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1、六年级第一学期月考试卷(答题时间:70分钟)Part One ListeningPart Two Vocabulary and GrammarI. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(15%)()1、 Alice sometimes goesin East Point.A. to shopp ingB. shopp ingC. shopsD. to shop()2、It Toms birthday today. He got many birthday cardshis classmate.A. withB. fromC. toD. forThis is a p

2、hoto of Kitty friends andA. theyB. themC. heryouto Australia?A. Did .go B. Are goingThis is my father, I mdaughter.A. heB. hisWhat are they doing ?They are playing.A. the badm inton B. a badm inton)7、 Kittykind to others.No, I have nC. Have .beenD. sheyet.D. Have goneC. herD. himC. badm intonsD. bad

3、m intonA. always is B. always be)8、-What time shall we start?-about2:00 p.m.?A. WhatB.WhereC. is alwaysD. be alwaysC. WhichD. WhenD. Take toD.goesD. was bee nD.backthe book)9、the bookme, please. I want to read it.A. Bring .from B. Take fromC. Bring to)10、Have Youyet? No, I haven yet.A. been to Shang

4、hai Zoo been to there B. went to Shanghai went thereC. been Shanghai Zoo been thereD. been to Shanghai Zoo been there)11、Mr. Smithto the City Plaza already.A. have bee nB. is goingC. has bee n)12、 Whereyour sisteron Green Isla nd?A. have beenB. hasbeenC. is been)13、When will you come?A. thereB. to h

5、ereC. to home()14、How much does the trip to Zhongshan Park. ?It5 yua n.A.costsB. costedC. costD. cost ing()15、We are going to visit Garden City.A. next Sun day B. last Sun dayC. the Sun day D. on Sun daysII. Fill in the blanks with the words given in their proper forms(用所给单词的适当形式填空.)(5% )1、Mary is a

6、lwaysto others.(frie nd)2、People always(polluti on) the environment.3、My gran dmother lives with.(I)4、Alice n ever tells.(lie)5、Look! They arekites.(fly)III. Choose the words or phrases which have the same meanings as the underlined parts.(选择与戈U 线部分含义最接近的词或短语)(5%)A. keep clea nB. much C. not far awa

7、y from D. took care of E. at weeke nds()1、My home is near my school.()2、.My family always go to the park on Saturday and Sun day.()3、.Susan looked after us well. She is a good cook.()4.、We must not pollute the Earth.()5.、There is a lot of water in the well.IV. Fill in the Blanks with the verbs given

8、 in their proper forms (用所给动词的适当形式填空.)(5%)1、 Mon keys like(eat) banan as.2、Alice never(get) an gry.3、 It is ten o clock now. The boy(do) his homework.4、Every morni ng TomMr. Wang at the gate.(meet)5、WeMr. Smith next week.(visit)V. Rewrite the sentences as required (按要求改写句子)(10%)1、We are going to get

9、 there at 9:00 a.m.(对划线部分提问)are you going to get there?2、It costs me 60 yuan.(对划线部分提问)Howit cost you?3、 Alice has got a lot of presents and birthday cards?(改为一般疑问句)Alicea lot of prese nts and birthday cards?4、Mr. Li is going to Stone Bay.(对划线部分提问)Mr. Li goi ng?5、 At weekends we fly kites at Zhongsha

10、n Park.( 改成否定句 )At weeke nds wekites at Zhon gsha n Park.VI. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence (选择正确的单词完成句子)(5%)1. Gilbert is always(kind, kin dly) to others.2. The Internet(因特网)is helpful(with, to) us.3. She(has, have) bee n to Beiji ng four times.4. Please(take, pick) up the rubbish

11、!5. We like to(are, be) together.VII. Read and complete the sentences (根据所给出的首母,完成句子)(5%)1、Tom and May are brother and sister. They always do homework t.2、The dog is my grandfather good f.3、We pto look after the Earth.4、The smoke from factories pthe air,5、People throw ron the road. It bad for us.Par

12、t Three Reading and WritingI. Choose the right sentence and complete the following dialogues.(选择适当的句子完成对话)(5%)A. I usually have a barbecue with my family on the beach. B. He is never naughty.C. Where have you bee n in Shan ghai?D. How is your new flat?E. Is your school n ear or far away from your ho

13、me?F. We are shopp ing together.1. A: How is your good friend?B:12. A:2B: I have bee n to Yu Garde n in Shan ghai.3. A: What are you and your mother doing together?B:34. A: What do you usually do at weeke nds?B:45. A:5B: It far away from my home.II. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)(15%)(A )Mike is an Am

14、erican worker. He lives in a big city near the Great Lakes. He works in a car factory. His wife, Lucy doesn work in a factory. She is a doctor. She works in a hospital. They have two children. One is a boy and the other is a girl. The boy goes to school. The girl is in a nursery ( 托儿所).This year the

15、re isn much work in the factory. Mike works onlythree days a week. He doesn get much mon ey. He does some other work to get eno ugh money for his family. He clea ns the city swimmi ng pool in the eve ning.True or False (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用T”表示.不符合的用F”表示)()1.Mike home is a big city far away from the Great Lakes.()2.Lucy and her husba nd work in the same factory.()3.Their so



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