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1、测试点梳理一词汇:拼写、词性、词义、词缀、色彩和搭配词汇部分的测试内容包括词义相近(相反)、词形相近、逻辑关系、固定搭配(动词+介词 或副词,介词+宾语),词性涉及到实词(名词、动词、形容词、副词)以及结构词(介词、连 词和冠词)。实词主要测试词语意义,结构词主要结合句法结构进行考察。(一) 测试类型1. 词义相近:英语中近义词很多(neglect, overlook, ignore 和 get, obtain, acquire, secure),注意 意义的微妙差异及不同的使用语域。( 1 ) The party has failed to the majority of voters th

2、at it is capable of governing the country.A. trustB. creditC. convinceD. believe(2) He has called a meeting of all parties with a to forming a new government.A. purposeB. reasonC. viewD. goal( 3 ) In every major city there are more apartments than there are homeless people.A. blankB. vacantC. emptyD

3、. bare2. 词形相近:外观相似,意义不同,用法不一样,有时相差万里,词语之间并无直接联系。如inspect, respect, prospect;confirm, conform, deform, uniform, reform, inform ;resume, consume, presume;similar, familiar;find, found。(1) What do you , tea or coffee?A. inferB. referC. deferD. prefer( 2) _ yourself to the job in hand, and youll soon fi

4、nish it.A. ReplyB. ImplyC. ApplyD. Supply( 3) At the end of 1994 the British Government introduced new measures to help domestic workers from abuse by their employers.A. protectB. suspectC. expectD. inspect3. 逻辑关系:主要靠上下文的意义和逻辑关系进行判断。(1) The challenge is not one of expansion. the rapid growth in enro

5、llment over thelast 40 years has come to an end.A. As a resultB. By all means C. In contrast D. On the country(2) This drug was thought to be because it had serious side effects.A. weakB. powerfulC. harmlessD. harmful注意区别: by-products, associate professor, vice-president4. 固定搭配:包括动词介词,动词副词和动词副词介词以及介

6、词词组。(1) Our efforts were not madeA. in vain(2) HeA. put inB. in natureC. in realityD. in effectgoing to the doctor as long as he could.B. put offC. put outD. put up(3) Well keep you any news.A. up to date with B. in step with C. in line withD. in terms of5.其它:一般还是测试搭配,不过跟上面不太一样(上面填上哪个语法似乎都可以,只是意义 不同

7、),而这种情况下从意义和搭配上只有一个是最佳的,有时单从意义上便可做出选择。(1) American men dont cry because it is considered notof men to do so.A. characteristic B. tolerantC. symbolicD. independent(2) I dont like him at all but I his bravery.A. approve B. accept C. admire D. judge(3)The students would not have made so much progress u

8、nder less conditions.A. popular B. welcome C. favorable D. prosperous 作这类题型,一般先从词义考虑,然后看一下是否有固定搭配。若采用二者还不能决定的 话,就只能凭语感进行排除和选择。(二)扩大词汇量的方法 扩大词汇量的方法很多,可根据自己的实际情况选用不同的方法。但有一点必须注意的是, 记忆单词必须有上下文才能取得最佳的记忆效果。1大量阅读 精读法,泛读法,半精读半泛读法。如果三种阅读法结合起来,效果会最佳。 2联想法记忆单词在有了相当词汇量积累的基础上,可以采用联想进行归类,把相关词类总结在一起。归类的 标准可以根据词性、

9、意义(近义、反义)等,这样举一反三,从一到多,可以迅速增加词汇量(1)词性联想:从某一词类联想其它相关的词类。courage -ncourage -courageous- discouraged(2)词义联想近义:同一语域,但意义有细微区别,用在不同场合。intention (动机),purpose (目的),desire (愿望),attempt (企图),goal (目标) mirror (镜子),reflection (三“反”),vision (眼界、视力),picture (图片),image (形象) expand (扩展),stretch (伸展),extend (延伸),spr

10、ead (传播)imaginative (富有想象力的),imaginable (可以想象的),imaginary (想象出来的,虚构的) 反义:动词和名词的反义词需要日常积累,如 ascend 和 descend, present 和 absent。 这类形容词较多,记形容词一般要记反义词。a. 不规则变化的形容词(或副词)以及常见相关反义词。often - seldom, dangerous- safeimport-export internal-externalb. 加否定前缀的 adj 如 ir, il, im, dis, un, mis, non 等。irregular, illeg

11、al, impossible, disinterested, unnecessary, misleading, non-smoking c .否定后缀(-less )的 adj,careless( 3).词形联想:intend, extend, pretend, attend;stationary ( adj 静止的), stationery ( n 文具); pray( v 祈祷), prey( n 猎物、俘虏)3. 构词法a. adj+分词构成另一形容词,作定语、表语和宾补ill-fitting (不合身的)absent-minded (心不在焉的)b. n+n 构成另一名词eye-wit

12、ness (证人)ear-phone (耳机)c .数字+单位构成形容词three-year-old boyten-minute-walk (走路 10 分钟)4. 前后缀法:主要指一些实词,加上前后缀可以改变词性和词义。动词前后缀:en- -en, -ify, -ise; 名词后缀:-ness,-ment,-ation,-ance,-ence,-ty,-dom,-hood 等; 形容词后缀: -ful, -ative, -able, -ible 等。5. 同一词作不同词性时的不同意义: build, bear, content, secure总之,记单词,要记词义(包括褒义和贬义)、词性、搭

13、配和用法,这四方面缺一不可,尤 其要注意词语在词性发生变化时是否产生新的含义。还要注意,词组的搭配并不是其中每个词意义的简单相加,不能从表面上理解特殊搭配的意义,要把短语看成一个整体部分进行理解。二语法结构:单选、完型、词语形式、汉译英 语法要点:时态、语态(被动语态)、语气(虚拟语气)、非谓语三形式、独立主格、强调结构 情态动词表推测等。一般把时态、语态和语气结合起来进行测试。做题时,需要全面考虑。 各类词语:连接词、形容词(同级比较)、副词的位置、代词的指称关系、介词等。 温馨提示:测试要点分开来讲,但真正测试时,更多的是几种情况的结合考察。因此,掌握测 试要点之后,要试着把不同部分结合起

14、来考虑。1 时态If it rain tomorrow, we will take our foreign teachers to the Summer Palace.A. won tB. doesn tC. don tD. shall notI guess the rain by tomorrow noon.A. will be stopping B. will have stopped C. will stopD. will have been stopping2语态:首先要判断主语和谓语之间的关系是发出或是接受,再断定选用主动还是被动。 They all the task before

15、we returned.A. finishedB. would finishC. were finishingD. had finishedI am not used to like that.A. to being spoken B. to speakC. being spoken D. to speaking3虚拟语气:特殊形式和倒装结构(1)一般形式:a. 与现在事实相反:If + 主语+did (were),主语 + would (should, could, might) + 动原If I knew him well, I should speak to him about it myself.b. 与过去事实相反:If +主语+had done (been) .,主语+ would(should, could, might) +have done If it had not been for your help, we wouldnt have succeeded in the experiment.c. 对将来情况的假设或怀疑:If +主语+should do.,主语+ should (would, could, might) +



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