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1、青岛理工大学毕业论文青岛理工大学毕 业 论 文题目: 锦里七号工程混凝土原材料质量检测 学生姓名: 林鹏 学生学号: 201273089 院系名称: 土建工程系 专业班级: 监理124班 指导教师: 安庆锋 2015 年 6 月 12 日I摘要混凝土的主要材料仍然是以水泥、沙、石子、水为主要原材料,粉煤灰、膨胀剂、减水剂、泵送剂为辅助材料。建筑工程的质量安全,归根结底是材料的品质问题。随着社会的不断发展,任何一种工程都离不开混凝土的运用,混凝土成为了现阶段的重要材料。在现阶段的发展中,建筑混凝土材料在建筑工程的作用越来越大,保证建筑混凝土原材料的质量,提高其可靠性已经引起了社会的广泛关注。混凝


3、时使用者需对原材料进行快速检测以控制生产,或比较几个产品间优劣,需要有可行的检验方法,采取的方法未必是国家标准。通过结合某建筑工程实例, 提出了工程中对混凝土施工过程中进行原材料以及混凝土配合比检测与主要内容,从检测结果表明施工质量的可行性, 来指导施工。关键词 : 混凝土 ;原材料 ;质量检测AbstractThe main material of concrete is still in the cement, sand and gravel, water as the main raw material, fly ash and expansive agent, water reduci

4、ng agent, pumping agent as auxiliary materials.The quality of construction engineering safety, in the final analysis is the quality of the material problem. With the continuous development of society, any kind of project is inseparable from the use of concrete, concrete has become the important mate

5、rial at this stage. At this stage of development, the construction of concrete materials in the role of the construction project is more and more big, ensure the construction quality of the raw materials for the concrete, improve its reliability has caused the wide attention of the society.Every pro

6、cess of concrete engineering closely even first, influence each other, has a great influence on the final quality of concrete is. Concrete raw materials testing is the primary problems in the concrete engineering, without a good proportion of concrete, is impossible to have a good project. Often app

7、ear in the actual work the same mixture ratio, the compress strength of concrete block has different investigate its reason, as the raw materials of sand, stone, cement can affect the strength of the concrete.Testing for raw materials, the state has a corresponding standard specification, laboratory

8、 must timely grasp the standard revision of the situation, and noticed that a project of raw materials may have different test methods in different standards, such as GB/T1596-2005 workers in cement and concrete in the pulverized coal power 0, GB/T18736-2002 high strength high performance concrete w

9、ith mineral admixture two standards are fly ash water requirement ratio test method, method of GB/T1596-2005 is more cumbersome. Sometimes users need to fast detection to control the production of raw materials, or comparing advantages and disadvantages between a few products, need to have a feasibl

10、e inspection method, approach is not necessarily to the national standard.By combining with an instance of a construction project, the construction process of concrete engineering are presented for raw materials and the mixture ratio of concrete test and the main content, from the test results show

11、that the feasibility of the construction quality, to guide the construction.Keywords : concrete ; The raw materials ; quality inspection目 录摘要IAbstractII第一章 绪论11.1研究的背景11.2研究的目的及意义11.3研究的内容及方法21.4混凝土原材料的现状及发展2第二章 锦里七号工程混凝土原材料质量检测42.1工程概况42.2混凝土原材料的成分52.3混凝土原材料成分的性能检测62.31搅拌用水检测62.32 水泥检测72.33粉煤灰的检测10

12、2.34碎石骨料检测122.35外加剂检测17第三章 混凝土配合比计算及相关性能的检测213.1混凝土配合比213.11确定适配强度213.12确定水灰比213.13用水量的选定223.14砂率的选定233.15配合比的试配、调整与确定233.2混凝土相关性能的检测263.21和易性的检测263.22混凝土强度的检测283.24混凝土耐久性及检测35结束语38致谢39参考文献40I编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第1页 共1页第一章 绪论1.1研究的背景工程质量检测是保证人民财产以及国家财产的重要手段。现代社会建筑业已成为我国国民经济建设中的支柱产业,而提高工






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