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1、guarantee for the great struggle. This aspects XI General Secretary of speech main including exercise thrift, against extravagance mass line is party of lifeline and fundamental work route accurate grasp party of mass line education practice activities of guideline and target requirements set and de

2、velop three strict three real of style put power shut into system of cage in using history wisdom advance anti-corruption construction in-depth advance style clean government and anti-corruption struggle develop nail nail of spirit, a Zhang good of blueprint worked to. 9. other aspects. 18 big yilai

3、, XI General Secretary also respectively on diplomatic, and military, and ecological construction, aspects published has important speech, covers has construction ecological civilization, and advance defense and army modern, and rich one country, two systems practice and advance country unified, and

4、 go peace development road, and promoted building new powers relationship, and go good around diplomatic work, and strengthening and developing countries solidarity cooperation, and active participation multilateral affairs, and science of thinking and work method, many aspects. XI Jinping, Secretar

5、y of a series of important speeches, and further enrich and develop the partys theory, line, principles and policies, the party puts forward new requirements for more contemporary features, the latest achievement of Marxism in China, is a guide to persisting and developing socialism with Chinese cha

6、racteristics. Four methods. To address the relationship between comprehensive and focused on science. In the process of learning, we should follow as a good study and carry out the wise men to conduct a comprehensive collaborative learning; and with their own jobs, focus research and understanding s

7、pirit, grasp the potential requirements. For example, every party member should be according to the various branches of learning program, an article does not go into a link, no leakage of conducting a comprehensive study, and combined with their own duties and responsibilities, be focused and target

8、ed Geoscience. Like, leaders to highlight learning XI on ruling acting political know of deep love of cut dry in practice go in forefront of river new language out poverty XI on coordination advance four a full strategy layout discusses excerpts XI on full deepening reform discusses excerpts XI on f

9、ull law ruling discusses excerpts 18 big yilai XI on major economic problem discusses excerpts, discipline to highlight learning XI on strict party of discipline and rules discusses excerpts XI Jinping, on the construction of clean and honest Government and fight against corruption discussed excerpt

10、s, technology to highlight the learning of the XI Jinping on technological innovation and discusses excerpts, XI Jinping, education should highlight the important excerpts of work on education and so on. To address the relation between stage and often science. Phase has the advantage of time to focu

11、s on fast, to highlight the theme, focused, result; often learn the advantages of flexible fit, form, subtle, continues to管制刀具管制刀具,是指匕首、三棱刀、弹簧刀(跳刀)及其他相类似的单刃、双刃、三棱尖刀。根据公安部对部分刀具实行管制的暂行规定第2条至第7条的规定,管制刀具的佩带范围和生产、购销均有法定手续。类型1匕首,除人民解放军和人民警察作为武器、警械配备以外,专业狩猎人员和地质、勘探等野外作 管制刀具业人员必须持有的,须由县以上主管单位出具证明,经县以上公安机关批准

12、, 发给匕首佩带证,方准持有佩带;三棱刮刀仅限机械加工人员使用,不得带出工作场所。 2制造管制刀具的工厂、作坊,须经县以上主管部门审查同意和所在地县、市公安局批准,发给特种刀具生产许可证,方准生产;管制刀具样品及其说明(名称、规格、型号、用途、数量)须送所在地县、市公安局备案。 3经销上述管制刀具的商店,必须经县、市以上主管部门审查同意和所在地县、市公安局批准。购销要建立登记制度,备公安局检查。 4购买管制刀具的单位和个人,向所在地县、市公安局(公安分局)申请特种刀具购买证,凭证购买;军队和警察,由县、团以上单位凭上一级主管部门批准的函件,向指定单位定购;三棱刮刀,凭单位介绍信向批准经销的商店

13、购买。 5.少数民族使用的藏刀、腰刀、靴刀等,只准在民族自治地方销售。 管制刀具包括如下: (1) 匕首、三棱刀、三棱刮刀、半圆刮刀、侵刀、扒皮刀、羊骨刀、猎刀、弹簧刀; (2) 刀体八厘米以上,带自锁装置或非折叠式的单刃、双刃尖刀; (3) 武术用刀(能开刃的)、剑等器械; (4) 少数民族用的藏刀、腰刀、靴刀; (5) 其它可能危害社会治安的刀具。管制刀具认定标准凡符合下列标准之一的,可以认定为管制刀具: 匕首:带有刀柄、刀格和血槽,刀尖角度小于60度的单刃、双刃或多刃尖刀;三棱刮刀:具有三个刀刃的机械加工用刀具;带有自锁装置的弹簧刀(跳刀):刀身展开后,可被弹簧或卡锁固定自锁的折叠刀具;

14、其他相类似的单刃、双刃、三棱尖刀:刀尖角度小于60度,刀身长度超过150毫米的各类单刃、双刃和多刃刀具;其他刀尖角度大于60度,刀身长度超过220毫米的各类单刃、双刃和多刃刀具。 未开刀刃且刀尖倒角半径大于2.5毫米的各类武术、工艺、礼品等刀具不属管制刀具范畴携带管制刀具,危害无穷 为进一步加强校园及周边治安管理,维护校园治安秩序,保护师生生命财产安全,根据省教育厅、省公安厅关于严密防范涉校涉生暴力犯罪的通知(闽教安【2010】5号)的要求,学校决定从即日起至4月10日开展校园管制刀具收缴专项行动。现将什么是管制刀具以及携带管制刀具的违法性和应承担的法律责任告知家长,请家长配合学校加强孩子的安

15、全法制教育。一、什么是管制刀具? 管制刀具是指公安机关为了有效维护社会治安,防止不法分子利用刀具作为凶器进行违法犯罪活动,由法律规定实行控制管理的刀具,它是刀具的一部分。 二、管制刀具的范围: 1.匕首,即短剑或狭长的短刀;2.三棱刀,是一种三面有棱角的刀具;3.弹簧刀,是一种具有弹簧自锁装置的利刃,又叫跳刀; 4.各种尖刀,是指刀刃长度在8厘米以上的单刃或双刃尖刀。另外,无弹簧但有自锁装置的单刃、双刃刀和形似匕首但长度超过匕首的单刃、双刃刀,以及东洋武士刀,西洋军刺等都属于管制刀具。 三、对部分刀具实行管制的目的。 1.保障公民人身安全; 2.防止不法分子利用刀具作为凶器进行违法犯罪活动。

16、四、对部分刀具实行管制的积极意义。 1.维护社会治安,保障公共安全;2.保障刀具的正常生产、销售和使用;3.教育、挽救违法青少年,社会上喜欢携带刀、剑、匕首等刀具的多系青少年,他们以拥有刀剑为时尚。青少年的身心发展尚未成熟,思想单纯,缺乏理智,意志薄弱,感情易冲动,自我控制能力弱。部分青少年不知法,不懂法,不畏法,不守法,无所顾及,胆大妄为,逞强霸道心理极强,有时为了一点小事,或经过他人稍加挑逗,就大动干戈,持刀伤人,甚至持到械斗。 五、法律依据。 中华人民共和国治安管理处罚法第三十二条:非法携带管制刀具的,处五日以下拘留,可以并处五百元以下的罚款;情节较轻的处警告或者二百元以下罚款。非法携带管制刀具进入公共场所或者公共交通工具的,处五日以上十日以下拘留,可以并处五百元以下罚款。构成犯罪的追究刑事责任。


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