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1、2016学年第一学期天河区期末水平测试六年级英语(全卷共 6 页, 70 分钟内完成,满分为 100 分)第一部分:口试 (另测)第二部分:听力 (共30 分)信 息获取。听句子三次,选出句子中所含的所有的信息,并将其字母编号写在括号内。 ( 7 分)精品资料()1. A. forty()2. A. grandma()3. A. noisy()4. A. last week()5. A. any more() 6. A. go shopping() 7. A. ChristmasFestivalB. fiftyB. grandpaB. wideB. last monthB. much more

2、B. went swimmingB. EasterC. sixtyC. grandparentC. crowdedC. last yearC. too muchC. went shoppingC. Mid-autumn( 8 分)() 1. A. Yes, they were.() 2. A. In the gym.tennis.() 3. A. Yes, I am.() 4. A. Yes, there are.() 5. A. For two days.later.() 6. A. Yes, she did.() 7. A. Dumplings.() 8. A. Yes, he did.B

3、. Yes, they are.B. Three days ago.B. Yes, I do.B. No, there isnB. At about 10:30.B. In Beijing.B. Mooncakes.B. He watched TV.C. Yes, we are.C. They playedC.Yes, I d love to.tC. Yes, it is.C. Two yearsC. By plane.C. Zongzi.C. She ate at home补 全句子,听句子三次,写出句子中所缺的单词。 ( 5 分)1、 My aunt lived in England .2

4、、 He is a and boy.3、 There are one thousand students in Guangzhou Library.4、 The doctor told him to his teeth a day.5、 The lady was when she the pretty girl in the street again.四、 对 话理解。听对话三次,根据对话内容选择正确答案,把其字母编号写在括号内。 ( 5 分)() 1. A. Easter.() 2. A. He has a cold.toothache.() 3. A. On foot.B. Thanksg

5、iving Day.B. He has a headache.B. By underground.精品资料C. Halloween.C. He has aC. By bike.C. At 8:45.T否则写 “F”。(5分)()4. A. At 7:45.B. At 8:15.()5. A. He read some books at school.B. He bought some books in Guangzhou Book Centre.C. He read some books in Guangzhou Book Centre.五、短文理解。听短文三次,判断句子是否符合短文内容,如符

6、合,在括号内写()1. Today is New Years Day.()2. The Children didnt go to school yesterday.()3. Jiamin surfed the Internet at home all day.()4. Lucy visited her friend in the countryside.()5. The children were happy on New Years Day!第三部分:读写结合(共70分)七、单词拼写。根据图示情景(第 1-5题)或中文提示(第 6-10题),写出下列句子中单词所缺的字母,把 句子补充完整。(

7、10分)六、词汇归类。将下列单词分类,并把其英文字母编号写在相应的表格内。(10分)A. MuseumB. chipsC.lovelyG. supermarketK. cinemaD. sheepE.I.interesting deerF.J.Christmas bankH.horseL. Dragon BoatFestivalM. EasterQ. excitedN. goatR. candyS.O. busy hamP. dumplingT. Chongyang Festival1. Animals (动物)2. Places (场所)3.Festival(节日)4. Foods (食物)

8、5. Adjectives (形容词)1. I often h my mum f the rabbit.2. We doH t like to drive to work, because the traffic is h and s.3. I have a s, maybe I a too much ice cream last night.4. Father Christmas b a g to me last year.5. Jack lived in a small v before. The a was fresh there.6. The r is d, we cant swim

9、before.( 河流很脏)7. The man fell from the bike and he had a b f.(手指断了)8. Our school is f a from Baiyun Mountain.( 远离)9. The western food is quite d t the Chinese food.(不同于 )10. My dad f a when he saw my terrible homework.(感至 U 生气)八、单项选择。选择最佳答案,并把其英文字母编号写在括号内。(10分)(A. ducksB. cowsC. fish)I.Which animals

10、 can five us milk and meat?)2.The happy woman looks young, because she.A. smile a lotB. smiles a lotC. eats too much)3.There are many on the farm.A. gooseB.goosesC.geese)4.has two children, and both of are boys.A. He, themB. He, theyC. Hes, them)5.To keep a good diet, you should eat fruits and veget

11、ables.A. LessB. moreC. little)6.I prefer the country life,the foods are fresh there.C. becauseC. at theC. wearsC. both A and BC. I d be glad to.A. orB. so)7.The farmers are growing rice.A. in the fieldB. in the officerestaurant()8.He had a cold because he wet clothes yesterday.A. wearB. wore()9.Chin

12、ese people usually at Mid-autumn Festival.A. watch the moonB. eat mooncakes)10.A: My grandpa was 川 in hospital. B:.A. Im sorry to hear that.B. Good idea!九、问答配对。根据问题,从右边的方框中找出答语,把答语的字母编号写在括号内。(5分)A. I like the country life.B. In December, 2005.C. In Hong Kong.D. By taxi.E. I did my homework.()1. When

13、 were you born?()2. How did you go to work this morning?()3. Do you like the city life or the country life?()4. What did you do last night?()5. Where did you study three years ago?十、补全对话。(15分)(I)阅读下面对话,从方框内选用合适的单词填空,每空只写一个单词times, fever, soon, important, with, take, should, gave, don tDavid :Morning

14、, Janet. You look well. Whats the matter you.Janet:I feel tired and I have a.David : I think you see a doctor.Janet:I did. The doctor mea check-up and asked me to themedicine three a day.David : Ok. I think you will be well. Janet, you should be careful. Your health is very.Janet : Thank you.(n)阅读下面对话,从方框内选择正确的句子填空,将其英文字母编号写在相应的横线上。、A. Why?B. It s quite large. C. I can t wait to travel there.D. Where are you from? E. When is it?F. What s Guangzhou like?(Xiaoling is a new student in the school in Australia.)Sam: Hi, Xiaoling.Xiaoling: I am from Guangzhou, China. Sam:?Xiao


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