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1、2022年考博英语-中国传媒大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题When I applied under Early Decision to the University of Pennsylvania four years ago, I was motivated by two powerful emotions: ambition and fear. The ambition was to fulfill my lifelong expectation of attending an Ivy League school; the fear was that without

2、the advantage offered by Early Decision, I wouldnt make the cut. A Penn admissions officer told me that the previous year they had accepted 45 percent of Early Decision applicants and just 29 percent of total applicants. The implication was clear: applying under Early Decision dramatically improves

3、your chances of acceptance. At Brown University, my other favorite, applying early did not confer any advantage. While Brown was my No. I choice, Penn was a close second, and I desperately wanted to make sure I got into one of the two.I applied just before the Nov. 1 deadline, and six weeks later I

4、got my acceptance package. I was thrilled and relieved. While my friends spent winter vacation finishing as many as 18 applications each, I relaxed. On a school trip to France over spring break, I drank wine while everyone else struggled with international calling cards to phone home and find out wh

5、ere theyd been accepted. People cried about getting rejected, or began the difficult and agonizing process of choosing between two or more schools. Strangely, none of this made me feel better about having applied early. It made me feel worse. When a lot of people from my class got into Brown, I wond

6、ered if I, too, could have.Penn sent a discombobulating array of material to incoming freshmen over the summer. As the pile of mail mounted, so did my concerns that I had made the wrong choice. I had been to Penn only one day, in October of my senior year. I realize now I did not know nearly enough

7、about myself or the school. Picking classes was far more arcane(错综复杂的)than I had expected (or than it would have been at a smaller school). And when I got to the campus, I found that fraternities(男生联谊会)and sororities(女生联谊会)were a more noticeable and obnoxious presence than the 30 percent student mem

8、bership had suggested to me.It wasnt long before I knew Penn was not right for me and I looked into transferring. For me, it was about more than just changing schools. I wanted to have the traditional application experience Id missed out on during my first go-round. The only school on my list that a

9、llowed transfers during the second semester of freshman year was Wesleyan, so I waited out the whole year, and then applied to Yale, Brown and Wesleyan. I got into Wesleyan. The irony that I could have gotten in sooner, without getting rejected by the other schools, was not lost on me. But I know I

10、made the right decision. I realized early decision is not for everyone. Better think before you apply.To high-school seniors who want to avoid making the same mistake I did, my advice is simple: dont apply under Early Decision unless you are absolutely sure that the school is your first choice. And,

11、 just as important, dont let your parents or college-guidance counselors persuade you to apply under Early Decision. They may have their own agenda, or at least their own perception of who you are and what you want. As I discovered, no one can really know what you want better than yourself, and even

12、 you may need time to figure out what that is.1. The main reasons for the author to apply under Early Decision are ().2. It can be inferred from the text that the main advantage of Early Decision is that ()3. The description of the authors feelings in Paragraph 2 shows that ().4. We can draw a concl

13、usion from the text that ().5. From the text we can see that the writer seems ().问题1选项A.pride and ambitionB.dream and fearC.easiness and effort-savingD.trouble-saving and release问题2选项A.you can graduate from the high school earlierB.you dont worry about the resultsC.you neednt take the entrance exami

14、nationD.youre more likely to be accepted问题3选项A.he is satisfied with his choiceB.there are many advantages of being accepted earlierC.less effort is needed under Early DecisionD.he is happy with and doubts about his decision问题4选项A.a fill consideration is needed before applyingB.students should avoid

15、the short cutC.a quick decision will do you no goodD.the author shouldnt apply under Early Decision问题5选项A.regretfulB.optimisticC.gloomyD.sensitive【答案】第1题:B第2题:D第3题:D第4题:A第5题:A【解析】1.细节事实题。题干询问:作者根据“提前申请”原则申请学校主要是因为什么?根据原文第一段第一句“I was motivated by two powerful emotions: ambition and fear.”可知,我提前申请宾夕法尼

16、亚大学主要是因为有两种强烈的情感驱使我这么做:雄心和恐惧。因此,B项“梦想与恐惧”符合原文表述,故本题正确答案为B选项。2.推理判断题。题干询问:从原文可以推断出“提前申请”的主要优势是什么?。根据原文第一段第四句“The implication was clear: applying under Early Decision dramatically improves your chances of acceptance.”可知,提前申请政策能大大提高被录取的几率,因此D选项“你更可能被录取”符合原文内容,而其他三项在原文中均未提及,故本题正确答案为D选项。3.细节事实题。题干询问:作者在第二段中的情感描述是为了说明什么?首先,作者在第



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