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1、考研翻译中必须掌握的词汇如果感觉很多,记不完的话,可以详细的掌握一下90 年、 92 年、 96 年、 99 年、 03 年、 05 年和 06 年中的词汇和短语。这不失为一种“临时抱佛脚”,或者说“亡羊补牢”的做法。其实,也是一个学生的问题带给我的思考。这两天上课,好多同学都问我:老师,到现在了,还有那么一点时间,我基础不是特别好,我怎么复习呢,现在看书又不是那么能沉下心来看,怎么办?当时,我思考了一下,觉得问的是基础问题,到今天,考试还有20 天,而如果再抱着大纲背单词,打基础,似乎已经来不及了。回家路上,在思考这个问题,怎么办?结果,我还是想到了真题,真题中的单词。为什么用真题,已经强调

2、过无数次,所以,不说这个道理了。而到如今,马上就要考了,为什么还要记单词呢?是基于以下几点考虑:1这是来自真题中的单词,就完全是可能会再一次重新考的单词。2记这些单词的心态是,我能记住就记住,记不住就算了;同时,记这些单词的时间,最好不要集中记忆,不要给自己“我今天就要把这些单词全记住了再休息”这样一种暗示。因为复习到现在,基础知识够好的人, 可以把这些单词全部用自己零散的时间来解决了;如果基础知识不人,感觉回天乏术, 多的又不想看,那么这些单词就相对而言,是属于“少而精”,需要掌握的单词了,也需要自己花点休息的时间,磨磨蹭蹭的背呗。3哦,顺便说一声,我整理的是翻译中的重点词汇。而阅读文章中需

3、要掌握的单词,周雷老师那本书上,对每一篇文章中的重点单词都标注出来了,建议大家只看周老师标注出来的 大纲单词 ,因为超纲词毕竟是少数。4红色 是需要掌握的,并且可能 是会再次出现的词汇。5选择的时候带有个人主观性,没有完全精确的数据统计。凭个人记忆在选择的,如果上一篇文章中出现的常考词,下篇文章再出现,我也可能会标注出来。但是,在同一篇文章中,尽量不重复。1990 年英译汉试题People have wonderedfor a longtime how theirpersonalities, and behaviorsareformed. Itis not easyto explain why

4、 one person isintelligentand another is not, or why one iscooperativeand another iscompetitive .Social scientists are, of course,extremelyinterested in these types of questions. (61)They want toexplain why wepossess certaincharacteristicsandexhibitcertain behaviors. There are no clear answersyet , b

5、uttwo distinctschools ofthoughton thematter have developed.As one mightexpect , thetwo approache sare very different from each other. Thecontroversyis often convenientlyreferred toas” nature vs.nurture ”.(62) Those who support the“nature ” side of theconflictbelieve that our personalities and behavi

6、orpatterns are largely determined bybiologicalfactors. (63)That our environment has little, if anything,to do with our abilities, characteristics and behavior is central to this theory. Taken to anextreme ,thistheorymaintains thatourbehavioris predeterminedto such a greatdegree that we arealmost com

7、pletelygovern ed by our instincts.Those who supportthe“nurture” theory ,thatis ,they advocate education,areoftencalledbehaviorists.Theyclaimthat our environment is more important than our考研翻译中必须掌握的词汇(1)biologicallybased instincts in determining how we will act. A behaviorist, B.F. Skinner,sees human

8、sas beingswhose behaviorisalmostcompletelyshaped by theirsurroundings.The behavioristsmaintainthat,like machines, humans respondto environmentalstimulias the basis of their behavior.Let us examine the differentexplanationsaboutone human characteristic,intelligence, offeredby thetwo theories.Supporte

9、rsofthe“nature ” theoryinsistthatwe are bornwitha certaincapacityfor learningthatis biologicallydetermined.Needless tosay ,theydontbelievethatfactorsintheenvironmenthave1much influence onwhat is basically a predetermined characteristic. On the other hand, behavioristsarguethat our intelligence level

10、s are the product of our experiences. (64)Behaviorists suggest that the childwho israised in an environmentwhere therearemany stimuliwhich develophisor hercapacityforappropriateresponses will experience greaterintellectualdevelopment.The socialand politicalimplications ofthesetwotheoriesareprofound.

11、 In theUnitedStates, blacksoften score below whites on standardized intelligence tests. Thislead s some “nature ”proponents toconcludethatblacksare biologicallyinferiortowhites.(65)Behaviorists,incontrast,say thatdifferencesin scoresaredue tothefactthatblacks are oftendeprivedof many oftheeducationa

12、land otherenvironmentaladvantage s that whites enjoy.Most people think neither of these theories can yet fully explain human behavior.1991 年英译汉试题The fact is that the energy crisis,whichhas suddenly been officiallyannounce d, hasbeen with us fora long time now , and will be with us for an even longer time. Whether Arab oil flows freely or not, it isclear to everyone thatworld industry cannot be allowed todepend onsofragilea base. (71)The supply ofoil can be shut off u


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