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1、For ensure two learn a do learning education made effectiveness, promote all members consciously respected Constitution, and comply with party rules, with XI General Secretary series important speech spirit armed mind, and guide practice, and promoted work, do qualified Communist, according to Commu

2、nist 2016 city education information work special self-examination report XX City Bureau, and XX city government education steering mission: according to XX Province Government Education Steering Committee Office on carried out province education information work special Steering check of notificati

3、on ( Teach SC letter x 20164) documents, about quickly organized in our city Education Bureau Department in charge of the supervision standards for learning and study of informatization of education in charge of primary and middle schools in the city led by specialized training, issued a notice of m

4、eeting, special supervision and school self-assessment form. The school at the time of preparation, special organizational self-assessment. City Bureau organization about personnel in school since assessment of based Shang for has summary and self-examination, now will situation reported following:

5、a, and led attention according to Ministry of education on issued Liu Deputy Prime Minister in second times national education information work videophone Conference Shang speech of notification (taught technical 20156,) of file spirit, I City Government is in charge of led and education administrat

6、ive sector main head height attention, learning convey has central led in first international education information Assembly speech spirit, Learning to communicate the spirit of the second National Conference on videophone education information and instructed relevant departments according to the do

7、cument, has developed the education development plan of the city. Second, overall management, coordination, establish management systems and propulsion mechanisms XX education started in the proceedings of the XX Party 200311 working arrangements, XX municipal party Committee Municipal Government at

8、tach great importance to education information, education information development into the citys overall planning, education as a breakthrough in the construction of educational modernization in advance XX, city leaders often goes into the front line of education guide education work and financially

9、 guaranteed. Equipment improvement, application is the power education development. To tube easy good information technology equipment, XX City used layered is responsible for, and unison of strategy initiatives: that Bureau established information work led group, urged city education information ma

10、nagement and application work, education information and equipment Center is responsible for equipment maintenance, built information work platform, guarantee platform normal run; will electronic Chief, and personnel, and results, and student, and Senate, and assets, management field of information

11、application decomposition to Bureau Office, and personnel section, and manages, and education section, and meter fiscal section, functions Department, To drive forward e-Government as a breakthrough in the informatization of education, education administrators into full play in the education of info

12、rmation guidance and example, and take this opportunity to point to gradually expand the scope of education application of information technology. Formed Department personnel grasp business and educational information development and application; application and传输线路维护技能考试维护单位: 地州维护点: 姓名:第一大题第二大题第三大题

13、第四大题第五大题得分一 单项选择题(每题2分,共15题):1. 光缆在架设过程中的( B ),接续盒中夹固光缆压力太大等,都会对接续损耗有影响,甚至熔接几次都不能改善。A. 预留弯过紧 B. 拉伸变形 C. 配盘不正确 D. 型号错误2. 对( B ),验收时应严格较对,不符之处应要求重新制作,同时要求提供电子档。A. 维护工程 B. 新建工程 C. 改道工程 D. 其他工程3. 机房预留光缆长度一般为( B ) A. 10米 B. 15米 C. 50米 D. 30米4发生重大障碍若是( )、蓄意破坏或施工、车辆肇事,应立即报警,并在处理障碍的同时尽量保护现场。A 鼠咬 B 人为偷盗 C 失火

14、 D 自然灾害5.在处理障碍的过程中,应及时采集( )并上报。E 现场照片 F 现场样本 G 现场资料 A. 现场图纸6.下列关于拉线的说法正确的是( C )。A. 只装一条拉线时,应设在第一层线担下150mm处B. 装两条拉线时,上层拉线应设在第一层线担下200mm处C. 靠近高压电力设施的拉线应按设计规定加装绝缘子D. 风暴拉线的顺线路拉线应设在第一层线担下150mm处7.两条十字交叉吊线高度相差在( B )以内时,需做十字吊线。A. 300mm B. 400mm C. 500mm D. 200mm8.双方拉线(防风拉)直线杆路每隔( D )做一双方拉线。 A. 20档 B. 12档 C.

15、 10档 D. 8档9.架空线路维护工作不包括( C )。A. 整理、添补缺损的挂钩,清除线路上和吊线上的杂物B. 检查光缆外护套及有无异常C. 查看标石附近有无杂草、动土等D. 检查架空线路接头盒和预留处是否可靠10.架空杆路一般常用吊线规格、型号为( A )。A. 7/2.2 B. 7/2.6 C. 7/2.8 D. 7/3.011.架空线路杆号要清淅不能错喷,要求( B ),并标明属于哪一段工程,第几号通信杆路。A. 白底蓝字 B. 白底黑字 C. 白底红字 D. 蓝底白字12规范中规定,在同一杆路架设两层吊线时,两吊线间距为( C )。A. 200mm B. 300mm C. 400mm D. 500mm13


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