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1、精诚凝聚=A_A=成就梦想山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学高中英语Unit 2 Woki ng the land语法学案新人教版必修4教学内容Lear ning aims:知识与能力: To master some sentence patter ns过程与方法: To master the usage of the Verb-i ng form 情感态度价值观:To enjoy the pleasure of studyLear ning key poin ts: To master some sentence patter nsLear ning difficult poin ts: To ma

2、ster the usage of the Verb-i ng form【学案使用说明】在提前预习的前提下完成学习指导 即时感悟【回顾复习】Check the home work (have a dictation of the Ianguage points)【自主合作探究】I .动词-ing 形式的构成:是在动词末尾加-ing 形 式构成,如:do-doing, be-being, ask-asking, etc.否定形式:not+ -ing构成。动词 -ing 形式不能单独作谓语,没有人称和数的变化,有时态和语态的变化。它冋时具有名词和动词的特征,在句中可以作主语、宾语等。n .1.动词

3、-ing形式作主语表示经常的、习惯性的动作或状态,谓语动词通常用单数。如:1) Walking is a good form of exercise for both young and old.2) Watching news on TV has become a routine for me.3) Learning new words is very important for me.2. -ing形式作主语时常后置,此时须用it作形式主语,用形容词或名词作表语。女口 useful , useless , good, fun ; no use , worth 等。如:归纳:常用-ing形式

4、作主语的句型有:It +be +a waste of time doingIt is/was no good/use doingIt is/was hardly/scarcely worth doingIt is/was worth/worthwhile doingIt is useless trying to argue with Shylock.Is it any good trying to expla in?It is pleasa nt work ing with you.3. 在there be no.结构中作主语,这种结构的意思相当于It is impossible todo”。

5、1) There is no hiding of evil but not to do it.右要人不知,除非己莫为。2) There is no jok ing about such matter.这种事开不得玩笑。3) There was no knowing whe n he would leave.无法知道他什么时候离开。注意:There is no need to do sth没必要做某事,在此句式中to do 不可换为doing. There is no n eed to tell her.提示当动名词用作主语时,其逻辑主语由形容词性物主代词和名词所有格构成。1) My siste

6、r s being ill made me worried.2) Your being right doesn t necessarily mean my being wrong.动名词与不定式做主语时的比较:动名词表示的动作通常是一个习惯性的长期进行的动作,不定式则通常表示动作的一次性或短暂性。e.g.1 )Teaching English is my job.2) Finding ways to grow more rice has been his life goal.3) To reach there on time is my task.川、动名词用作宾语.动名词作宾语有两种情况。1

7、. 只能后接-ing作宾语的动词,常见的有 avoid, consid er, enjoy, keep, finish, suggest, dislike, delay, escape, cannothelp, imagi ne, mind, miss, practise, cannot sta nd, excuse, fan cy, give up, put off, risk, in sist on, I ook forward, feel like等。1)I can t avoid going2)Have you considered looking for one special fr

8、iend?3)People couldn t help laughing foolish man2. 既可接-ing 和to do作宾语的动词,常见的有:begin, start,continue,like,love, prefer, by, mean, for A. 在 like, love, hate, prefer同,只是侧重点有些不同,ingB.在 beg in /start,con ti nueget, remember, hate 等。等动词之后,用-ing或不定式意义上没有什么不表示泛指的动作,to do 表示具体的一次性动作。 之后,用动名词和不定式,意义没有什么不同,尤其 是

9、当主语是人的时候。C.在动词forget, remember, regret 之后,用动名词与不定式意义不同。 -ing表示动作已经发生,-to do表示动作还没发生;I remember post ing the letter.I ll remember to post the letter.I shall n ever forget see ing the famous writerDon t forget to write to your mother.I regret miss ing the report.I regret to say I cant take your advice

10、D.意义各不相同 try to do (设法)try doing (试试)be used to doingmean to do (打算,有意要做)mean doing (意思是, 意味着)习惯于做某事 be used to do被用来做某事can t help doi ng禁不住做某事cant help to do不能帮助做某事E. go on doi ng继续做一直在做的事 ;go on to do接着做另一件事。stop doing停止做某事 stop to do停下正在干的事去干另一件事。3. 在介词后接动名词作宾语1) I in sist on tak ing proper food

11、for this trip.2) In stead of smili ng, each of them made a face .3) She was very in terested in worki ng for our compa ny注:下列短语中的to都是介词,所以动词要接-ing形式:devote to, object to, pay atte nti on to, get dow n to, lead to, look forward to,stick to,be used to 等。【当堂达标】1. Let s have a rest . Not now. I don t wa

12、nt to stop yet . (MET 1985) 鑼点亮心灯/(“)照亮人生 A. study study ingD. study ingB. to studyC. for上海高考)A.D. to haveD. doingt risk the2. Let me tell you someth ing about the journ alists. Don t yo u rememberme the story yesterday? (1999toldB. tell C. to telltold3. What made you so upset? two tickets to the po

13、p music con cert.A. Los ing B. Because of los ing C. To lose D. Because I had lost4. I can t imaginethat with them.A. doB. to do C. being done5. He got well-prepared for the job in terview, for he could n good opport uni ty.A. to loseB. los ing C. to be lostD. being lost6. is forbidde n in side the

14、park.A. To cycleB. We cycle C. Anyone cyclesD. Cycli ng7. provides us with essentialnutrients(营养),while provides us with oxyge n.A. To eat; breath ing B. Eat ing; to breatheC. Eati ng; breath ing D. Eate n; breathed8. Have you forgotte n$1000 from me last mon th? Will you please rememberit tomorrow?

15、A. borrowing; to bring B. to borrow; bringC. borrowed; bringing D. borrowing; bringing9. Mybrotherkeeps me withmy work.A. to help B. helpC. helpi ngD. helps10. We should ofte n practiseEn glish with each other.A. to speak B.spokeC.speakD.speak ing11. The story was so funny that we.A. couldn t help laughB. can t but laughC. couldn t help laughingD. couldn t help but to laugh12. Though i


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