 .自然步法: collected n

14、atural gait152.人工步(包括慢跑步、侧对步、破侧对步): artificial gait153 .侧横步: sidestep154 .慢步: walk; short pace; jog trot 155.自由慢步: free walk156 .短慢步: short walk157 .跑慢步: running walk158. 侧对步: amble; pace; on the diagonal159. 慢侧对步: slow gait; stepping pace160. 破花侧对步: broken amble; rack; single foot161 .快步: trot162 .

15、狐小快步: foxtrot163 .骑手稳坐马鞍的小跑: sitting trot164. 骑手随马起伏的小跑: rising trot165. 慢快步: collected trot166 .平稳快步: square trot167. 缩短快步: slow trot168. 慢跑步: canter; slow pace; hand gallop169. 普通慢快跑: ordinary canter170 .大步慢跑: lope171 .反常跑步: counter canter; false lead172.飞奔;疾驰: gallop173.袭步:full running gallop174 狂奔: bolt; take the bit175



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