Module 9 Possessions Unit 1 I‘‘ve got a new book.公开课教学设计 - 小学英语教案及反思

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Module 9 Possessions Unit 1 I‘‘ve got a new book.公开课教学设计 - 小学英语教案及反思_第1页
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Module 9 Possessions Unit 1 I‘‘ve got a new book.公开课教学设计 - 小学英语教案及反思_第2页
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Module 9 Possessions Unit 1 I‘‘ve got a new book.公开课教学设计 - 小学英语教案及反思_第3页
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《Module 9 Possessions Unit 1 I‘‘ve got a new book.公开课教学设计 - 小学英语教案及反思》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 9 Possessions Unit 1 I‘‘ve got a new book.公开课教学设计 - 小学英语教案及反思(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 9 Possessions Unit 1 Ive got a new book.公开课教学设计 - 小学英语教案及反思 一、教材内容分析?新标准英语?三年级起始第二册Module 9 PossessionsUnit 1 Ive got a new book.教材内容通过四个小朋友互相展示自己拥有的物品,学习如何用英语来描述自己和询问他人所拥有的物品。教材的编排意图在于结合此话题展开听、说、读、写的活动。话题贴近学生的生活实际,并且富于变化,学生对此非常感兴趣,符合学生的认知水平。英语教学以培养学生的语言运用能力为目标,而这一话题有利于真实性任务活动的开展。教师应充分利用话题的优势


3、合作、大胆实践、勇于创新的目的。让学生在真实的语境中学习英语,练习对话,学会交际。三、教学目标1、语言知识目标1学习单词have got,has got,dress,sweater,coat,T-shirt,animal,sport等;2学习I have got a new book.等这类描述自己拥有物品的语句;3学习Have you got a/an?Yes,I have./No,I havent.Has she/he got a/an? Yes,she/he has./No,she/he hasnt.这类询问他人是否拥有物品及答复的语句。2、语言能力目标1听:能听懂本单元所学的单词hav

4、e got,has got,dress,sweater,coat,T-shirt,animal,sport及语句I have got a new book. Have you got a/an?Yes,I have./No,I havent.Has she/he got a/an? Yes,she/he has./No,she/he hasnt.2说:能口头运用I have got a new book.等这类语句描述自己拥有的物品;能口头运用Have you got a/an?Yes,I have./No,I havent.Has she/he got a/an? Yes,she/he ha

5、s./No,she/he hasnt.这类语句来询问他人所拥有的物品。3读:能熟练地并有感情的朗读课文及所学单词。4写:能书写字母Vv-Ee和本单元简单的词与句子。3、学习策略目标1学生能在一定程度上形成自主学习、有效交流的能力。2在学习中乐于参与,积极与他人合作并能够主动请教。4、情感态度目标通过学习培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生喜欢用英语交流,敢于开口。四、教学重点1、学习单词及词组have got,has got,dress,sweater,coat,T-shirt,animal,sport等。2、学习语句I have got a new book.Have you got a/an?Y

6、es,Ihave./No,I havent.Has she/he got a/an? Yes,she/he has./No,she/he hasnt.五、教学难点在日常生活中能熟练运用这些语句并能做出答复。六、教学准备图片、录音机、磁带、卡片、纸张、彩色笔、书、粉笔、多媒体、剪贴画、各色五角星、各色小花。七、教学过程Step1 Warming up1.Play the game: Touch your nose. Touch your right ear. Touch your left leg2.Sing:“Rain,rain,go away ( CAI )3.Free talkT: I f

7、ly a kite in spring. What do you do in summer?S1: I fly a kite,too. (Asks S2.) What do you do in summer?S2: I ride a bike in summer. (Asks S3.) Step2. PresentationT: Today we are going to learn Module 9 Unit1.板书课题1.Teach the new words.T: Boys and girls, look at the screen. Whats this? (T shows CAI.

8、Introduce the vocabulary“ dressand write the word“dresson the blackboard(1) Read after the teacher.(2) Ss: Read it one by one.(3)Teach: sweater、coat、T-shirt 、animal in the same way.(4)T:拿着刚教授过dress 、sweater、coat、T-shirt的实物展示给学生并说Today I have got a dress,a sweaterHe/She has got a coat,a T-shirt. (Tea

9、ch :have got/has got)(5)Make the sentences,Using have got/has got.2.Practice 以下四种活动均可采用竞赛的方式进行,每一项活动之后,教师总结、评奖。 T: Next lets play some games. (1) Read the new words loudly or lowly.教师大声说,学生小声说,或教师小声说,学生大声说。(2) Read the new words in Chinese or English 教师说英语,学生说汉语,或教师汉语说,学生说英语。(3) Lets sing a song and

10、 pass the card of words (按座位顺序让学生将单词卡片一一向后传,同时全班同学一起唱“Hi, Nancy等歌曲。唱完之后,手中有图片的同学立即读出图片上的单词,然后大家继续唱,改变歌词Hi,sweaters!(dresses,coats,T-shirts)并继续传图片。(4) Listen and draw.教师说单词,学生用水彩笔在白纸上画出相应实物的图片。3.Teach the sentences.1T: Now, look at me. I have got a sweater. Have you got a sweater? (教师手拿一件毛衣,反复说几次,并引导

11、学生答复:Yes, I have.待学生会说时, 教师手里什么也不拿,做出没有东西样子,引导学生理解并答复No,I havent. 然后板书句型“ Have you got a/an? Yes, I have. / No, I havent.)2Read after the teacher.3Ask and answer (教师边问,边出示各类衣物)T:Have you got a/an?Ss: Yes,I have./No,I havent.4T叫学生S1手拿上衣到黑板前来,然后指着学生S1说 Have you got a coat?S1: Yes,I have.T指着学生S1,问全班同学)

12、 Has she/he got a coat?并引导学生说:Yes, she/he has. 反复几次。将学生S1手中的衣服拿走,然后问全班同学同样的问题,并引导他们答复:No,she/he hasnt. (5) Read after the teacher. 6 ConsolidationT: Boys and girls, look at these flowers. Do you want to get them. Lets match a game. Using“Has she/he got a/an? Yes,she/he has. No,she/he hasnt.Show CAI.

13、(分别出示玲玲穿着色彩鲜艳的毛衣、大明穿着款式新颖的上衣、Sam 穿着漂亮T恤衫、Amy穿着时尚的连衣裙。)Group1 asks - Group2 answers - Group2 asks. - Group3 answers依次类推Step3. Listen and learn 用课件呈现课文内容1.Listen and point2.Repeat (Two times)Step 4 Extension1.Act out the dialogue freely.T: Now, lets play a game in groups. The best group will get the r

14、eward.Ss:学生将预先准备好的实物或图片拿出,以小组为单位互相提问。通过询问Have you got a/an? Has she/he got a/an? 了解对方目前是否有某物,用Yes, I have./No,I havent. Yes,she/he has./No,she/he hasnt.答复,呈现相应的物品或做没有该物品的状态。T:在学生自由表演对话中,教师走到学生中间,并且帮助个别有困难的学生。2.Show their dialogue.(每组选出2名学生表演对话,最后评选出英语表演之星。)Step5 SummaryT: Please look at the screen,

15、lets say a chant.(CAI shows)Sweeter, sweater, I have got a sweater.Dress, dress, you have got a dress.Coat, coat, he has got a coat.T- shirt, T-shirt, she has got a T- shirt.Ss: RepeatStep6 Homework1.Copy the new words four times with pictures.2.Listen to the tape recorder and repeat 5 times.Step7 Blackboard writingUnit 1I



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