牛津译林版八年级上-8A-Unit8-知识点梳理学案(无答案)(DOC 5页)

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牛津译林版八年级上-8A-Unit8-知识点梳理学案(无答案)(DOC 5页)_第1页
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1、牛津译林版八年级上 8A Unit8 知识点梳理学案(无答案)8A Unit8 知识点解析1. 自然灾难pl _ 一场事故 _ 一场车祸 _ 交通事故 _2. 天正在下雨 Its raining.= The rain is falling.3. wet adj. (1)湿了get/be wet (2)湿透了be all wet (3) 比较级 _4. Didnt you hear the rain? 难道你没听到雨声吗?(否定疑问句) 回答(依据事实):_. 我听到了。 _. 我没听到。5. wake - woke wake up 醒来 代词放中间 我今早把他叫醒了 I _ this morn

2、ing.6. 到处everywhere= here and there到处都是水There is water _/_.7. 跟我来 come with me = _ me8. mop:(1) v. 拖 mop-mopped-mopping 拖地 _拖干净,拖掉mop up 代词放中间 There is some water on the ground. Tom, _.把它拖掉(2) n. 拖把 9. 输掉决赛 lose the final = fail (in) the final = not win the final (lose-lost-losing fail-failed-failin

3、g win-won-winning)Our school football team didnt win the match/_ the match/ _ the match.10. An earthquake killed thousands of people.(1) 同义句:Thousands of people lost their lives /died in an earthquake.(2) 数量:概数 (无具体数字,有s有of): hundreds of/ thousands of/ millions of 具体数量 (有具体数字,没有s没有of): one thousand/

4、 two hundred/three million11. A coach crashed into the tree.(1) 长途汽车pl _ 四个长途汽车站 four _(2) 撞到.上 crash into 撞到它了_ (动介结构,代词不要放中间)12. A flood washed away the village.(1) flood 洪水(可数) _ (pl)(2) wash away 冲走(代词放中间) 把它冲走 _ (3) village 村庄 _ 村民13. The lightning starts a big fire in the classroom building.(1

5、) 闪电lightning 不可数 雷声 thunder (不可数)夹杂着电闪雷鸣的大暴雨 _(2) A.引起火灾 start a fire B.着火 catch fire (强调动作) / be on fire (强调状态) catch -caughtIn summer, the cigarette end (烟头) sometimes _ in the forest.The paper easily _ after he put it on fire. (3) 教学楼(pl) the classroom buildings14. A young boy fell from the tree

6、 and hurt his legs.(1) fall- fell- falling 落下跌落,掉落 fall down 从.掉落 fall (down) from sth. = fall off sth.摔倒,摔跟头 fall over雪一直下 The snow keeps falling(2) hurt-hurt (使)受伤 sb hurt 部位 = 部位 be/get hurt He hurt his legs.= _. sb hurt oneself = sb be/get hurt I was hurt.= _.15. hear-heard (1)听说 hear about/of s

7、th(3) 收到某人来信 hear from sb (4) 听到某人做某事 hear sb do sth (有频率副词) hear sb doing sth (无频率副词)16. It happened at night. 发生在夜里。(1) happen - happened 发生 发生了什么事? _?某事发生在某人身上 sth happen _(2) 在夜里 at night 在白天 in the daytime 在中午 at noon 在傍晚 in the evening 在清早 _ 在下午晚些时候 _ 在一个寒冷的早上 _ a cold morning 在雪天 _ snowy days

8、17. 起初,我感受到一阵轻微的震动。At first, I felt _.(1) 一开始,起初 at first = in the _(2) feel-felt(过去式) n.feeling(感受,可数)(3) shake : n. 震动,晃动 (有of结构,多用shaking: the shaking of the train) v. shake-_(过去式)-shaking(1) 震动The earth starts _(shake). (2) 握手 shake hands with sb = shake sbs hands18. Then I heard a loud noise li

9、ke thunder.(1) loud : adj.响亮的,声音大的 / adv.大声地 或 loudly adv.大声地 Can you speak _? I cant hear you well. The noise became _ than before.(2)noise 不可数 - adj. _ 比较级 _(3) like thunder 后置定语 像地下的炸弹 _19. 人们恐惧地尖叫。People _.in fear 方式状语 提问:_20. I tried/did my best to run out.我尽全力跑出去(1) 同义句:I _ to run out.(2) 跑出去

10、run out 从.跑出 run out of . 跑进. run into.21. People were running in all directions while pieces of glass and bricks were falling down.(1) 朝四面八方跑 同义短语: _(2) glass 玻璃不可数 glasses 眼镜 可数 砖块 brick 可数(3) while 连接两个长动作(过去进行时)22. Then the walls began to come down.(1) begin/start to do sth begin-began(2) come d

11、own 倒塌,坍塌 = _区分:掉落掉下 _ 冷静下来 _23. finally=at last=in the end24. It was dark and silent (adj.) around me.(1) 寂静的 silent n. _(2) 黑暗 the dark 慢慢让自己爬过黑暗 _25. not. at all 根本不 I couldnt see anything at all.= I could see _.26. If : (1)是否 (不影响时态) I didnt know if anyone else _.在我附近(2)如果 (主将出现) If it _ (rain),

12、I _ (take) an umbrella.27. I felt nervous and my heart was beating fast.(1) nervous 比较级 _(2) 跳动律动beat-beat过去式 28. mind: 大脑;主意,想法(1)决定做某事 decide to do sth. = _ =_(2) 一阵恐惧略过我的心头。_.29. I told myself to calm down since I was still alive.(1) calm :v. calm down 冷静下来 ; adj.平静的冷静的 keep calm(2) since conj.既然,由于,因为 +从句(3) alive:活着的 只作表语 living: 只作定语My grandma liked watching _ fish when she was


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