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1、securev.skj( secures; secured; securing )双解释义vt.握紧,关牢 hold or close tightlyvt.使安全 make safevt.(使)获得; 把搞到手 (cause to) get, especially as the result of effort基本要点1.secure的基本意思是“握紧”“关牢”,指关紧某物使其牢固,常用于某些可能丢失或逃脱的人或物,引申可表示“使安全”,还可表示“(使)获得”“把搞到手”。2.secure只用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、that从句或疑问词从句作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for

2、的宾语。可用于被动结构。3.secure常与介词againstfrom连用表示“保护使免于”。词汇搭配 +名词 secure end达到目的 secure sbs reputation维护某人的声望 secure the windows关紧窗户 +副词 secure blamelessly无过错地获得 secure conditionally有条件地获得 secure effectually有效地获得 secure eventually最终获得 secure fortunately幸运地获得 secure legitimately合法地获得 secure privately秘密地获得 secu

3、re promptly迅速握紧 secure questionably可疑地获得 secure triumphantly胜利地获得 +介词 secure against使免受 secure oneself against accidents投保人身意外险 secure borders against attack保证边界不受攻击 secure against loss防止损失 secure the village against floods使村庄免受水灾 secure a harbour against waves使港口免受浪潮冲击 secure from使免受 secure the hou

4、se from burglary保护房屋以免遭窃 secure from loss防止损失常用短语secure againstfrom(v.+prep.)保护使免于 make (sth) safe from a (danger)secure sb/oneself/sth againstfromsthExtra men are needed to secure the camp against attack.需要增加兵力以保护兵营免受攻击。You cannot secure yourself against all risks and dangers.人有旦夕祸福,天有不测风云。By stren

5、gthening the embankments they secured the village from floods.他们加固河堤,目的是让村子免受洪水之灾。句型例句用作及物动词S+n./pron.Secure the prisoner so that he wont escape again.拴牢那个囚犯以免他再逃掉。Secure all the doors and windows before leaving the house.离家前,关好所有的门窗。The novel secured her reputation.小说维护了她的声望。They made new investmen

6、t to secure the companys future.为使公司的前途得到保障,他们作了新的投资。The regiment secured its position while awaiting the enemy attack.该团在等待敌人进攻之时,加强了阵地工事。He secured only 526 votes.他只获得526票。He secured a debt by mortgage.他用抵押取得了一笔贷款。I have at least secured a house.我至少已得到了一幢房子。She has secured a good job.她已获得一份好工作。Hes

7、 managed to secure the release of the hostages.他设法使人质获得了释放。We have secured a first class cook.我们已经请到了一位第一流的厨师。 用于be ed结构The door is secured with bolts.那扇门已闩牢了。No one is safe until the murderer is secured.不抓到杀人犯,人人不得安宁。S+that-clauseHe will secure that there shall be no difficulty.他将保证不再出现任何困难。S+wh-cl

8、auseHow do you secure what you want?你怎样把你想要的东西搞到手的?用作双宾动词S+pron./n.+n./pron.Can you secure me two good seats for the concert?你能为我弄到两张音乐会的好票吗?His services secured him a reward at length.他的服务终于使他获得了报偿。S+n./pron.+forpron./n.Please secure a ticket for me.请替我弄张票。Will you secure a seat for me?给我搞一个座位好吗?Fi

9、rst she secured a good location for her new business.她先为她的新商号弄到了一个好地点。补充资料同义词adj defended, sheltered反义词adj insecure, unsafe词源拉丁语securus(无危险的,不用挂念的)secureadj.skj( securer; securest )双解释义牢固的,可靠的reliable; firmly fixed有把握的,确切的certain; not likely to be lost or to fail词汇搭配 动词+ feel secure感到安全 +介词 secure a

10、bout对放心 secure againstfrom免受(侵害等)的 secure in在方面牢固的 secure of有信心,认为靠得住句型例句用作定语+n.That is a secure foothold.那是一可靠的落脚点。This is a secure hiding place.这是一个安全的藏身之处。用作表语S+be+Foreign tourists feel happily secure while visiting the city.外国游客访问这个城市时都很有安全感。His shackles were secure.他的镣铐紧锁着。Your future in the company is secure.你在公司的前途有保证。S+be+prep.-phraseYou are secure from danger here.你在这里不用担心危险。We are secure of victory.我们确信会胜利。用作宾语补足语S+V+O+Make the windows secure before leaving the house.出门之前把窗户关紧。


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