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1、新人教七年级上英语期末专项复习题 人教版英语七年级上学期词汇 -专项练习 I. 根据句意和首字母填单词,使句意完整。 8. Please have a l_ at this shop. 13. We have shirts in all c_ at $20 each. 14. The red shorts on s_ are very cheap. 16. When is your b_, Nick? Its June 15th. 18. Our English speech t_ is on May 3rd. 23. My f_ fruit is banana. 26. T_ for you

2、r help. w W w .X k b 1. c O 27. S_ is the last day of a week. 37. Are you f_ this afternoon? 38. His favorite s_ is P.E. 39. I have eight classes on W_. 41. J_ 1st is New Years Day. 42. How do you s_ pen? 6. We want a lot of v_ and fruit. 47. The teacher has a q _ to ask us. 48. Whats your f_ name?

3、Mike. 50. We like ice cream for d_. 51. Jack plays sports every day, so he is very h_. 55. We are b_ with work, so I have no time to play. .8. Thank you. Youre w_. 59. Im very s_ Im late. 63. Playing baseball is not very easy. Its d_. 65. A_ comes after July. 67. The hat is not big. Its s_. II.单词拼写,

4、每空一词。 1. How many _(字典) are there on the desk? 3. April the _(三十) is my mothers birthday. 4. I like school _(郊游). 5. The blue _(羊毛衣) are fifty _ (美元) each. 6. They _(不能) speak Chinese. 8. I think watching TV is _(无聊的). 9. That idea _(听起来) great. 10. Do you have two tennis _(球拍)? 15. A clock _(有) thr

5、ee hands. 18. There are _(十二) months in a year. The _(第十二个) month of the year is December. 由莲山课件提供http:/ 资源全部免费 III. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. _ is a boy. _ name is Drew.(he) 2. Is _ English name Francisco? (you) 3. _ Mr White _(have) a computer? 7. He _(not have) a bike. 8. His friend _ (go) to work in the e

6、vening. 9. Jerry only _ (watch) TV on Sunday. 11. Can you help _(our)? 14. I found a set of _(key). 15. These are my family _(photo). 16. I dont like _(tomato). 单项选择练习题 1. _ you like ice cream? A. Are B. Am C. Does D. Do 2. _ play table tennis. A. Let B. Lets C. Lets D. Its 3. -_ does your father ha

7、ve _ lunch? - Chicken and tomatoes. A. What; for B. What; / C. How; for D. How; / 4. Oranges are a kind of _. A. vegetables B. vegetable C. fruits D. fruit 5. What _ Tom like _ for breakfast? A. does; eat B. is; eat C. does; to eat D. is; to eat 7. Does your friend like salad? - _. A. Yes, she like.

8、 B. No, she does. C. Yes, she doesnt D. No, she doesnt. 9. Does your English teacher sing very _ ? -Yes, She does. A. good B. nice C. great D. well 10. Lets _ baseball. -OK. Lets _. A. play; go B. plays; go C. play; to go D. play; goes 11Tom likes eggs ,oranges and bananas _ breakfast. A. in B. of C

9、. for D. on X|k | B| 1 . c|O |m 13. For _ lunch , she has some hamburgers. A. a B. an C. the D. / 14. Bill likes bananas, he likes _, too. A. strawberry B. strawberries C. strawberrys D. strawberres 15. This is my sister , _name is lily. A. she B. she is C. Her D. her 由莲山课件提供http:/ 资源全部免费 由莲山课件提供htt

10、p:/ 资源全部免费 16. He is _ student _Class 4. A. the , in B. a , of C. a , in D. an , on 17. That is _ room. A. Lily and Lucy B. Lily and Lucys C. Lilys and Lucys D. Lilys and Lucy 18. -Do you know the girl in the hat? -_. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes , she is. C. Yes, I know. D. Yes , I do. 19. Does your sister

11、 _ ice cream? A. has B. have C. is there D. there are 20Lets _. A. go home B. to go to home C. go to home D. to go home 21. The boy _ hamburgers very much. So he eats a lot. A. like B. likes C. dont like D. doesnt like 22Lets have oranges. _. AThats sound good BThat sound good CThats sounds good DTh

12、at sounds good 23 Do you like apples? _. AYes, I am BYes, I do CNo, Im not DNo, I not 24 Does your son like carrots? _. A.Yes, she does B.Yes, he is C.No, he doesnt D.No, she doesnt 25He has _ egg and _ hamburger. Aan, an Ba, a Can, a Da, an 26What _ she have _ dinner? Ado, in Bdoes, for Cis, at Dca

13、n, to 27We need lots of _ every day Ahealthy food Bsalads Cmilks Dvegetable 28_ your mother _ carrots? ADo; eat BIs; eat CDoes; eat DAre; eat 29Our friend _ like salad. Adont Bdoesnt Cisnt Darent 20.-Do they like hamburgers? -Yes, they like _ very much. Ait Bthem Ctheir Dits 31Her parents _ lunch at home. Adoesnt have Bhavent Chasnt Ddont hav


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