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1、2022年考博英语-南京大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题When the concentration of calcium in the blood is too low, the parathyroid glands began to secrete the hormone parathormone.问题1选项A.concentrationB.tooC.beganD.secrete【答案】C【解析】根据题中when引导的时间状语从句中为一般现在时态可知,C选项也应该用begin动词原形,句意:当血液中的钙浓度过低时,甲状旁腺开始分泌甲状腺激素。选项C符合题意。2. 单选题A

2、 team of researchers( ) the problem of diseases connected with contaminated milk.问题1选项A.addressB.interactC.wonderD.react【答案】A【解析】动词词义辨析。address “处理” ;interact “相互作用” ;wonder “想知道”; react “反应”。句意:一组研究人员把这种疾病和被污染的牛奶联系起来。选项A符合题意。3. 单选题The fuel of the continental missile is supposed to be( )by this devi

3、ce.问题1选项A.ignitedB.lightedC.firedD.inspired【答案】A【解析】考查近义词辨析。ignite多用于指用火花使易燃物迅速燃烧起来;light指易燃物发光;fire指将某物点燃,使其燃烧;而inspire则强调灵感。句意:大陆导弹的燃料应该是由这个装置点燃的。选项A符合题意。4. 单选题In recent years, there has been a steady assault on salt from the doctors: Salt is bad for you regardless of your health. Politicians also

4、 got on board. “ There is a direct relationship,” US Congressman Neal Smith noted, between the amount of sodium a person consumes and heart disease, circulatory disorders, stroke and even early death. ”Frightening, if true! But many doctors and medical researchers are now beginning to feel the salt

5、scare has gone too far. “All this hue and cry about eating salt is unnecessary,” Dr. Dustan insists. “For most of us it probably doesnt make much difference how much salt we eat. Dustans most recent short-term study of 150 people showed that those with normal blood pressure underwent no change at al

6、l when placed on an extremely low-salt diet, or later when salt was reintroduced. Of the hypertensive subjects, however, half of those on the low-salt diet did experience a drop in blood pressure, which returned to its previous level when salt was reintroduced.“An adequate to somewhat excessive salt

7、 intake has probably saved many more lives than it has cost in the general population,” notes Dr. John H. Laragh. “So a recommendation that the whole population should avoid salt makes no sense.”Medical experts agree that everyone should practice reasonable “moderation” in salt consumption. For an a

8、verage person, a moderate amount might run from four to ten grams a day, or roughly 1/2 to 1/3 of a teaspoon. The equivalent of one to two grams of this salt allowance would come from the natural sodium in food. The rest would be added in processing, preparation or at the table. Those with kidney, l

9、iver or heart problems may have to limit dietary salt, if their doctor advises. But even the very vocal “low salt” exponent, Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes Jr. admits that “we do not know whether increased sodium consumption causes hypertension. In fact, there is increasing scientific evidence that other fac

10、tors may be involved: deficiencies in calcium, potassium, perhaps magnesium, obesity (much more dangerous than sodium), generic predisposition, stress.“ It is not your enemy,” says Dr. Laragh. “Salt is the No. 1 natural component of all human tissue, and the idea that you dont need it is wrong. Unle

11、ss your doctor has proven that you have a salt-related health problem, there is no reason to give it up. ”1.According to some doctors and politicians, the amount of salt consumed( )2.From Dr. Dustans study we can infer that( )3.In the third paragraph, Dr. Laragh implies that( )4.What is the main mes

12、sage of this text?问题1选项A.exhibits as an aggravating factor to people in poor health.B.cures diseases such as stroke and circulatory disorders.C.correlates highly with some diseases.D.is irrelevant to people suffering from heart disease.问题2选项A.a low-salt diet may be prescribed for some people.B.the a

13、mount of salt intake has nothing to do with ones blood pressure.C.the reduction of salt intake can cure a hypertensive patient.D.an extremely low-salt diet makes no difference to anyone.问题3选项A.people should not be afraid of taking excessive salt.B.doctors should not advise people to avoid salt.C.an

14、adequate to excessive salt intake is recommended for people in disease.D.excessive salt intake has claimed some victims in the general population.问题4选项A.That the salt scare is not justified.B.That the origin of hypertension is now found.C.That the moderate use of salt is recommended.D.That salt cons

15、umption is to be promoted.【答案】第1题:C第2题:A第3题:D第4题:C【解析】1.细节理解题。根据第一段的文章意思,以及第三句中的“direct relationship”,可以得出选项C最符合题意。2.信息推断题。根据文章第二段的内容,试验中一半的高血压患者在食用低盐食品时血压有所降低,可以推断出低盐饮食可以作为治疗高血压患者的一个方法。选项A符合题意。3.信息推断题。根据文章第三段,充足或者稍微过量的摄入盐,会拯救更多的人,而不是只会害死人,不可能建议所有人群都禁止食用食盐。选项D符合题意。4.信息归纳题。根据文章意思,A选项中的理论并未得到证实,B和D选项文中没有提及。用排除法可知,选项C符合题意。5. 单选题A noisy aggressive cousin of the crow, the magpie has those bird s thievish habits.问题1选项A.A noisyB.aggressiveC.thoseD.habits【答案】A【解析】根据题意,如果noisy和aggressiv



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