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1、武昌区八年级下学期期末考试卷二.选择填空(本题共5分,每题分)从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一种最佳选项。26. Jen,howabout going to th cema oethr?_!A.njy youself . luck H a oo tip D.Sun fantatic7.ow d yo like your school lie? _Ats a amousslB.Its ey coloruC.Id lie to tud ereD.I ke m hool28. w!Your jackt los o fahinbl!My moter bought it fo me!A.hnk

2、 ou Bods rat CM lesr D.ood ide29 May _ the pin qu well, but se has dtime o pay sine the new ear.il playB.have payed C.playe.plays30. Jenny toldmthat she won come or te pary oniht.Bu he_!.promses.romseC.wll pomiD.hdproms31.m loin Lily.Dyu no whre he is?Sorry, I _ he ths asA.didtsee.wan seing C.haven

3、sen .on se32. I ont like ea,ice _ poride.ht boyou?ot ike muh bead, don ik prdge,eiter.And;orB.and; nd.or; buDor;ad33.o much time ohn _ ohs mwra a?el, ard w h.AaeB.spedC.cos.use3.Mr.n s nw eied n _, so hehas peto tim o ikig ith frieds.hacalC.freD.nrvou5. How often dosyurschoolmagazne ?Once a weeA.com

4、e ot B.comeup.ome o .coe in3._ wil the rainstorm last?ve noia.Thereis o if an nd.A.Hw so B.How fr CHow lon.Hw ften37. You wot be healt _ yueat less sugar ad exerise mo.A.nlewn.aferD.38. Thear so many nie cotsfor yng people,which onehave you _ ,?Theed one.A.urnd onBdeened e onDeciden39. We are pposed

5、 toeppret with hosewrk.I agree. Doigchoresheps develop our_.A.indpedecBimgiation .itructon.invention40. Cud yoplease tlme_?A.wh rit do oulikeest B.hw ou ometo choolChere yo li noD.n will ou stat三.完形填空。(每题1分,共15分)Rbin s on hoiday in Indi. Itsa bautfupaceand heisenong it ery uh.Hdoentkno muh out the I

6、dian ,but e oe h es wit he wwrd he kos.He ialsolei soe Inian custm(风俗).ast wek Robnwaned o gehi computer 42 .Hewnt ino a locl cmtershop and 43 the oblem to th workerin the hopThe worker 4 oddin heaand mlin.eseemed to ndestad 45 .en Rob cme back he nexdy o hiscompue, 7 he woer ddt do thingto itRobinx

7、plaed 48 andthe wrke nddend smledRobin aidhe woul ce ache next day.Theenin Rbn 49 isfriend Anna fr drink.H tld heraout hisoputer. Ana 50 dsai,Tewrke dsnt unest wayou wa.Buthekepnodigatme.Robn as 51 .Ann pained thanods dsmilson mean the samei India as hey 52 nEnlnd.Se 53 to go w hit th shp h net day.

8、Theworkr inthe shop was s o e Ana.Hhadno 55 bot wat Robn wated! India nd men I respct(尊重)yo,notY, I knw waore talking out! sie cn mea ry41. A.angugeB.custom C.peopl Dod42. A.de.ased fieDinvented43. Amned B.xplanedC.moriedDcouted44. A.rembeedBsoppe.ided D.kept45. A.anyth B.everytigComing .nthing46. A

9、.teB.ringC.getD.ei47. Afound B.reazedC.creatd Ddicusse48. .cB.ain C.hady.bettr49. A.sawBwathedC.askD.t50. A.smiledB.isidC.exlained .laughed51. .surprid Bexcied C.amsed.nteested52. A.gB.doC.geDact53. Asucceedd B.olunteeedC.understood D.stisfed54. A.amainB.strag.oryD.happy55. A.tghtBrCideaDmattr四. 阅读理

10、解。(每题2分,共30分)A56. Th ttr ndcards bov ar ot pobabyeween_ .Afrns.wormas .clsstesD.amilyebrs57. Fmoneof the cards weknow tat _ frieni illARodB.LizsC.BredasDicals58. os invitton a,eknow tht we shuld_A.got the prwthRodBtak branch offowr to he artyCear lthes icaa(休闲)D.gv o a repy befo Novemer 1h5. What we know aout Lizis that _A.Ltried ling her ied iNew YrkB.L has chaned er phne numbrC.Lizis okngfo acofereeLz tol Brena somethin abou the eter60 Its clear tha_A.Breda hs movedt new apamntB.renda isholnga confere n Nw YorkC.end wans to stay it iz for a few days.Brea likesthe wehr in New YorkB


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