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1、题型重组练(三) (建议用时:30分钟).阅读理解(2019浙江名校新高考研究联盟联考)Brits(英国人) are extremely bad at languages, with many of us relying on the fact that the rest of the world speak English. Only half(51%) are able to speak a second language to any standard and as more people travel abroad, this is becoming an increasing reg

2、ret, according to a new study.Almost twothirds(62%) of UK adults wish they were better at speaking languages. So they can better understand a citys culture(38% of respondents), talk with locals(24%) and go beyond the guide book(21%)Overcoming language barriers can be one of the most difficult parts

3、of a holiday, particularly when in unfamiliar surroundings. So stressful in the fact that 10% of respondents said they didnt travel because of the problem.The survey by Hostelworld showed that one in five blamed getting lost on the language barrier, while a similar number had problems ordering food

4、and one in ten got on the wrong train, plane or other form of transportation.If languages werent an issue then one in eight(12%) Brits would visit Japan. China, Italy and Russia were also popular choices. Despite the communication problem, Japan has seen a 7.5% increase in the number of British visi

5、tors between January and April, compared to this time last year.“The number of British travelers to Japan has been growing year on year,”according to Hollie Mantle, marketing and communication manager for the Japanese Tourist Board.“People are realizing that Japan is one of the most hospitable and b

6、eautiful countries on earth, with so many new experiences for travelers to try, not to mention worldclass cuisine!”They had this message for Brits thinking about visiting:“Though some travelers worry about language barriers, as soon as you arrive in Japan, youll realize that people will go out of th

7、eir way to help you enjoy their country. There really are few barriersroad signs and train stations are in English. Youll find that people speak more English than they let on, and even when they dont, they will go above and beyond to help you out.”1What do we know from the first two paragraphs?ABrit

8、s are poor at languages.BBrits regret what they have done.CBrits like relying on others.DBrits are good at languages. 2.How many Brits cant order food correctly because of language barriers?AAbout 10%.BAbout 12%.CAbout 20%.DAbout 21%.3How is the text mainly developed?ABy analyzing causes.BBy giving

9、examples.CBy making description.DBy listing data.完形填空“Love is caring,” Grandma told me as I sat at her bedside. She was in bed and receiving hospice care(临终关怀护理)As immigrants, Grandmas families were _1_. First, they started a sausagemaking business. Then, they ran a grocery store. As the Depression(

10、经济大萧条) raised its _2_ head in 1929, many families couldnt _3_ groceries. Her father insisted on helping by extending credit to them. But, his selfless help led to financial disaster _4_ large numbers of the credit extensions went _5_Disaster didnt stop there. After her parents deaths two years later

11、, Grandma _6_ the debts, lost the business and _7_ her brothers, looking after and protecting them. She fell sick from sadness, feeling hopeless and helpless. _8_, she finally pulled herself together. She _9_ creditors to give her time to repay them. She found a job in a candy shop. _10_, all of her

12、 familys debts were repaid. Her _11_ kept the family from bankruptcy(破产)Through her many _12_, Grandma found the strength to give and be _13_ for the smallest things. She never made complaints about the families that _14_ to repay her even after their hardships ended.I remembered the _15_ she had to

13、ld us many times. Her sister Olivia was _16_ hard times. She only had two dollars in cash to get herself through the week then. But after struggling, she _17_ slipped her very last two dollars into an envelope _18_ to Olivia.“Be appreciative of everything, Lauren. And love others. Love is caring,” G

14、randma _19_Looking at the courage of a woman facing _20_ made me realize I had so much to learn.,1.A.unitedBadventurousCreliableDcautious2A.rigidBbigCuglyDheavy3A.manageBdemandCaffordDsupply4A.althoughBunlessCbeforeDwhen5A.unpaidBunconfirmedCunknownDunnoticed6A.took overBturned overCpicked upDmade u

15、p7A.botheredBmotheredCcomfortedDinstructed8A.ThereforeBMeanwhileCOtherwiseDHowever9A.commandedBremindedCpersuadedDexpected10A.In turnBIn timeCIn secretDIn surprise11A.intelligenceBfortuneCconfidenceDdetermination12A.lossesBrolesCattemptsDerrors13A.readyBthankfulCrespectfulDresponsible14A.refusedBpromisedCpretendedDintended15A.businessBchallengeCactivityDstory16A.going aroundBgoing withCgoing throughDgoing over17A.calmlyBhesitantlyCthoughtfullyDgently18A.presentedBconveyedC



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