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1、2021年山东省青岛市中考英语试卷I.单项选择(本题10小题,每小题1分,共10分)从每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。1(1分)Fathers love seems like _ mountain.He always hides love deep at _ bottom of his heart.()Athe;aB/;theCa;theDa; /2(1分)Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Bridge _ the sea helps people travel conveniently.()AoverBbyCinDor3(1分)Students should have outdo

2、or activities every day _their eyesight.()AimproveBto improveCcheckDto check4(1分)It usually takes us quite a long time to _ master a skill.()AtrulyBsimplyChardlyDprobably5(1分)Light and bright colors make people not only _ but also more active.()AearlierBlazierCbusierDhappier6(1分)Im sorry I _not get

3、there on time.The traffic is heavy now.Thats OK.Take your time.()AmustBmayCneedDshould7(1分)There are many kinds of books in the library and you can choose_ you like.()AhoweverBwheneverCwhoeverDwhatever8(1分)The earth needs 24 hours to turn round once and _to its starting place with the sun.()Alook ba

4、ckBcall backCget backDtalk back9(1分)Traditional Chinese Medicine is a great_ for our nation.()AtreasureBresolutionCpleasureDstandard10(1分)I wonder _.Why not?()Athat youd like to come with usBwhether youd like to come with usCwhen would you like to come with usDhow would you like to come with us.完形填空

5、。(本题10小题,每小题10分,共10分。)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。11(10分)Every year,thousands of young inventors show their ideas at NICEE.Some kids get invited to NICEE.The main goal of NICEE is to help kids know real problems and find ways to(1) them. To support this(2) ,many schools now have inventio

6、n clubs.Kids in the clubs work together.They look(3) ways to make life better.They might invent something to make a job(4) or make people safer. For example,Lucca wanted to help people(5) his grandmother.She had to wear a breathing mask(面罩)in the hospital.That made it hard for others to hear her(6)

7、.So Lucca invented a new mask.It has a microphone.It(7) the persons voice to a speaker(扬声器).Now users can talk with others. Inventions can be simple.One winner,Maddox,made a new garden shovel (铁铲).The shovel has marks on(8) to help gardeners know how deep to dig their holes. (9) kids choose an idea,

8、they have to build a model that works.They cannot spend more than 50.The invention must be something new.It also must fit inside a certain space. NICEE shows the best inventions from the states.Young inventors get to meet one another.They see others great ideas.Some of them win prizes.They can(10) l

9、earn about ways to sell their inventions.(1)A.answerB.solveC.developD.create(2)A.wayB.chanceC.goalD.decision(3)A.forB.intoC.upD.at(4)A.harderB.easierC.worseD.stronger(5)A.asB.withC.byD.like(6)A.soundB.noiseC.voiceD.sign(7)A.hearsB.saysC.discoversD.sends(8)A.itB.himC.itsD.them(9)A.BeforeB.AlthoughC.W

10、henD.While(10)A.insteadB.neverC.finallyD.evenIII阅读理解(本题20小题,每小题5分,共20分)阅读下列短文,做出正误判断或选出最佳选项。A篇为判断正(A)误(B)题,B、C篇为选择题,D篇为六选五补全短文。12(5分)There are three famous towers to the south of the Yangtze Riverthe Tengwang Pavilion the Yellow Crane Tower and the Yueyang Tower. The Tengwang Pavilion is in Nanchang

11、 City,Jiangxi Province.A Tribute to the Tengwang Pavilion (滕王阁序) written by Wang Bo in the early Tang Dynasty made the pavilion wellknown at that time.On the fifth floor,you can have an amazing bird view of the city.The best time to visit the pavilion falls in March to May and September to early Nov

12、ember. The Yellow Crane Tower sits in Wuhan City,Hubei Province.You can read some poems written in different dynasties on the third floor,which won fame for the tower.Its cultural importance made it the symbol of Wuhan.On the top of the tower,you will enjoy a beautiful view of the Yangtze River,its

13、bridge and the buildings around the tower in Wuhan. The Yueyang Tower lies in Yueyang City,Hunan Province.Its a 19meterhigh building which is made of wood.From the top,you will see the white sails of passing boats under the blue sky.The tower was made very famous by the works of Fan Zhongyan who was

14、 a great politician and writer during the Northern Song Dynasty.判断正(A)误(B)。(1)July is the best time to visit the Tengwang Pavilion. (2)You can read poems of different times when you visit the Yellow Crane Tower. (3)You can enjoy beautiful city views from the Tengwang Pavilion and the Yellow Crane To

15、wer. (4)The Yueyang Tower is a wooden building in Hubei Province. (5)All the three buildings were made famous by great ancient works. 13(5分)About 750 years ago,a man named Marco Polo went to China.He started in Europe and traveled more than 5,000 miles.He crossed some large deserts.The journey took almost three years.There were no planes or trains then.So how did Polo


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