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1、安徽省马鞍山市第十一中学七年级英语下册7B Unit 3 Finding your wayComic strip and Welcome to the unit学案(无答案) 牛津版【单元总览】亲爱的同学,当你到了一个陌生的地方,多么希望能有人给你帮助,给你指明前进的方向,对吗?在本单元你将学会认路找地点,学会向新来乍道的朋友介绍描述你所在社区中地点和公共交通(We will take the bus to the Summer Palace),用正确的词汇给他们指明路线,如:Walk over the bridge to the South Road and then turn left a

2、t the first crossing;多么希望你能用你的“火眼金睛”来识别并运用词汇描述地点、设施和人物(The exchange students want to go to Sunshine Town Railway Station.);你还要学会will, shall和be going to引导的一般将来时所适用的语境及其用法,如:They will see us. I shall go there. I am going to take another route. 还要了解各国的交通,促进对世界文化和生活的热爱。千万不能粗心大意啊,指错了路会引起很大的误解,造成严重后果的啊!【学

3、习目标】1.重点词汇: follow, north, north-west, south-west, be sure2.语言目标: Follow me. Come with me. Lets go down here. I think well have to go up again. The Sunnyside Garden is north-west of the zoo.3.语言功能: 根据Eddie和Hobo的对话了解本单元的学习内容.4.学习策略: 能看懂地图,并在地图上找到要找的地点【课前预习】一、找出本课中的几个方位名词,填在相应的空处:二、 找出本课中表示提议的几个句式及其应答

4、语:1) _ _2) _ _三、 说你很聪明,你一定能从本课中找出一个问路的语句: _【体验与实践】一、预习情况交流:同学们,你在预习中遇到了哪些难以理解的呢?写出来我们来讨论一下:_ _二、重点热点点击:1. follow me. 跟我来Follow sb. 跟某人来Eddie often follows James. 埃迪经常跟着吉姆。拓展 follow sb. to do sth 跟着某人做某事We followed the old worker to visit the car factory yesterday.昨天我们跟着那位老工人参观了汽车厂。2. Are you sure? 你

5、确定吗? 此句中sure意为“确定的,确信的”,此前我们学过该词,意为“当然,一定”。用来应答别人的要求。练一练:请翻译下列两个句子。a. 你能帮助我吗? 当然可以。 b. 你确信他会来帮我们补习英语吗? 3. be afraid 害怕 afraid意为“害怕的”,它不能用于名词前,只能和连系动词连用。It was very dark and I felt a little afraid. 天很黑,我感到有点害怕。be afraid of sb./sth. 害怕某人/某事He is afraid of dogs. 他害怕狗。be afraid to do sth 害怕做某事My little

6、sister is afraid to go out at night. 我小妹妹害怕晚上出去。拓展Im afraid + 从句 恐怕(用于感到遗憾或有礼貌地表示不同意时)Im afraid he is not at home now. 恐怕他现在不在家。Im afraid I cant come to the party. 恐怕我不能来参加晚会了。-Is Mike there? 迈克在那里吗?-Im afraid not. 恐怕不在。练一练:你能根据afraid的意思正确译出下列三个句子吗?a. 你怕狗吗? _ b. 我怕上学迟到。_ c. 恐怕你现在在学校找不到她。_3.I think w

7、ell have to go up again.我想我们将不得不再上去了。I think放在句首一般是用来表示说话人的一种主观认为。类似Im afraid的用法think you are a good teacher.我认为你是个好老师。注意think后的句子中不可出现not,如要表示我认为不则只能用I dont think +肯定句表示dont think you are a good teacher.我认为你不是个好老师。试写出下列两个句子的否定表达形式:a.think there are three baskets of apples on the floor._b. Im afraid

8、 Mr Wang is working in the classroom now._4.north of Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. 在北京阳光中学的北面。英语中表示方位的词有:east 东 west 西 south 南 north 北 southeast 东南 northeast 东北 southwest 西南 northwest 西北north of = to the north of 在北The zoo is to the north of our school. 动物园在我们学校的北面。辨析 A在B东A is in the east of B

9、(A地包括在B地的范围内)Taiwan is in the east of China. 台湾在中国的东部。A is on the east of B (A地和B地相连) Korea is on the east of China. 朝鲜在中国的东边。A is to the east of B (A地不包括在B地的范围内) Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东面。拓展 eastern 东部的 western 西部的 southern 南部的 northern 北部的in the north of = in the northern part ofThe

10、Great Wall is in the northern part of China. 长城在中国北部。e can go by bus.我们可以坐汽车去。此句中by bus是交通运输方式的特定表达。其结构为:by交通工具名词。再如:by car, by bike, by train等,当然步行用介词词组on foot表示。如果要表示乘坐某具体工具,则要用介词on或in.如:in his fathers car, on her bike, on a train等等。【目标达成检测】一.译出下列短语 :1.下去 _2.别怕,埃迪_3.不得不_4.乘自行车_ 5.到达那儿 _6.到动物园去_ 7.

11、跟我来 _8.我不认识路。_9.在我们学校西南 _二.用所给词的适当形式填空:1.Lets _ (help) him with his English.2._(do, not) your homework at school.3._(be not) afraid to sing before your classmates and teachers.4.Do you know what _(do) for our school trip?5.I think youll _(have) to _(clean) the floor now.6._(be not) late for class ne

12、xt time.7.Li Leis mother _(have) to _(wash) clothes on Sundays.8.Let Jim _(do) his homework in the bedroom.9.Do you know where _(go) to enjoy yourself.10.Hongkong is _ the south of China.三、根据要求写出相应的句子:1.I think well have to go up again. (改为否定句)_2.The lake is north of the zoo.(对划线部分提问)_3.I come to school on foot every day._4.The Class 1, Grade 7 students are planning a trip.(同义表达)_四、说一说,写一写: 1.Try


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